What a mess, so long not update LL! related. 10th Feb 2023, important date to LL! franchise..5th gen of LL! is officially revealed. Welcome to all 6 member Hasunosora Girls' High School Idol Club to Love Live! familia..
Finally today 11/7 it's here..new TV anime of Love Live! Superstar!! start airing... #LL!SuperStar!NewGenStart#Liella!#Galaxy
One more to go..Aqours's solo single..the Datenshi Fallen Angel Yohane next July..
Aqours's We Are Challengers Project Song MV, DREAMY COLOR..first Love Live! MV in history that full perform by the seiyuu..you all so beautiful, Anchan, Shuka, Rikako, Arisa, Ainya, Suwawa, Kinchan, Aikyan & Furirin..#AqoursSunshine!
Bless Love Live! Nijigasaki School Idol..Season 2 Confirm In Next Year 2022..Ariigato, Sunrise..#NijigakuTodokeTokimeki #ShiorikoLanzhuMiaAwaken
Finally, after a long on-hold delay & late on the hype, can finish this series..And very sadly, it's end..One of the best Rom-Com series of all time..Ariigato, Sayonara, Blessing Software Circle! #TeamMegumi
(An illustration card with seiyuu's sign that I have in my merch collection)
2. Liella! LL! SuperStar! 1st single MV, Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora..btw, TV anime coming this Summer 2021 airing, Craz-GALAXY-Hyped #LL!SuperStar!NewGenStart#Liella!#Galaxy
3. Watanabe You B-Day & solo MV
Happy Birthday my 1st waifu from Aqours, Kunikida Hanamaru...And guess what, Maru's 4-koma manga release in MV style..Ranraran, Zuraaa!!
Finally, it's finish watched..Ariigato Shokugeki no Souma & all Totsuki's for 5 years in food journey..Will be one of the greatest series that have been watched..Sayonara!
30th June is the 5th anniversary of Aqours in LL!, also mark 10th anniversary of LoveLive! series...Thank You for entertain my life...#µ'sicuForever #A-RiseGo #AqoursSunshine #St.SnowSaiko #NijiGakuPerfectDream #LL!SuperStar!NewGenStart
Aqours 6th Live Dome Tower hyper intensify!!
Song Fantastic Departure! & Aqours Pirate Desire are best Aqours songs up to date, it's k-pop style..
Still in Fest dreamin'...
They are back!! μ's is back!! μ's New Single for 9th Love Live! Anniversary, A song for You! You? You!!
ZuraMaru-Kinchan Center in 4th Aqours Single, Mitaiken Horizon)
Konichiwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, thanks for accepting my friend request! XD
Nice to meet you! XD
I also noticed you're enjoying Love Live Nijigasaki, my second fav anime! XD
Owh I see. Degree ke?
Ala lek la... Lambat grad is not everything. As long as you finished your studying, you still deserve a recognition. The important thing is what you have learnt. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. ^^
Aku pun tengah final sem dip sekarang. Tengah nak final actually tu yang kejap hidup kejap tak hidup dalam ni xD Harap dapatlah berakhir dengan baik haha. Wish all the best to both of us.
Haah ada. Diorang buat ceritanya "What if Deku didn't encounter All Might, or All Might rejected him to be his sensei. Instead, Tomura met him". Since dulu Kacchan en kuat buli dia, dengan quirkless nya, so Deku ni mcm broken teruk. Which is nice haha sebab Deku jadi villain yg cunning and calculative. ( Plus, dia en Heroes nerd. So dia tahu all the information about heroes). Ending dia slalunya org buat antara dia keep on jadi jahat, or dia convert semua student 1A jadi jahat or dia berubah jadi baik.
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All Comments (42) Comments
Thanks for accepting it!!!! XD
Yessssssssssssssss!!!! ><
How have you been doing lately?
Oh, that's greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! I hope I have time to watch the other Love Live series! XD
Nice to meet you! XD
I also noticed you're enjoying Love Live Nijigasaki, my second fav anime! XD
Nice to meet you too ^^
Ala lek la... Lambat grad is not everything. As long as you finished your studying, you still deserve a recognition. The important thing is what you have learnt. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. ^^
Aku pun tengah final sem dip sekarang. Tengah nak final actually tu yang kejap hidup kejap tak hidup dalam ni xD Harap dapatlah berakhir dengan baik haha. Wish all the best to both of us.
Kau dah habis belajar ke? Lately macam aktif je dalam MAL
Moga kau sihat & success jugak ^^
Lama tak dgr khabar. Sihat?
Wish I have the money to rewatch it 😂
Just have to wait for it to be posted online