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Zelda no Densetsu: Kaze no Tact - Link no 4-koma Koukaiki
Apr 3, 2016 10:58 PM
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All Comments (41) Comments
I hope my 300th anime was something good.
im just passing by... O 3 O but pls join our newly created club!!!
... Kyahahahahahahaha
I played the game on Hard, too. It was exciting... sometimes. The waves of enemies got annoying fast, though.
Well, if you guys are buying Darkspore, then I'll keep it in mind, at least. I'm frightfully cheap/poor, though, so I won't make any promises
I think that I was actually aware of some of the shit that I was missing out on while I played Dragon Age II. Eventually, however, I just decided to screw it, I can discover it all if I ever play it again.
Also, the sibling can DIE?!?!?! Hot damn!
Short text!
Life sure is hard.
The shadow plane is interesting, but it could use some kickass music like the Dark World theme in AlttP. That'd be awesome.
I would join in your conversations, but I'm afraid that I'm quite the shy beast. Conversing with others seems quite frightening!
I'd probably be watching a lot of anime, too, but I think that I have more.... other stuff... than Jordan to do right now. If I intruded I suppose I could play PSP or something, I don't know...
Not that you guys would even want me to join, right? Right? Right... right....
(ha. reference)
I'm currently playing as a True Neutral, as I always do. It's pretty easy, I just jump from being reasonable to self-serving when I feel like it. Like in real life. Also, farming for party influence tends to help keep me from becoming evil.
I'll take you up on that offer, I suppose. I'd probably have to mute during anime, as well, but that's understandable. This way, I'd be able to describe scenes in eroge in excruciating detail to you guys as it happens! What a joyous occasion!
I played an Arcane Archer back in NWN1 in a PvP server, and it was awesome. More damage than a caster, no cast time, higher AC, etc. The only thing it needed was the buffs. I haven't played one in NWN2, though. Currently, I'm playing as an arcane caster (wizard) with both prestiges (red wizard and arcane scholar) and a spash of rogue in for DD and some other skills that let me double as the party rogue.
Yeah, I only managed to get so far in my Storm of Zehir file before getting my ass kicked far too much than my patience allows. As for party members... I think that I had a standard party (fighter, rogue, wizard, cleric) in some way or another. Blackguards are always fun, and that character might get some hilarious lines in dialogue trees. I'm not what what classes you'd pair it with, though...
Yeah, I have a mic now, and I'd love to join in. It should keep me from dying of loneliness.