Hello! I'm a genderfluid person from Oregon who has watched anime and read manga regularly since 2015! Other than anime and manga, I’m also into gaming, reading, hiking, and swimming.
Likes: Dogs, cats, lizards, birds, thai food, rain, cold brew coffee, orange chicken, books, Pokémon, geography, land and population statistics.
Dislikes: Deep sea creatures, gossip, fleas, microscopic creatures, touching fish, raw broccoli, smoked food, hot weather
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Days: 22.3
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- Total Entries173
- Reread0
- Chapters3,014
- Volumes345
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Mar 30, 2024 8:02 PM
· Scored
All Comments (10) Comments
I enjoyed recently "Akabane Honeko no Bodyguard".
Only one volume has been released yet.
If you like school comedies, I recommend it!
I played The Witcher 3 but it was too difficult for me and I haven't completed it yet...
Did you play the new Pokémon?
Asano Inio! You are very knowledgeable about manga. How do you meet new manga? Bookstore?
My favorite game serieses are Pokemon, Tales of, FF, FE, Dragon Quest!
Sorry I couldn't pick just one.
Do you have favorites game series or favorites manga?
Hope you can enjoy Genshin once more and finishing all their quests
to level up AR effectively, just don't forget to do daily commission and spend up your resin everyday, just that :)
My Adventurer Rank is 60
Yeah, I play Genshin everyday, I like to use Nilou, Yoimiya, Nahida, Ganyu, Childe, Yae and Tighnari ^.^
What about you? What AR are you ? :)