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toblynaruto Jun 18, 2016 4:46 AM

Yeah that's true, at least in Light's case. But man I rarely ever talk about DN, it's been a long time since I first watched it... and I haven't rewatched more than a single scene (the potato chip one) since! I really want to rewatch it now.

Well, we'll never know what could have happened and I like the way the story progresses so oh well xD

Wow you're lucky, the most we have is one or two bookshelves for manga in some of the bigger bookstores. I don't really like buying online because pretty much everything is delivered from overseas, and even when it isn't it still takes like at least a week to deliver.

Maybe it's because anime has a pretty wide fandom or something?? Like video games and things like that generally only appeal to a certain audience but there's an anime for pretty much anyone. Haha yes xD the oldest person i actually knew on there was 18 at the time so yeah.

Ah yeahh I heard about that, lol Tsubasa Chronicle was probably not the best thing for a CLAMP noob like me. I will check out Cardcaptor Sakura soon.

Hugging bishounen = gay bishounen, as far as my sinful fujoshi mind is concerned. Haha I haven't even watched the Yugioh dub, just heard 2nd-hand info from a friend who's a big fan and the internet. Though it did give way to the glory that is Yugioh abridged, which I am a big fan of, so for that I am eternally thankful. Also a shit ton of gay ships. Which is also nice. *drools over thiefshipping, tendershipping, darkshipping, heartshipping, anything that has ever involved Bakura ever*

The anime was just so perfect as far as sound is concerned, the voice actors were all suited for their roles and the soundtrack... oh god the soundtrack is too great, I'm listening to it as i type this comment.

I was surprised to when I found out, I guess they changed the art style to be more "modern-looking" in the anime. I have never actually seen a picture from the manga lol.

Haha it's ok, I am the actual lord of all late replies, replying 1 day later really isn't late lol.
toblynaruto Jun 12, 2016 7:41 AM
Well for DN, in the end the decidedly more "evil" character still lost in the end. yeah I was sad too :c Detective Trap probably could have gotten them their anime if it didn't get cancelled. Perfect Crime Club will always be the one true Ashirogi masterpiece to me though :D

*intense high five* his Niizuma role is amazing.

haha I don't have a single volume :') I used to see at least the first volume in like all the bookstores I went to, but once I actually became a fan and wanted the volumes they all just vanished :c

well I don't know anyone my age who spends 95% of their free time (and some of the time meant to be productive too) roaming the internet lol. yeah MAL's userbase is surprisingly old age-wise, on some sites I frequented when I was a bit younger (pre-MAL days) you were considered mature and omnipotent if you were 15.

That sounds really interesting! A while back I watched another CLAMP anime, Tsubasa Chronicle (which now that I think about it I never actually finished) which had Syaoran and Sakura too. Apparently all the CLAMP works/worlds are connected??

Oh yes I heard about the homosexual romance, one of my most recent reasons to want to watch it c:< oh yeah in the dub they changed the episode count from 70 to like <50 because they cut out so much right?? Damn 90s shoujo/localizations were hardcore.

yes she is <3 <3 and she voices all the gays. all of them. (slight exaggeration but not really)

If someone were to make me pick a PH reboot or Index III, I'd choose the reboot after crying for 30 seconds, that shows how much I need it... Bones or Madhouse would be most suited to it, since they are clearly capable of churning out amazing remakes and high-quality supernatural fight scenes (not that PH has a lot, but there's a fair bit more esp. later on). god I spend so much time fantasizing about a perfect PH remake, like all the seiyuus and music and staff and GOOD ANIMATION... sadly it seems my dream will only be a dream T^T

that's true, but like it's been over a year since it ended so there's no hope now. I mean there are some manga that got well-received anime decades after they ended, like Parasyte, but I don't want to wait decades T^T

prettier eyes make everything better.
toblynaruto Jun 8, 2016 5:18 AM
yeah I just want everyone to win, luckily it's not a good vs evil battle shounen so there can be more than one winner but still, not all of them can win :( ohh is your favorite voice actor Nobuhiko Okamoto then?? :D he is one of my favs as well! Tied 3rd. Perfect Crime Club is actually my favorite out of all the Bakuman manga! But yeah the ending is sooo perfect, really conclusive (well more so in the anime) and my favorite ever. Haha yeah it was inspirational to me as well, i stopped procrastinating as much.

wow you're way older than me lol, sometimes I feel too young to be on the internet. Especially since MAL is the site I use most often and it seems to have an older userbase than the average site.

ooh cute and laid-back, sounds fun. Although I have heard it gets quite dark sometimes, what's that about? And they change the story in the dub, kind of like with Yu-gi-oh and censoring (finger guns ftw)? Oh well, I will def be watching the sub for the seiyuus :3

Megumi Ogata, she is just amazing. Her voice acting in Danganronpa 2 (it's a game/visual novel) is the greatest thing I've ever heard, she was a pretty crazy character (the greatest and my favorite of all crazy characters) but it was music to my ears. I will never get tired of her voice. She's really good at doing crazy bishounen, but she can also nail innocent boys who suffer a lot too (i.e. Shinji Ikari), her voice has this kind of natural croak to it that just makes her whispers amazing, and the few mature female roles I've heard of hers are good too. Not to mention she's also a great singer :D kinda wrote a lot but I love her so much, it's impossible to describe.

