Top Five Anime
Violet Evergarden
Monogatari Series
The Tatami Galaxy
Ergo Proxy
Top Five Manga
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Top Five Openings
Kiri - Ergo Proxy
Sincerely - Violet Evergarden
Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat - The Tatami Galaxy
Missing Link - Tiger & Bunny
Shiver - Mushishi Zoku Shou
Top Five Endings
Michishirube - Violet Evergarden
Freesia - Sakura Quest
Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari - Bakemonogatari
Last Train Home - Stardust Crusaders
Promised Land - Shingeki no Bahamut
Favorite Background Music/OST Tracks
Hoshitsumi no Melody - Revue Starlight
The Love That Binds Us- Violet Evergarden
Classmate - Bakemonogatari
SVG - Koe no Katachi
Welcome to my World - Made in Abyss
Click to listen Click Violet to see what I'm jamming to Format inspired by @lovinvader :)
10- Masterpiece. Not perfect, but an experience I'll never forget. Words will never explain its magnificence and effect on me. (Violet Evergarden, Bakemonogatari, The Tatami Galaxy) 9- Favorite shows that strongly resonate within me. It spoke to me on a personal level, and I love it deeply. (Ergo Proxy, Mushishi, Tiger & Bunny) 8- Highly memorable shows that stood out and are different from the rest. They are special, and have awoken good feelings in me. (Hunter X Hunter, Cowboy Bebop, Texhnolyze) 7- Memorable and recommendable. Shows that have proven themselves to be worthy in meaning in many qualities. (Samurai Champloo, Mob Psycho 100, Kill La Kill) ----------Recommendation Line---------- 6- Above average, good aspects outshine what was bad/decent. A fairly good show, but missing that pure "wow factor". (Gurren Lagann, Konosuba, Hyouka) 5- Your average, decent show, with lots of wasted potential. Still enjoyable nonetheless, doesn't mean it's bad, just plain. (My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Dororo) 4- Below average, bad outweighs the good aspects. Mostly disappointing shows that could have been better if handled right. (Tokyo Ghoul, Darling in the Franxx, Zankyou no Terror) 3- Boring/droll, generic and bad writing, some scenes made it bearable to watch. Bad in essence, but few enjoyable parts. (Shield Hero, Rokka no Yuusha, Hamatora) 2- Poorly written, stupid, why was this made? I despise it to a certain extent. Mostly generic trash that lacks originality. (Akame ga Kill, Mirai Nikki, Guilty Crown) 1- Waste of time, please don't watch, it's complete trash I hate with a burning passion. Pisses me off thinking about how bad it was. (Babylon, Kenja no Mago, Kabanari)
Symbol Legend (some shows in my list have a symbol attached to it)
♥- Shows that I love to death, which are among my favorites in the medium.
★- Shows that have struck me as significant and have stuck with me so.
♦- Shows that may not have earned a ♥ or ★, but I still enjoyed a lot of its aspects.
¿- Bunch of weird and dumb shit that somehow exists on this site.
Scores are my personal opinion based off of a variety of factors including but not limited to: Story, art, atmosphere, characters, OST's, personal impact and enjoyment, how memorable and relatable it was, etc. Most shows are simply attributed through feeling, but factors such as recency bias or "objectivity" don't really belong in my rating. My opinions are based on my pure subjectivity after all, and the shows are all rated based on how much I feel towards it personally.
"The greater the atmosphere, the greater the nostalgia." Atmosphere is very key to a show. Some shows create a powerful atmosphere, memorable enough to deliver a wave of good feelings just by merely thinking about it, or better yet, its music. This atmosphere helps form the feeling of nostalgia. I find nostalgia to be a crucial factor in rating anime and it's probably the aspect of my criteria that I find most important. If a show is able to invoke a serene and tranquil feeling in my head through, say, its opening or ending songs, its insert or orchestral songs, the raw emotion within the story, the masterful writing, or perhaps a simple thought of it, then that show shall remain special in my heart, even if it may not be considered "objectively" good.
