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Karigurashi no Arrietty
Karigurashi no Arrietty
Oct 13, 2020 10:27 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 10
May 28, 2012 4:31 PM
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Usagi Drop
Usagi Drop
Feb 24, 2012 4:12 PM
Completed 11/11 · Scored 9
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LonelyHero Feb 26, 2012 6:31 AM
I spottted you online! You can't pass through my security xD
I hope you get back online soon =D
LonelyHero Sep 29, 2011 10:34 AM
Pls forgive my lack of connection to the net =(. Having things kinda complicated from the first day.I've connected just in a spontaneus way.

So what's up? Made it back to zgz? The highly known festivities "El Pilar" are pretty near. And the variety of groups are not the ones I expected =(. What are you going to do?
LonelyHero Aug 5, 2011 4:41 PM
Did your account got robbed away again?


I hope you're alright wherever you are.I'm not of a big chatter but I'll try more if you reconnect. I promise =D

If there is any possible stalker or whatever you are called stop this lame shit action you're doing. Torturing other people won't really give you a decent satisfaction.Anyway be free to know that it can comeback to you. I may not know her in depth but I'd like the best for her.
LonelyHero Apr 23, 2011 3:47 PM
Yo! What's up? It's been a while. Sorry didn't have much time to write you=P. University,study time,games,social life=D.Now that we are on Semana Santa I suppose it's a bit lousy with all the drumming. At least is good to know that human spirit is devoted to something different than money =D.

I've finished the Darker than black series. Now I'm with Kaiji(Gamble and psychologial anime)Gintama(parody and at the same time a frienship-adventures animethat reminds me of Naruto =P).Also I finished the full metal alchemist series.I have to say that's awesome!
Tharghos Mar 9, 2011 9:29 AM
I figured it might be too much of a hassle to have to talk in spanish, unless you want to in order to practice, of course xD I'm half-american so I don't really mind.
Hmmm, I'm not really into old romance stories much, I'm quite the nitpicker so I'm always bound to find something wrong in them ^^' I did love Mushishi though! =D it's one of my all-time favourites.
Yup, I'm also around Zaragoza, in the outskirts, though. Hmmm, maybe you could talk to Lya if you wanna discuss Genji Monogatari with somebody, she might have seen it.
I don't really watch a lot of anime lately ^^' I just watch whenever I feel like it and just it hasn't been often lately, I seem to enjoy reading more. My long list is mostly due to my sticking around here for over two years xD
LonelyHero Mar 7, 2011 4:02 AM
I'm kinda lazy now but I'm going to start briefly the 2º Season of Darker Than Black. I hope it's not such a fuzz like you said.

One espontaneous thing I have to add is: Don't watch "In time of witches"(En tiempo de brujas) in the cinema. I may only tell you that it appears a new type of zombies. The monk-zombies xDDD
Tharghos Mar 6, 2011 1:17 PM
I was kind of busy with stuff when you added me so I never said hi.

So... uhm... Hi there xD what's up?
cccameron Feb 23, 2011 5:52 PM
Xam'd, несмотря на весьма неоднозначный (читай - зафейленый) конец, лучше Эврики. Да и Накиами со своим летательным аппаратом так по-доброму косит под Навсикаю, что аж мило. Хороший, годный сериал. И песенки там классные.
А Bakemonogatari могут похвастаться одной из лучших концовок в истории современного аниме вообще. Я даже из несовременных что-то лучше за последние полтора года только в Seikai no Monshou и его продолжениях видел. :)
Меня, кстати, забавляет, что Kimi ni Todoke юношам обычно нравится, а девушек раздражает медлительностью. С чего бы это? ;)
cccameron Feb 20, 2011 4:43 PM

Да я всё понимаю, но как можно xam'd и bakemonogatari дропнуть? %))

Kimi ni Todoke 2 замечателен уже тем, что почему-то смотрится легче первого сезона. Не знаю, то ли я поймал волну, то ли мне просто нравится Кенто, но эта самая эпичная слоупочность действа меня совсем больше не раздражает. Чудеса, да и только *__*

Добрые две трети из этих 30 пунктов мне попросту лень отправить в on-hold.
cccameron Feb 20, 2011 12:42 PM
И один общий favorite character.)
Не знаю, как они подсчитывают этот процент, но учитывая сколько классных вещей ты отправила в дроп, он довольно высок xD
LonelyHero Feb 14, 2011 12:51 PM
Sorry didn't see that xDDDD

Mmm estudio en el CPS(Centro Politecnico Superior) ubicado en Juslibol. Esta de mi casa en autobus a casi 1 h. La dura vida del universitario jejeje.

Espero que hagas progresos con la lengua. Y dijeron que de todos los idiomas el español es el mas facil. Asi que dale duro =)
LonelyHero Feb 14, 2011 10:45 AM
Mmmmm pues...Estoy en Ingenieria Electrica asi que supongo que esa es mi especialidad.

Gracias por el aviso=D.

Don't understand the"good luck c u :3". Could you enlight me? xDD
LonelyHero Feb 10, 2011 11:59 AM
Okok y que tal te ha salido? Yo? Pues bien...los examenes me han salido regular =S.

Yo pienso lo mismo Lancelot deberia haber gandado en la ultima batalla. Cuando la gente pone "muerte a Suzaku!", me quedo extrañado por ello xD

De anime ahora mismo...pensaba ver " Darker than Black", "Eyeshield 21" y "Welcome to the NHK". Recomendadas por mis amigos =P
LonelyHero Feb 9, 2011 12:37 PM
Oi! Que no se si estas o no estas conectada xD Como no contestas =(
LonelyHero Feb 2, 2011 7:39 AM
He aqui una pregunta clave acerca de Code Geass. Que mecha es mejor: Lancelot o Guren? Visto desde un punto de vista de fan de series mecha.

Yo digo que Lancelot porque tiene dos espadas, dos rifles,"alas" y un diseño que mola mucho. =P En fin que tiene mejores "prestaciones" que el Guren.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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