I would take a PH reboot over pretty much anything, its glory NEEDS to be shown in beautiful Bones-level animation to the anime-only community. I think Megumi Ogata would do a fabulous Leo so there's that too :/ well maybe, but DGM is still publishing, albeit once every 3 months, and I think it was always more popular than PH so idk.

Thinner necks, sharper chins (just slightly, not uke-level) and bigger eyes can do wonders :3
toblynaruto Jun 4, 2016 6:28 AM
oh I see xD yeah that is weird, doesn't it get confusing?? I just kinda have a mental scale in my head, 6 feet is approx 180cm and 5"5 is my height, everything else can just be estimated!!

I get that, Bakuman has so many lovable characters x3 Niizuma is definitely my fav, closely followed by Hiramaru and then every other character. You haven't finished reading it right? It gets soooo good (like even better) in the last few arcs.

Well I am pretty young. Not even 16 yet lololol. Ohh Cardcaptor Sakura!! I haven't watched it but I really want to, most of the older shows I've seen are great and my all-time fav seiyuu (who is pretty old and doesn't get many roles now) voices a bishounen in it. I want to start it when I have more time (the struggle for end of semester exams begins next week).

yeah... *thinks about the pandora hearts anime and a million other things that I thought would become new favorites but never did*

yeah and from screenshots and a friend, they apparently crank up the bishounen level a whole lot in the manga/LN so there's that too ^^
toblynaruto May 29, 2016 5:45 AM
do they use feet in the UK?? :o anyway I live in Australia and we use the metric system here x3 oh wow yeah um that's really short... no offense ofc haha.

You're welcome :) oh I didn't notice that you read Bakuman, who's you're favorite character? Aw that's too bad, it's actually one of my favorites but I can see why you wouldn't like it. Pacing is really really fast in the anime >:o

haha yeah I was 11 when I was still really into it. It wasn't even one of my firsts, more like 5th! I only remember watching it like 3 times ever during childhood (as in pre-11) on TV and disliking it so it wasn't exactly a huge part of my childhood either. I still like it though, esp. the manga.

Well it also had a great beginning but yeah. Boring beginnings that get phenomenal later can be passed off as plot set-up but good beginnings and garbage later on have no excuse D:<

haha lol omg I wrote a really long rant didn't I, sorry about that. I still liked it overall but idk, I was expecting so much more. Apparently the manga and LNs explain everything way better so I plan on checking those out eventually.
toblynaruto May 24, 2016 6:37 AM
*quickly googles feet/meters converter* damn that's a lot. I'm a bit under 5"5, I can't even imagine a 7"5 or 3"5 (who isn't a kid) person... as for romance recommendations, I haven't checked what you've seen but these are some ones that I really enjoyed:

I've liked a fair bit of cheesy romance in my time but like... cheesy romance to chaining and drugging, that went from 0 to 100 real quick...

All anime fans must go through the Narutard-ness at one point, it's an important stage of life, it's almost like puberty! Haha well I originally had SAO at 8 (my first anime, so it was justified) and now it's at 5 xD

I saw some screenshots of when they were little and Rin definitely had normal teeth back then. What has puberty done to this small sad shark.

toblynaruto May 23, 2016 5:54 AM
Well yeah, naturally not everyone is the same height, but like unless the difference is HUGE I never really pay attention to it. Lol as soon as you mentioned a tall girl and short boy couple, I instantly thought of Lovely Complex xD but no I haven't seen it, a lot of people have been recommending it to me though.

There are Toaru games I think? but I don't really know what they're about. There probably isn't anyone from as recent as NT anyway.

Wow, that's really... screwed up to say the least. I have some kinda weird fetishes myself but drugging? yeah no.

It was when I was a major Narutard so x3 yeah the thing is, it even happens to me with anime I've already finished. Like, I'll just be looking through my list and see a show I watched a while ago with a really high score and be like "was it REALLY as good as I remembered it was???" since the premise, art and characters start to sound ridiculous (in the bad way). At that point it's not even procrastination, just being way too easily influenced by the passage of time.

haha the shark teeth were pretty odd xD

started watching No.6 by the way :D :D on ep 4 right now, so far so good, I really like Nezumi x3
toblynaruto May 20, 2016 5:01 PM
Oh yeah the seme is always like way bigger than the uke, it's just not realistic. I love height differences in ships (my otp has a 1cm height difference which I find absolutely adorable, I like to imagine the taller one teasing the shorter one about it) Tiny effeminate 12-y/o-looking ukes also annoy me, it's like loli.

