I see that you like cartoons based on what you're writing. I've got to say, I don't do cartoons too much. I did watch some Rick and Morty and really appreciate the direction of that though. I never gave many of the superhero cartoons a shot though. Once anime grabbed me, it seemed that there was too much to watch for me to get excited about anything else lol. I do sometimes, albeit rarely, watch a TV series though. I've found Schitt's Creek and Euphoria to be good.
I hope that your new place is giving you what you need and that it's good for you all-around.
Before reading some of your stories, do you think I should be familiar with the content first? If so, I'd choose something more like your Fruits Basket stuff as opposed to the X-Men universe. What do you think?
The setup works! It allows me to watch a few different things that are usually all quite different from one another to keep variety in the mix. I know what you mean, though. I don't do more than 3. Some people have dozens in their currently watching lists, and at that point I won't remember who is who anymore lol. Especially with the amount of Rei-chans' in anime I've been watching, I just can't keep up with it all. (/▽\)
Ahh, I see. Also, moving to a new place is exciting. I'm glad to hear about that change for you. What's prompted the move?
I also see that you write fan fiction. That's great, I'd like to take a peek at some of what you've written if you don't mind! I've never read one before actually. What series/genres do you like to focus on writing about?
Thanks for the feedback, they both seem like good picks. I understand the soft spot for 80's and 90's anime for sure. I'm actually playing catch up on some serious classics that I have yet to watch. Even GITS and Perfect Blue I have yet to see, if you can believe that. That's why my current rotation of 3 anime series includes at least one classic. Until I'm caught up with the essentials, it just has to be that way.
Are you not into manga at all? I see your list looks preeetty barren, lol.
Welcome to MAL! I see you have had the same Tenchi experience I did, ha. The first OVA is an instant classic, then the decline begins gradually and ends sharply. How is xxxHOLiC? I've read the manga [i]years[i/] ago (the first part), but I never got around to checking out the animation. I recall enjoying the manga at the time though.
You have some interesting favorites, many of which are in the 90's (I like), but also many I've never heard of. I've been keeping a classic I've been meaning to watch in my currently watching rotation and I plan to keep that up. Fushigi Yuugi and Maison Ikkoku seem interesting.
All Comments (5) Comments
I see that you like cartoons based on what you're writing. I've got to say, I don't do cartoons too much. I did watch some Rick and Morty and really appreciate the direction of that though. I never gave many of the superhero cartoons a shot though. Once anime grabbed me, it seemed that there was too much to watch for me to get excited about anything else lol. I do sometimes, albeit rarely, watch a TV series though. I've found Schitt's Creek and Euphoria to be good.
I hope that your new place is giving you what you need and that it's good for you all-around.
Before reading some of your stories, do you think I should be familiar with the content first? If so, I'd choose something more like your Fruits Basket stuff as opposed to the X-Men universe. What do you think?
Ahh, I see. Also, moving to a new place is exciting. I'm glad to hear about that change for you. What's prompted the move?
I also see that you write fan fiction. That's great, I'd like to take a peek at some of what you've written if you don't mind! I've never read one before actually. What series/genres do you like to focus on writing about?
Are you not into manga at all? I see your list looks preeetty barren, lol.
You have some interesting favorites, many of which are in the 90's (I like), but also many I've never heard of. I've been keeping a classic I've been meaning to watch in my currently watching rotation and I plan to keep that up. Fushigi Yuugi and Maison Ikkoku seem interesting.