Imma gunna find tru luv, AND YU CANT STOP MREEH!!11 >=O in fact, i's so dedicated to tru luuv that muurder and ending the wooorld just to be with my one tru luv iz a small chore~ humhumm YunoGasai dun diddly already did the above =3= phoey, i's outclassed, darn! (TRULOV) is the sacred promise "Togeether, Foreever, No matter what". Every other visage of "loove" is a mirage, a lie, deceit, fiilthy deefacing! A FORGERY! A KNOCK-OFF! (R0MANCE) is the action of, proving TRULOV, through saacrifice, paain, triaals, and other efforty ways (DEVOTION) is the action of, turning your back on frieeends, faamily, career, belieefs, the entire humaan raace, moorals... Just to pursue your goal. i'z devoted to romaanticaally being tru luv :3 can't devote to two things >w> so ima be devoted to one person.. cum (inside) and get me? o3o
hello KAWAII!!! haha just thought I'd catch your attention _. Basically I'm an Otaku (that means I lUV japan!!) I saw yoiu playing a few japanese games and I thought that was really really epic! We could play some together maybe? I can show you some really cool anime theres this anime called yuri on ice (yuri means lesbian yes Im such a nerd i kn shh;)) but the show is actually about yaoi (yaoi means gay dont worry youll pick up all thise terms in no time :3) I really like watching anime with cute boys which is kiiiiiinnnddaaa why I added you blushes eek! what did I just say?! runs away add me on skype..? O_O
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