PFP: Kino from "Kino's Journey" - (2003 version)
Hello, my name is Syead, however I go by Sythe online (pronounced like the weapon "Scythe"). i created this MAL acc to track the anime i watched and manga ive read more concisely. I am an avid media consumer, i like most things and try to indulge myself in them, its one of my profound hobbies. One thing i struggle with is making time for my hobbies, or anything at all.
For anime I've been watching since i was quite young, and now i watch it causally. As for manga/ novels/books, im not a fan, however i believe it is the superior medium to animation or live television. Im open to discussing bad takes. :)
Rating System:
- Anything below "5" is meh?
- Ratings 5-7 are average, they were alright to watch, not bad just alright
- Shows / Manga rated 8 and above are all 10's in different fonts or i dislike but deserve the rating
NOTE; For some reason rating above an 8 feels inadequate for some things, I cant very much explain this sensation. Its mostly becuase sometimes a show maybe good but its constructed or execuated in the worst way. If i do rate something a 9 its because i enjoyed the composition of a medium.
+ there are some exceptions from this rating system for some of the things ive rated
How Do I Rate?
The only thing I need to be sold on something is the companionship/ likeable composition of characters or themes.
However note that because something is rated 6 it could be better then something i rated a 8, rating doesn't qualify for how i feel about something only is based on how i felt at that moment of rating. My rating system does not make sense so its better to just ask.
+They always change,
- Note; Most of the stuff i watch is background noise which is how i get through a lot of anime. Also I'm quite a mainstream watcher since I don't like going into something blindly
All Comments (94) Comments
Meanwhile me watching their reaction: Oh those poor, poor innocents souls. They act like this the first time an anime had killed all of its cast, when in reality, this anime trope dates way before we even existed. After all this trope is way more common with mecha than most other anime genres, isn't that right Ideon?
So what am'I doing here, I was just feeling bored and wanted to talk about something else other than Tsukihime (since I have very and I mean very little interest of discussion anything Nasuverse related stuff right now due to reasons I'll discuss later in private)
Although there's one thing I wanna talk about first, the drawing I showed wasn't Takashi Takeuchi (Fate's character designer), it was Shiki Tohno the protagonist of Tsukihime in his remake design (which is why he looks like Emiya), the reason why I said "i'm able to replicate an anime art style like Takashi Takeuchi for example". Is because I was referring that I can replicating his art style, y'know how Takeuchi draws his characters and stuff like that. I can replica his style, not perfect but close.
Perhaps the way I worded it lead to the confusion, in that case, i formally apologize for that mistake and should have made it a little more clear. 😞
I think LotGH is the kind of show you just have to keep rolling with. I’ve had it on good authority that it’s worth starting with the prequels, which I’ve linked below. I didn’t know that this was a good watch order going in, but these two shows would give you a lot of background on the two central characters of the show, and based on what I’ve seen, I think that would help. It’s a great show, but it takes some time to really get into the swing of things since it kind of just sets you in the thick of it and lets things go, which isn’t the best way to onboard an audience, particularly since it takes a while to get invested in the characters. If anything really stands out, it’s the grand battle tactics (which do get more complex and interesting as the series goes on) and the often subtle, sometimes blunt discussion of empires and government that permeates the series. The leads go a long way to make that interesting.
Hope you have a happy New Year's, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't apologize, i wouldn't mind if you hadn't ''consume'' it, till 2030 or something. If you got other business to do, then go for it. I'll just wait, after all I'm a pretty patience guy.
I appreciate your compliments, that Kino drawing was going to be for you, actually. But, i kinda forgot and never showed you. Anyways, drawing Kino was pretty easy. Probaly cuz, i'm able to replicate an anime art style like Takashi Takeuchi for example:
It's quite the shame, i wouldn't be able to show you my other older drawings, like those mecha drawing i mentioned. Since my all of my stuff i own were (for some reason) thrown out by my mother. So anything i drew before that kino drawing are forever lost. sign and that wasn't the only ''bad'' thing that happen to me this year. After what happen in July, I'm starting to lose interest of interacting with people online. it seems at this point, i probably would just ignore replies. Life is such a pain in the ass, but then again it's always been that way for me anyways.....
This year was pretty interesting, especially since i finally decide to talking to people online. It's hard for me to talk to other people due to my mutism (aside from my family), so it was nice to talk to other people, especially for someone like me that didn't had any friends, well i do now. but at the time, i didn't. But it was fun while it lasted. Sorry this took so long, laziness and lost of interest were the main reasons, unfortunately. but i hope you have a good Christmas, friend.
Side note: my younger brother has a MAL account, he goes by SilkyBaryonyxuta, so you can say hi if you want to.
Reddit tends to thumb me down almost any time I spoke my mind, I try not to let those thumbs down get to me but it can really just mess with me unconciously. However I never used Reddit for anime discussion since I know that was the first thing to avoid although I got into some arguments regarding anime in random places. I mainly just use Reddit to keep track of this local convention I follow, I had so many replies from posts on the sub reddit I got banned from that I had to disable comment notifications. I was just so sick of being challenged or getting vapid responses without me being able to say something back. That and the Reddit homepage and algorithm is just awful. I stay off there just to save my sanity.
I prefer not to write anime reviews and just like to enjoy the show, however some shows are so lengthy or spent a lot of time with that I felt like I *had* to get my thoughts out. I also prefer not to write reviews like the heavily negative or positive ones do. Thanks
I'm Mushfiq (or Mushi), and it's nice to meet you.
However, i did drew a persona 3 fanart on my old deviartart account! which i'll share here:
yeah the gameplay of omori is quite tedious, a playthrough would be good