Haha you'd be surprised... without majorly spoiling anything, characters were destroying the world tens of thousands of times by NT vol 9. And I'm pretty sure there are already characters who can kill Accelerator (after he was shot in the head, I don't think we ever did see just how strong full-power Accel was) in one hit, plot progression just prevented them.

"creepy abusive dating game type tsunderes"...oh yes them. I haven't played/watched any otome game/otome game anime but I've heard enough terrible things about Diabolik Lovers lol.

Back in the day I could manage 13 hours a day :') haha yeah being productive = watching anime, same. Sometimes I want to start something I've heard a lot of good things about but then... suddenly!! the art doesn't look that great, the synopsis wasn't as interesting as I remembered, so I just procrastinate it more. just my lazy mind tricking me though.

Yeah but the Free! guys were hella pretty if nothing else, and super successful too, so they should make more bishounen anime!!
toblynaruto May 18, 2016 12:27 AM
oh the hands, the hands, the hands. How could I forget them? They're even worse than the chins. Some people have pig hands but you have a friggin problem when your finger is twice the size of your head. Intense feels huh... sounds like my cup of tea.

He is definitely ridiculously strong, but the power levels only get more ridiculous with every volume, honestly it's getting kind of hard to rank them at this point. I actually do like more than a few tsunderes, but they're mostly males. Male tsunderes as a whole generally seem to be way less annoying than female tsunderes, maybe because they're more about emotion and less about kicking their supposed love interest across the room.

Lol what's with that maths? There would be 4 episodes per show per month, so with 10 shows it would be 40 per month. Which is still a lot, now that I think about it. oh well, it's hard to tell when you're only watching them once a week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I actually have a lot of time to watch stuff, I just get really lazy.

Haha a thing I noticed about most KyoAni shows is that the amount of cute boys don't ever seem to number more than 2.
toblynaruto May 14, 2016 1:15 AM
I've heard of all of the ones you mentioned and I was considering watching Love Stage and Sekaiichi/Junjou Romantica at some point, but the art styles turned me off so much. Chins, you can be better than this. But No.6 I am gonna watch after I finish everything I'm currently watching <3 I have a friend who really likes it.

Yep science side definitely wins as far as the coolness of powers go lol. Although magic side's characters are waaaaaay stronger (seriously, Accelerator is probably the strongest science side character yet he's no where near the strongest in the entire series). I generally dislike female tsunderes so yeah... well my favorite female character is tsundere (but not romantically, according to the author) and there are way worse than Misaka, she's just ok to me. Yeah it's really cool, I want to see more of it but sadly he hasn't been a main/important character for 9 volumes... i cri.

lol I'm not the greatest at keeping up with seasonal stuff either. I drop so much every season and like 80% of the time it's because I forgot to watch it for a few weeks and then just got too lazy to catch up. Spoilers will be the end of me, I swear.

Oh Kyoukai no Kanata, that was alright. There's still moe blobs but there was also lots of action scenes, and DAMN they were pretty. There were also 2 cute boys which was great.

sorry for the super late reply btw >.< I was busy binge-watching cartoons
toblynaruto May 9, 2016 11:44 PM
Yep it's cool. But I just realised that I haven't ever actually watched a yaoi/shounen ai, all I do is ship and collect fanart and read like 2 doujinshi ever. Somehow I feel like I've failed. True, but the yaoi ones are generally the most annoying out of the lot.

Well I don't really know if it's a different publisher (not really familiar with these things) but it's got a different cover if you know what I mean. It pains me to look at them.

Same, I like the science side waaaaay better than the magic side (although magic side is still pretty cool). Sadly magic side gets a lot more focus, especially later on. Yeah Index contributes nothing to the story except being a damsel-in-distress, I don't actually like Misaka much but at least she has a cool ability and uses it effectively. Oh well, at least Index has an awesome character design imo. Accelerator's fashion sense is amazing, it's so simple yet appearance-wise it gives him the perfect impression of a villain/hero depending on the circumstances. And after reading about it on the wiki I like it even more (his colors gradually get whiter/lighter with each change).

There's always at least one or two things every season that I'm really hyped for, whether it be a new season/spinoff of a series I like, an adaption of something I've read or just a show that looks super interesting, so I always watch seasonal stuff. Like it's just impossible for me to wait. Plus I would probably find spoilers floating around everywhere...

KyoAni was one of my favorite studios when I first started watching anime, and I was really interested in their stuff in 2014. Now not so much. The moe blobs are really well animated but they all kinda look the same.

