Opa, obrigado pela mensagem! DEATH NOTE é muito legal, foi um dos primeiros animes que assisti (curiosamente eu vi mais ecchi e anime de comédia quando eu tinha 12 anos, e acabei perdendo umas boas obras kkkkkkkk)
MONSTER e ASHITA NO JOE são masterpeças! Adiciona no discord também, é @juaogod o meu :)
If you see this and want a month of being a MAL supporter...(Possibly 3 months) Send me a DM or leave a note in the comment section! I will help you out no strings attached.
This is more of a social experiment of sorts for school! I'll leave this comment on as many pages as possible lol. Keep watching! Tune in! And let's GOOOOOO!
Its surreal nature, all of my favorites fulfill this in some way or another but I thought RGU pulled it off the best. I had watched it previously but I couldn't catch its appeal lol but my taste has slightly shifted recently and RGU seemed to capture it so I decided to rewatch it and yeah.
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MONSTER e ASHITA NO JOE são masterpeças! Adiciona no discord também, é @juaogod o meu :)
This is more of a social experiment of sorts for school! I'll leave this comment on as many pages as possible lol. Keep watching! Tune in! And let's GOOOOOO!