Greetings and Salutations fellow human beings ,
My name is RainbowDash , normally it would be Squiddly but apparently someone took that username . Anyway , you can call me Rainbow , or Dash , or RD , or whatever the Hell you want . C:
I'm a female , if it isn't obvious . And even more obvious , I do like anime and manga . The only thing that prevents me from watching a crap load of anime / manga is that I like to stick to lame mainstream ones , or kiddie ones . So if you have a GOOD anime , and it isn't completely INAPPROPRIATE , than I will probably watch it . Or read it if it's a manga .
Um , I really like interesting characters .
I do have an MSN , and I love to chat with people . Maybe that could help me out with animes and such . Anyway , I do like to chat . END . OF . STORY .
And that's me in a short while .
Adios muchachos !
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