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Sventovidlo Feb 22, 11:58 PM
cool guy!
LilyBlueCat Jan 26, 12:18 AM
From what I understand, the manga aspect is just a side element of the story, while the main focus is on the CGDCT part. Got it! :D

LilyBlueCat Jan 25, 5:29 AM
Yeah, Panty and Stocking do talk super fast and a lot, most of what they say feels like tongue-twisting swear word rants. Haha :D

I agree, one of the reasons I wasn't too fond of Pop Team Epic was the presentation. It felt like it was missing something. The jokes were fun, but for some reason, it all felt a bit dull to me.

If Ai Mai Mii is like Teekyuu but manga, then I'll definitely check it out! (^-^)-b
LilyBlueCat Jan 24, 6:20 AM
Don't worry, I get it. I was just agreeing because your observation about CGDCT anime matches how I see it too. I was happy to find someone who views the theme the same way I do. Each CGDCT anime is unique, but they tend to follow a certain trope, just as you mentioned. :)

I usually watch dubs if I'm really tired and can't be bothered to read subtitles, but I agree that subs are much better overall. Though for certain shows the dub is just slaps, like for shows like Ghost Stories and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. as you probably know their dubs are just so chaotic and out of pocket that they could make anyone spit out their drink! ( > v • ).

As for Ai Mai Mii, that's a new one for me, it seems cute, so I'll check it out. And I agree with you about Pop Team Epic. I wasn’t too fond of it either. It didn’t feel like I was watching an anime it felt more like those random, chaotic YouTube videos aimed at a broad audience.
LilyBlueCat Jan 24, 1:26 AM
I see, I felt that in many CGDCT shows, they follow a certain pattern, but each one has its unique charm, so that explains it. Thanks for the explanation, it really makes sense now! :D

As for Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan!!, yes, I heard about that too! That’s why, even though watching it subbed would’ve been fun, I decided to go with the dub instead. I enjoyed the dub, but the voices felt a bit out of place. When I tried watching the first two episodes with subs, the subtitles were lagging, and there were random symbols like ///// and ;;; showing up (though I didn’t watch it on Crunchyroll, so that probably explains it). Despite that, it’s such a funny anime! Even though the dub isn’t as funny as the sub, I still really enjoyed it. I think since you like gag anime and CGDCT, you’d enjoy it too.

I think the reason Asobi Asobase and Nichijou are rated so highly, while Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku isn’t, is because Asobi Asobase genuinely makes you think, “WTF?!” It’s so absurd and weird, but in a good way. On the other hand, Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku makes you think, “What am I even watching?...but this is funny and cute!” Asobi Asobase stands out because it’s just so uniquely weird. Even the opening song is so deceptive, you see these three cute girls acting all pure and innocent, but in reality, they’re these random, crazy high school girls. haha
LilyBlueCat Jan 22, 1:24 AM
I can think of some CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing Cute Things) anime, but they often show the characters doing almost nothing throughout the series, like in Lucky Star and Nichijou.

If we’re talking about an interest stack for "useless clubs," as you mentioned, there’s Yuru Yuri, Yuyushiki, and GJ-bu. You could also add Asobi Asobase, Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku, and Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan (since there’s a deer club in the anime where they don’t really do anything). But yeah, that’s about all I can think of for now. :D

The anime and its episodes were really fun to watch! I feel like the reason it got a somewhat low score on MAL is that viewers were likely expecting something more substantial rather than just gag jokes and random events. Personally, I enjoyed it a lot, and I really like anime in that style.

I think one reason why Aiura has short episodes is that it’s adapted from a 4-koma manga. Many short anime I’ve watched tend to come from 4-koma mangas. Of course, this isn’t the case for all 4-koma manga adaptations, like New Game!, but it does seem pretty common.
LilyBlueCat Jan 20, 8:25 AM
Calling it A Club That Doesn't Do Anything Useful just makes it sound hilarious. Even though Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku has a fun ring to it, kinda like Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan, I still think A Club That Doesn't Do Anything Useful is even funnier. Great name for it, btw :D

I just finished the anime and also episode 7, and now I finally know how to play word chain games with taboo cards ∘∘∘( °ヮ° )? It was such a funny episode, I liked they kept switching perspectives when they were throwing words at each other during the game, from sakura and Natsuki being on screen to text messages, to Twitter posts, and even old Japanese poem writing styles. It felt so random, but that made it even funnier! The explosions really caught me off guard. I agree with you, this was definitely the funniest episode in the anime. Thank you for recommending it to me! :) I'll also give Aiura since the episodes are really short.