Just because I gave a show a low rating does not mean it was not enjoyable, it just could have been a lot better story/writing/quality/essence wise. I also rarely drop shows unless I find it to be so unbearably bad or boring. These ratings are for myself alone, I don't care what you think of them, but I'll be happy to have a conversation about anything you may disagree with.
And no, a 5 is not a bad score. It's the standard of a decent show that I believed to have been worth my time, and something I enjoyed. Is it amazing in anyway? No. The reason why I have so few high scores is to remind me of the shows make me truly love this medium. They're just on another level for me personally, and just can't be compared to something decent like your average shounen.
I rate manga primarily off of story, art, personal impact, and most of all enjoyment, hence why I am much more lenient towards it compared to anime.
Left to Right Psycho-Pass, Stardust Crusaders, The Tatami Galaxy, Eizouken, Baccano!
Barakamon, Oregairu, Bakemonogatari, Koe no Katachi, Clannad After Story
Sakura Quest, Revue Starlight, VioletEvergarden, Sora Yori, Steins;Gate
Cowboy Bebop, Tiger & Bunny, ErgoProxy, Hunter X Hunter, Texhnolyze
Made in Abyss, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, Mushishi, Great Pretender, Flying Witch
hey Ph0sphor! hows it going? seeing as Emma is on your favourites, ive been meaning to ask you if you read the original novel by Jane Austen? if so, would you suggest reading the novel first or the manga?
Forgot to reply lol... Anyways I'm currently reading vagabond and I'm really loving it, I'm on the Sasaki kojiro arc, the story is good and the drawing is getting even better but I kinda miss Musashi. Did you had the same opinion?
And in your opinion are the next arcs even better?
i'm only on this site still because i still enjoy making layouts and forum sets ^^; but i can't really do much with
that anymore ever since mal introduced dark theme sigh... i watched beef as well !! it was so good i need a good
show like that, and it was only 30min :o i dunno why some shows are almost like 2 hours .-. now i'm just watching
you and the idol (horrible btw) my main hobby is gaming as well, i only play league or dbd
that sounds awful ;w; i hope everything goes well for you! ohh i taught pre k for a bit, i love kids but the pay was
awful so i ended up leaving. i'm just going to be working this summer, it's too hot to go outside and do stuff LOL i
legit feel like i'm dying
aaa sorry for the late reply, i barely login on this site @_@
i haven't watched anime in months .-. i just binge watch shows on netflix or play games LOL
but since i took ages to reply the semester is almost ending again :o do you have any plans for the summer?
All Comments (1486) Comments
And in your opinion are the next arcs even better?
i'm only on this site still because i still enjoy making layouts and forum sets ^^; but i can't really do much with
that anymore ever since mal introduced dark theme sigh... i watched beef as well !! it was so good i need a good
show like that, and it was only 30min :o i dunno why some shows are almost like 2 hours .-. now i'm just watching
you and the idol (horrible btw) my main hobby is gaming as well, i only play league or dbd
that sounds awful ;w; i hope everything goes well for you! ohh i taught pre k for a bit, i love kids but the pay was
awful so i ended up leaving. i'm just going to be working this summer, it's too hot to go outside and do stuff LOL i
legit feel like i'm dying
Ikr, there is a lot to cosume with this medium especially when your open for a lot of different theme's & genre's.
I have heard about the axe but the age and characters not so much. Also thank you for the link, I will check it out when I have the time.
And about Gallery Fake. It's a really unique anime(one of the most unique I have come across atleast) and the Jazzy opening is a big +
Hope you have a good day/evening/night or whatever the time you are in at the moment.
I have a question though. How much does the LN for Violet Evergarden differ from the anime?
i haven't watched anime in months .-. i just binge watch shows on netflix or play games LOL
but since i took ages to reply the semester is almost ending again :o do you have any plans for the summer?