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All Comments (70) Comments
hmm bukan xnk stay, tapi rasa mcm knowledge agama tu agak limited sikit la kt sini berbanding negara arab plus mungkin lagi senang nk dpt keje cmni. and i just wanna get out of my comfort zone and supposedly challenge myself if i can. my sister also just flew to australia a few months ago and my parents are encouraging me to be like her too and most of my sepupu who went to morocco.
btw how did u feel about the song on girls band cry episode 11? banger amirite ive been listening to it nonstop lately. the animation is so good too it feels like the creators put alot of passion to their work. and lemme know when u get to hibikes episode 12 as well
yeah good luck to both of us. imma sleep now so adios
aku ada mohon gak yg kpm offer tu.. tk dpt. die ckp ramai result lagi padu lagipun yg mohon ke morocco/jordan etc tu 1000 org lebih gak ah.
stam dh lepas dah. tunggu nk masuk 3 july ni je.. aku tknk mohon pun upu tapi mak ayah aku suruh and diorg yg letak nama aku. kalau dapat pun memang aku tolak lah. stam tu kalau dpt atleast mumtaz(6A ke atas tapi semua lulus) atau mumtaz sofi(straight A) ada high chance boleh try lagi pergi luar negara so aku try focus ni dulu la
btw what upu did u mohon
i suggest you catch up this instant!!
thank you for accepting! :)
bro u look like cino HHAHAHSHSHSHSFHS
ooooh nice gooodluck addmath "adam" hahahashsha