LilyBlueCat Jan 19, 2:33 AM
That's good to hear! :) I'll also start watching Yuyushiki after I finish A Club That Doesn't Do Anything Useful. Right now, I'm on episode 6 and about to start episode 7. You mentioned it was one of your favorites, so the suspense is building, I’m really curious to see what will happen. :D
LilyBlueCat Jan 18, 1:44 AM
Kuzushiro is one of my favorite yuri authors because she has a habit of switching things up. After working on a long series like Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san, she’ll take a break and release something completely unexpected, like Death x Love or Nicochuu (which feels like a follow-up to Death x Love).

Dowman Sayman’s work is also a favorite of mine, though none of it has been adapted into anime, unfortunately. His art style is dark and unique, and his stories are quick reads that lean heavily into wacko yuri themes with a strong "What did I just read?" energy. A great example is Oddman 11.

The story follows Setsu, who wants to date the only male among 11 "Oddman," each with their own strange quirks. To do this, she has to take on the other Oddman, who happen to be his exes. The catch? Some of them end up falling for her instead. It’s chaotic, funny, and well worth the read. :D
LilyBlueCat Jan 17, 1:47 PM
The first season of Maria Holic was released in 2009, so I guess it technically counts, but you also have a point. I think I was just getting ahead of myself. Hehe. :D

I haven’t seen Sketchbook: Full Colors, but I’ll check it out! The art style and tone seem like it would be a pleasant and peaceful slice-of-life anime with an all-girls cast.

Panty & Stocking is seriously the best! When I first watched it, I was totally gagged because I couldn’t believe an anime like that even existed. Not many people know about it, but it’s such a gem. I remember showing it to my non-anime friends, and they were just as shocked but ended up liking it since it reminded them of an Adult Swim show, I totally agree with that comparison. I also remember watching a behind-the-scenes video about the making of the anime. The English voice cast mentioned how they helped the Trigger creators with English swear words, which I found both hilarious and super cute. ^v^

I agree about reading manga, physical copies or on a laptop/PC are the best! A bigger screen makes it so much easier to see the text clearly and appreciate all the details in the panels. Phones, on the other hand, are better for webtoons, since they’re designed for scrolling on smaller screens.

If you enjoy wacky lesbian comedy anime, I can recommend a few! Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san is one. I haven’t watched the anime (ᵕ—ᴗ—) but I’ve read the manga, and it definitely gives off wacko lesbian vibes, it’s more like idiotic couples being cute. The manga is by Kuzushiro, and I’ve read all their works. They’re all funny and yuri-focused too.

For example, Love x Death is a short, quick 8-chapter yuri about a dumbass yet hot couple that gets overly jealous, jumps to conclusions, and resolves their conflicts with gun and knife fights, only to make up with a kiss afterward. Another great one from Kuzushiro is A Workplace Where You Can’t Help But Smile, which is getting an anime this year. It’s also about wacky lesbians, but this time, they’re mangakas.
LilyBlueCat Jan 16, 10:22 PM
Thank you for explaining what a parody is! I always thought it was like a meme that came from anime or manga.
I'd see things like this, anime characters recreating a meme. and assumed that's what it was. I really appreciate your help clarifying it!

You're absolutely right, it is like Rozen Maiden! I really enjoyed both holic and Rozen Maiden because they had similar vibes. I also loved the early 2000s anime art style they shared. If those shows were released today, I don't think I’d enjoy them as much because part of their charm was that distinct aesthetic. Anime from the '90s and 2000s had this unfiltered, expressive touch that wasn’t afraid to be quirky or even a little silly. Plus, they often included CGDCT (cute girls doing cute things), which made them super enjoyable.

If you're into that kind of thing, you might want to check out Panty & Stocking. It has a gothic, dark setting but is completely out of pocket. I wouldn’t really call it CGDCT unless you consider fighting bad guys in lingerie and Panty casually hooking up with people as "cute," haha. :D

I also had mixed feelings about the show overall. It felt a bit dull at times, but the couple in the picture kept me watching. I thought they were really cute, and I appreciated how much screen time they got :).

As for manga, it’s not for everyone. Personally, I’d say I’m 60% manga and 40% anime. Manga is super convenient since you can read it on the go without worrying about your device or internet lagging with anime. That said, about three of the mangas on my interest stack have been adapted into anime, so no worries, you’re not missing out either way! 😊
LilyBlueCat Jan 16, 9:21 AM
Hello again ^-^! At some point, I might rewatch Teekyuu, but I’ll probably start from the beginning since I can’t really remember much of what happened. It’s so cool to hear that you contributed to the English translation! I once worked on something similar for a manhwa I was really passionate about. But after finishing the translation, I discovered that a proper scan group had already made an English version. (If you don’t mind me asking, could you explain what a parody is? I get the general context, but I’ve been hearing about it for a years now and still don’t fully understand.)

