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S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu
Mar 19, 11:41 AM
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 10, 7:12 AM
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All Comments (136) Comments
that's good to know! have you also read the manga?
I'll try my best to start it this month and get back to you about it.
yes, I think you'd enjoy usagi drop. dennou coil isn't from a genre I usually watch either, but it managed to become one of my favorite anime.
my first anime was demon slayer and I still love the show, despite the later seasons lacking the same intrigue the show initially had.
I'll definitely look into mairimashita :)
I really loved usagi drop (the anime), it's very wholesome and anyone can appreciate it. I also really enjoyed dennou coil, it was one of the best sci-fi/mystery storyline I've read in general.
do you have any shows that you've really enjoyed?
but yeah, that's why I try to only watch things I find interesting and have decent confidence that I'll end up liking them too.
but ~20 eps of a show per month is really good actually, at that rate, you'll be finishing in 3 months!
it does! I didn't know how some people can finish a 100 ep+ show in a few weeks
I started hxh like months ago and still haven't gotten even halfway through.
I think it's pretty good! it took me a while to pick it up, since I don't really like watching long shows, but I think it's worth it.
right now, the newest season of dr. stone and also hunter x hunter
sorry for replying so late 🙏