I'm MegaDivine, aka. AdamUor ZetsumeiKoorogi/Koorogi/絶命蟋蟀 on different social medias
About me,
Age: 23
Height: 185cm - 6'2 (according to some converter)
Weight: Uuh? dunno
Languages (that a native speaker can understand me in): Swedish, English, Japanese, maybe German
Anime or Manga?: Right now, manga. I got to learn a way to look at manga from my teacher that made it much more interesting than what I thought before. (I still like both in their own separate way)
Interests: Music in all kind of forms, writing, playing, listening etc. Being with friends. Eating. Programming. REALLY bad jokes.
My main instruments in order: Organ, Piano, Flute, Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Violin, Bass guitar, Sax
Sports: Chess, Bowling, Soccer, Hockey
Music style: Symphonic, Progressive metal, Power Ballad, Ballad, Metal, Power Metal, Kawaii metal (Yes, it's a thing), Hard rock, Rock/Pop, J-rock, Anime-ish music, "powerful/emotional" piano arrangements, Classical, Big-band Jazz
Style of Anime/Manga: Slice of Life, Adventure/Fantasy (The combination is a bit strange I know)
Favorite creator: Hayao Miyazaki (Explanation needed??)
Favorite composer: Joe Hisaishi (this genius), Jordan Rudess(piano master)
Favorite color: This blue
Favorite food: Palt(Food in northern Sweden based of Potato, Flour, and salt), Sushi, A good juicy steak
How I review Anime/Manga:
-Sound(Anime only)
-Character Development
-Overall Feeling
-Music, in some cases
Q: Why do you use this format instead of just writing a normal review?
A: I think this format is more simple to understand and more organized. Lets say you just wanted to know how the art was in the anime cause you thought the cover pic looked good you could simply just go and read the "Animation/Art" rows instead of searching through one more popular review with little or no organization.
Show-rating meaning:
10=Fantastic, Liked it from the very beginning, Personal favorites(some exceptions)
9=Very good, A show I enjoyed, Still missing some things for it to reach a "10" score, Some favorites
8=Very good, A show I enjoyed but not as much as in "9"
7=Good, Missing stuff to it
6=Fine, Shows with some big disappointment after the rest of the show was good usually end up here
5=Ok, Big disappointment shows, High expectations but no "breath taking" show
4=Meh, Often just one thing brining the rating up, rest could've been made 100 times better
3-1=Why do this even exist?????!?! (on different levels)
Top 5 ships(non/semi canon):
1. Shulk and Fiora, Xenoblade Chronicles
2. Naruyuki and Fumino, Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai (honestly not sure if this counts as canon or not but its cute anyway)
3. Senkuu and Kohaku, Dr. stone
4. Ash and Serena, Pokemon XY/XYZ
5. Gajeel and Levy, Fairy Tail
And yes, I use "tags" on the anime/manga list as comments about the show.