Yes, I’ve watched Maria Holic! I liked it because of the gothic vibe and the abundance of cute girls, plus the yuri elements were a nice touch ^v^. If you enjoyed Maria Holic, I have a recommendation for you: Kanamemo. It doesn’t have the same dark gothic aesthetic, but it’s all about cute girls doing cute things, and there are a few adorable and wholesome yuri scenes here and there. I’ve also watched A-Channel and read the manga, it was super funny and cute! I really liked the big-head art style they used.

That’s actually really funny but also kind of inspiring that you watched an anime in Italian! Haha :D That’s some real commitment. If it were me, I’d probably forget the next day that I even planned to watch it (I’ve got the memory of a goldfish).

As for Stella Women’s Academy, I don’t think I’ve heard of it before, but I gave it a quick Google search, and the animation looks lovely! I’ll definitely check it out after watching A Club That Doesn’t Do Anything Useful.

Speaking of interest stacks, I made one about yuri mangas that are seriously funny. Even though they’re not anime, I think you might enjoy them! I usually don’t laugh as much with manga as I do with anime, but these had me laughing my ass off. :D
LilyBlueCat Jan 16, 5:00 AM
Hello Kikugi, Sorry for the late reply! About Teekyuu, I remember watching the first two seasons a couple of years ago, but I’m not sure why I stopped because I really enjoyed it.

I also just watched the first two episodes of Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku today, and now I totally understand what you mean about them breaking the fourth wall so often, haha! :D Even in the first episode alone, I think they broke the fourth wall five times, especially with the ending credits, which I found hilarious. I really like how simple, yet cute and funny, the anime is. The concept feels unique yet basic...?, turning something common in everyday life into a comedy, it makes total sense to me. :D

I’ve also watched Paniponi Dash, and I found it really funny too! The idea of a grade schooler being an intelligent professor, but still needing her students to take care of her because she’s still a kid, was so cute. I really enjoyed it.

I wouldn’t call myself a CGDCT guru either, but I really enjoy watching and reading them. Talking to you reminded me of some great ones and even helped me find new ones to check out! ^v^

By the way, have you watched Sabage-bu! yet? To put it simply, it’s CGDCT with guns. The anime starts like many CGDCT shows set in high school, with Sonokawa joining a club. However, this club turns out to be all about guns! I had to rank it as a 9 on MAL because that how much I enjoyed it. I hope you it too :).
LilyBlueCat Jan 15, 6:18 AM
It’s alright if Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku doesn’t have the same level of craziness as Asobi Asobase. To be honest, I don’t think any anime can match Asobi’s level of outrageousness and goofiness, it was just that wild and out of pocket. But I’ll still give Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku a watch. Right now, I’m not looking for something not too crazy or deep with lore, just a fun, casual anime to pass the time. I’m sure I’ll properly enjoy Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku!

I also get what you mean about revisiting anime. Sometimes, when I start a show, I lose interest after the first episode. But when I come back later, I end up getting hooked. I think it’s because I come in with too many expectations, like what happened when I started Bloom Into You. But once I let go of those expectations, I really started to enjoy it.

I’ll definitely check out Yuyushiki since you recommend it, and the reviews on MAL seem positive! Thanks so much for all the CGDCT anime recommendations, I really appreciate it. I’ll be sure to recommend some more to you too. :D
LilyBlueCat Jan 15, 5:45 AM
Judging by how you mentioned they break the fourth wall and it's a club of girls just hanging out and being funny, it really reminds me of Asobi Asobase. I absolutely loved Asobi! It feels like one of those anime where the creators and voice actors likely had a lot of fun making it. I’ll definitely give it a watch. :)
Since we talked about Cinderella Nine in our last convo, I was wondering have you heard of or watched How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?
It’s a really funny anime about Sakura joining a gym because she wants to lose weight. She ends up meeting one of her schoolmates, Akemi, there, and they start working out together. I know my description sounds pretty basic, but the anime has a lot of funny CGDCT scenes, and there’s also a hilariously big, muscular gym bro. it's really educational when it comes to the muscle parts and there some pretty good fan services but not in a fan servicey way but in a strange way if that makes sense ( °ヮ° ) ? like how Akemi really likes muscleuar guy and she geeks out about :D. I really enjoyed it, and I think you might too! :D
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