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Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
Oct 6, 2019 10:27 AM
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~Jaruga (Baka Nation Admin)
Up there's the ceiling ! ;)
Old joke is old, just kidding~
I've been great, and doing nothing much.
How about chaa? :D
you learn alot more from it than school!
XD WATER <33 NYAAA~ its really tasty :D
i mean you can drink it with everything :D
its aweomse!! HELL YEAAHH=D
WHAAAHH NOOOOOOOO >< whaah that really sucks!! damnn i hope u learn well XD
otherwise it would waste ur time ><
ganbarre !! ^^
XD whaahh >< oh well don't really mind XD ghehe
yeah yeah iknow!! >< im gonna start.. soon XD i guess
ghehe ^^
:D yay! and im just gonna bite you again :D
*poke* :3
ohh well some day i'm gonna watch further!!! YEAH FEr SURE ><
ghehe yesterday it was really hot!! -_- i felt really tired.. not that im doing alot of things XD just reading manga <3 and chatting with friends^^ and ohh yeaahh drinking water <33 yeah true xD haha =D yay where are you going with holiday?
XD ghehe well lemme say im always reading manga XD
XD yeah half ;D i guess but it isn't really hard ^^
XD =o youre 16 XD nice haha
whaaahhh >< NOOOO TT__TT XD nahh don't mind ^^
yeah i know i'm weird.. XD
:D WATERRR!! <3 yamm
*takes a bite* =DD
yum :3
ofc. i can ^^ i can fly ;DD
wohoo! ^^
whahah indeeed :D cool we do the same ^^ yay
agree hitting the ball is indeed very fun ^^ ghehe
hahaha arigato <3
Yeahh =D woehh
hahah oh i just decided to go to scotland for the manga >< i know kinda unfair for my little sister XD maybe she wanted to go to another country? XD
well i don't like hot countrys its kinda boring sitting by the pool and doing nothing XD
i like to go sightseeing :D and BUY MANGA <3
and ofc. i can speak the language ^^
haha XD oh well the idea that you gonna learn ^^ and i have to admit its cool to learn another language =D
xD haha
:D WHOEE youre going fast!! xD
:D YAAY youre almost are there where i got stuck!!>< i feel lame..
i'm still by ep. 16.. its been a year ago that i have watched PH ><
not good.. XD
whahah XD seriously the only thing i drink is water ^^ and sometimes some other drinkable shizzle =D BUT ESPECIALLY WATER <33333 gheheh *Q*
;3 and what if i want? XD
XD nice
:D YAAY do it!! its cool =D although its not always realistic by the action scenes!
though it doesn't make the movie wors ^^ its a good movie for 1 hour and 30 minutes film :D
WHAAHH IT REALLY ISNT!! for sure!! >< xD whahah okii oh well XD its just i'm lazy! and well playing for hours baseball o_o HELL NOOOO >< if it were more activities ;D like last year :D that would be cool ^^ that was kinda fun.. but now!!!... i just played for some hours baseball.. DAMNN it was so boring!! not that i really did much.. XD just standing in the field.. waiting for the ball XD
ohwell hit the ball couple times and tried to reach the honk XD
:DYAY very good =D iknow XD how further you watch the story gettin better ;D
=D YAY *pats*
:D gheheh yay the sun is shining =D whoeehh going to be tanned :3
though i don't really like hot summers Xd i'mso happy im going to scotland!! :D YAY gonna buy alot of manga <3 and another stuff ^^
xD yeah i'm still alive so i guess it could be worse XD
:D coool XD i guess it depends on the start you make XD if you know the basics i guess you should be alright xD though are you good at languages?
:3 yay *runs after him* =D hamnamnamnam
ghehe what do you taste like? :D
well if i really want something i can run like hell ^^
xD okayy ^^ hope i will remember if i ever start it :D
thank you :D
yeahh it was really really fuN :D
i went to The A team <3 :D it was a cool movie =D yeah i really love action :D
xD heullt
lol,well i guess i wanted to start bleach a long time ago....
like alot of other anime's XD yeahh iknow i'm lazy..
Yay i'm going to the cinema this night :D
its going to be fun fersure =D
gonna eat so much that my tummy will explode :D
wooot! what a happy thoughts <3
YEAAHHH finally!!! :D i'm so happyyy =D although tomorrow i have a sportday >< BLEAGHHH i hate gym -_- it really sucks!! one of those reasons it really suck.. i'm so not good in sports >< damnn
noohhh i wouldn't ^^ ghehe
AAAHH >< how bout you gonna watch the whole season ;D yay
haha xD well i read in the newspaper that from tomorrow onwards there is going to be more sun!! WHAAHHH ONOOEES not the day when it should rain.. TT__TT i really reaaally reaaally hate sportday XD we're gonna play softball 5 hours long!!!! >< seriously not good ><
yeah true ^^ french is a sexy language i guess gheheh
xD yup i'm a real noob with speaking it XD not that i really mind ^^
haha lol truee!! ><
:D YAY *waaavees* ghehe
i've never been a stalker before? 8D
*follows :3* hohohohoho if i get you i'm gonna eat ya :DD
so run for ya life!! =D
lol i know it XD i've been doing it alot lately :D
although now i'm ready for vacation <3 nyaa~
haha XD yay a episode further :D whoee the idea matters that you still watching ^^
lol ^^
BLEAHHH >< yup we had it here too although the weather is now kinda fine i guess ^^
:D yay ofc. ^^ more pple more joy? :D
whaha goodluck :D
honestly me too XD i'm kinda lazy i guess
xD haha oh well XD me neither ^^
:D cuuwl french is a nice language XD although i'm horrible at it XD *speaking part*
writing.. hmm it isn't really worse but neither good XD
but french is much better than germans!!!
*runs after you* :D
ima stalker? 8D