We like a lot of similar anime. I've been looking through people trying to find some new friends with high anime compatibility.
I might have to use your anime list to find some new series to watch =]
i actually wanted to watch barakamon but couldnt fit it in !i will watch it though..
as of SAO, i'm not really a fan of it!i liked it at first but it drifted off too much to romance
and SAO II has guns in it lol .... that part i found interesting :P ...since it has just started i dont really have a proper opinion bout it but i have expectations though :D
thanks for recommending gosick !ive checked it out..will watch it :)
right now im into mystery and police genre.. so started watchin detective conan around a week back i guess... :D
other than that i'm watching ao haru ride,gekkan shoujo nozaki kun,zankyou no terror,free,fairy tail,mahouka koukou,sao II ,hamatora,free,glasslip,tokyo ghoul from the current airing season...
what about you?? :)
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I might have to use your anime list to find some new series to watch =]
as of SAO, i'm not really a fan of it!i liked it at first but it drifted off too much to romance
and SAO II has guns in it lol .... that part i found interesting :P ...since it has just started i dont really have a proper opinion bout it but i have expectations though :D
thanks for recommending gosick !ive checked it out..will watch it :)
other than that i'm watching ao haru ride,gekkan shoujo nozaki kun,zankyou no terror,free,fairy tail,mahouka koukou,sao II ,hamatora,free,glasslip,tokyo ghoul from the current airing season...
what about you?? :)
yeah we doo :D
hope we get along well ^^