Well I didn't even finish it so I wouldn't know for sure, but it was pretty boring at the time I dropped it. I did actually like quite a few of the characters but as you said, they're all way too mysterious for me to care a lot. Like I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the childhoods of any of the characters, and while there are flashbacks, I need more childhood memories!!
toblynaruto May 5, 2016 6:02 AM
Wow that's cool, yaoi fanboys are such a foreign concept to me lol. Most of my irl friends like yaoi. The crazy shove-it-in-your-face types are the worst >.< like, "these 2 male characters are best friends. omg, that's so gay!"

Lol I'm like that too, all my books/manga have to be the same type. A few years ago I didn't care and I bought the entire series of this one trilogy, except book 1 was an eBook, book 2 was a physical copy and book 3 was a physical copy by a different publisher. Looking back, I greatly regret my choices.

Honestly it's not cliche at all, except for most of what the anime covered. The plot gets so good afterwards and actually makes full use of the potential of the awesome setting and power systems. The only thing that's actually bad about Index is Index herself, and ironically, she's actually a pretty minor character :P more Accelerator is always a blessing, tbh one of my favorite parts about Railgun was seeing Accelerator in different outfits (I mean like when they showed how he got involved in the experiment in the first place). Mugino gets quite a bit of screentime in Index later on.

Oh yeah I read the Accelerator manga, it's pretty good. But there hasn't been an update in over half a year now :( I can't even remember what happened.

Eh, usually I try not to get too affected by others' opinions before watching something, because then I could end up super disappointed that I didn't like it as much as I apparently could have. Well I kind of naturally have an aversion to shows ranked in like the 2000s and beyond (even though some of my highest rated anime is in the 2000s)

Ah yes I do plan on continuing it eventually, the bishounen and animation are too pretty to pass. And KyoAni animated something other than moeblobs for a change, how could I not watch it?

Yeah it had such a cool concept and characters :( I actually loved the first season when I first watched it, but at the time the movie wasn't subbed and S2 was still a really long time away so my hype gradually died and I ended up dropping S2 less than halfway through.

Haha there's absolutely no accidental groping, it's all intentional ;) not even kidding. But yeah it is really great, I think you'll like it.
KonaKoffee May 3, 2016 2:03 PM
Jojo is a great thing to be consumed by, so I don't blame you :)
I am need to watch the other part of stardust crusaders so I can get on with Diamond is unbreakable. I still need to finish that manga, but I figured I'll watch part of the anime before i finish it.
KonaKoffee May 3, 2016 12:33 PM
I'm doing fine, just been busy a lot -_-

lol well I'm watching neon genesis after having it on hold, and that show is pretty good so far.

There's also this one seasonal show that's kind of stupid, but also slightly adorable. >>> this

The other two are shit haha, but I'll try em anyways.
What are you into at the moment.
toblynaruto May 3, 2016 3:22 AM
yeah seriously, I mean yaoi fangirls are everywhere, but the opposite? lol nope. tbh the tsundere thing is just normal to me now only because I've watched too much anime.

well I have a really good memory when it comes to my hobbies and I'm buying the omnibus editions so there's way less to remember too. i haven't gone manga shopping for a while though, I'm just buying light novels and normal books online for now.

lmao I feel like we've briefly talked about Toaru before, but I've talked about Toaru with so many people that I can't even remember anymore :') haha I had the opposite reaction, like as soon as Index was all like "hmph this is the unbreakable magical walking church, just try" (or something like that) I just knew that a cliche light novel moment was coming. There is so much less ecchi later on though. I enjoyed Railgun S more than Index anime, since there was Sisters arc (still one of my fav arcs even with all the awesomeness later on in Index), Accelerator, Mugino (one of my fav Toaru girls) and absolutely fantastic animation throughout. S1 was just average for me though. Oh Accelerator will get so much more focus in III, there is a whole volume where he's the main character and Touma isn't even mentioned (not that i dislike Touma, he's actually one of my fav male characters).

With most shows I usually just look at the synopsis and art style and if they both look interesting then I just add to ptw straight away. But with ecchi I read a few reviews and check my friends' opinions before adding. Maybe I'm just too skeptical.

lol I'm a failure of a bishounen lover, I still haven't finished Free!. I started it a long time ago but never watched more than 2 episodes.

oh yeah K was super pretty, at first the blueness made my eyes hurt a bit but after I got used to it, it was just great. Too bad the story wasn't quite as amazing as the animation. Ah... well there's a fair bit of incest hints, it's not /too/ bad though and it doesn't really take anything away from the overall plot. The other ecchi parts are pretty good. Honestly I view Sora and Shiro's relationship as less romantic/incestuous and more super best friends.
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