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Bakemono Recchan/Kinoko Takenoko: Asano Inio Tanpenshuu
Feb 23, 2016 8:26 PM
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Coincidentally enough, I actually started Star vs the Forces of Evil on a complete whim a while ago.. I haven't seen a new cartoon in years lol.
Yoooo I'm so hyped for this movie omg
Also the two songs that they've played in the previews are super good!
I just hope it doesn't turn out like Taifuu no Noruda [ which had beautiful visuals but didn't adequately tell the story in the way I had expected ].
I really do want to watch it
Each trailer that comes out makes me more and more excited to see it
In addition, they used one of my favorite classical songs in the trailer so...
All aboard the hype train!
Yaaayy okay I'm definitely ready to watch Gin no Saji then! I need that cheerful, hilarious, and heartwarming feel that I got watching Barakamon.
Nahh don't worry about it. I'm late too; I was on vacation...
I live in the US and don't know if they will release it here, but if they do I will definitely go to see it! Yeah, it looks like a wonderful movie ^^
I'm thinking of watching Gin no Saji soon; have you seen Barakamon by any chance? I've heard the two shows are very similar.
I'm super hyped for that movie :D
lets be friends