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Welcome To My Profile. I'm Shinichi

Shinichi (name given to me by my really good friend), age 27, Anime / Manga / Japanese Culture Enthusiast, Huge Michael Jackson fan

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Days: 299.5
Mean Score: 7.11
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Sorairo Utility
Sorairo Utility
Mar 23, 4:23 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 6
Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka?
Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka?
Mar 23, 4:04 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
Digimon Beatbreak
Digimon Beatbreak
Mar 22, 11:18 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Days: 13.8
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Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari
Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari
Nov 4, 2024 9:22 AM
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Super Ball Girls
Super Ball Girls
Aug 15, 2024 8:37 AM
Reading 10/? · Scored 6
Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka?
Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka?
Aug 12, 2024 11:35 PM
Reading 1/? · Scored -

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strawberrycheeks May 21, 2023 1:19 PM
Thank you so much for understanding! Though it still doesn't take the responsibility away from me for not replying for so long ahaha.

Thank you so much for the encouragement! I've made some friends at work though I don't think they're lifelong friends. Good enough for me though.

I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you're coping and that she had a lovely life and passed peacefully. Wishing you and your family the best. So sorry.

That's true, that's not bad really. It would be worse if we just lost contact
strawberrycheeks Mar 1, 2023 6:04 AM
Omggg I'm SO sorry! I totally forgot I even had a MAL account, though that doesn't make my million-years-late reply any better.

I have two sisters yes! It's lovely that you have such a nice friendship.

Sometimes it takes too long to learn though, and I guess that's what makes me anxious. But the good news is that 7 months in I've learned pretty quickly from both training and actual experience! My Mandarin speaking skills has improved a lot though I still have a long way to go. I was even fast-tracked during training!

I've also had ups and downs with my colleagues, some are great and some like to start drama. I think their impression of me is kinda weird, some of them seem to think I'm stand-offish, strict and full of myself, or something like that.

Thank you so so much for the encouragement! And oh my goodness that's so exciting! I don't know if you still come on here but let me know how your job is now! I really want to hear about it!
Isyu Jan 28, 2023 1:58 PM
How are you?

Sorry if I've been slow in responding.

Lately I've been working on a fantasy novel and since I'm an amateur it would be great to get your opinion about it. I welcome any feedback. So please if you have the time please take a look at it. I have of course more chapters but just haven't decided to publish them yet.
strawberrycheeks Jul 23, 2022 9:49 AM
No worries, really.

Yes, that's probably true. Though Simplified Chinese is much easier and used more in Mainland China. It's very sweet that you guys are so close! I'm very close with my sisters as well!

Yes, haha, though I don't know if my Chinese is improving much, I feel like the conversations are still kind of in the "safe zone" where I understand most of it.

I have reduced my intake of boba tea hahaha, but I have to do something about my meal schedule, either I don't eat for long periods of time and then consume a lot or eat only snacks for most of the day. I'm thin yet not healthy, so I've begun doing a few small workouts but it's definitely not enough. I think it's great that you're improving your health, it doesn't matter if the progress is slow.

I'm both humble (does saying this make me not humble? haha) and extremely proud lol! I tend to become very self-assured at the wrong time and end up not being prepared enough. I know you said not to thank you but I think it's worth thanking you for the support. I did end up finding a job actually! It's the same company at my sister's, a call centre job. It's going to be very stressful but it's a big company (an airline in the UAE, you can take a guess) and the people are definitely more interesting and warm. It will be hard though, also I have to speak Chinese fluently and I'm not at that level yet.

That's great, tell me how it went! I hope you will succeed and get the job you want, update me!
strawberrycheeks May 13, 2022 8:30 AM
I find that I avoid replying to others' messages because I don't want to give a response that isn't good enough. I want to wait until I have the time to give a perfect reply so I won't feel guilty about not putting in enough effort haha.

I don't know any Italian ahaha! It's cool that you have interest in learning difficult languages like Japanese. And wow, even I am not familiar with traditional Chinese (apart from the characters that are somewhat similar to Simplified Chinese) so that's really impressive. I wonder why you were recommended to learn traditional over simplified? And hey, you have a Taiwanese sister? Like actual family or someone you consider a sister? That's interesting!

Yes I agree, I actually think it's more helpful to interact with native speakers from a community you're part of over random people, because I find that when I do that (using Hellotalk), I get bored quickly and can't find a conversation topic. They also tend to wait for me to come up with something to talk about, at least my Chinese language partners, so I feel kind of pressured :/

I only eat one meal or one and a half meals a day, so I think snacks and boba tea is a bigger issue for me haha! I've always been addicted to boba, and even though I make my own tea it can't be very healthy to have so much of it hhhh. I think I should work on being less sedentary and improve my diet. I don't think I could be as responsible as you but I'll try to remind myself! How is your health these days?

Thank you very much, that's so nice of you to say! I suppose there were things I could have done better as well, but I know the reason they fired me was not mainly because of that. Thank you for the encouragement, I genuinely appreciate it!! I hope I get a job soon, but being fired in less than 3 months definitely makes it 10x harder, it looks pretty bad on my resume.

That's amazing! I hope you get a good job! Let me know how things go, I don't doubt that you'll do great. Of course I'll ask! Good to hear from you too, and hope you're well.
strawberrycheeks Apr 26, 2022 1:46 PM
Haha that happens everywhere sometimes. I blame myself for the late reply, sorry! Just forgot to check MAL for a couple of months.

Wow those are a lot of languages, quite impressive! Reminds me of those polyglots, though I remember reading recently that being a polyglot is really difficult to maintain and you start forgetting the languages you use less often. How's your Japanese now? Also, that's really cool that you learned a bit of Chinese, why don't you say a few words using it? I used to be pretty bad at it but because I was in a game community in China and wanted to communicate with other fans, I started picking up a lot of Chinese words. I can imagine that they're similar haha, in fact I'm quite unfamiliar/ignorant so idk the difference between those languages, I know Italian sounds a bit like spaghetti though, lots of -iano and -o's I think.

That's great! I struggle with maintaining workout routines. I may not have gained weight but I don't feel healthy either, and people always comment on my weight it's annoying! But I'm not going to act like it's worse haha, I'm not complaining that I have it easier.

I actually got a job in January, but the people there were passive aggressive and they didn't like me I think, so I got fired lol. I was REALLY nice to them but they still looked down on me. I'm glad I got the chance to leave that environment but I hope I can get a better job soon!

Any success on your new year goals?
strawberrycheeks Dec 30, 2021 5:09 AM
I can relate in a way, I notice I've become weaker in strength and stamina because of my sedentary lifestyle, but I lost weight instead of gaining. It's good that you're working on that! I'm a lot slower. Hahaha really? Everyone keeps saying if you start learning it you're never done because of all the different character types and forming sentences can be complicated. Maybe it's not the same for everyone! No problem and thank you too, I appreciate it.

Thanks, happy holidays and happy new year to you too, hope you can accomplish all your goals and live well!
strawberrycheeks Dec 25, 2021 3:59 AM
Wow that's really long, I'm someone who doesn't feel too suffocated by staying indoors for long periods of time but that sounds quite bad! I've slacked off a bit with language learning but trying to incorporate some other learning into my life. Wow Japanese? I've heard it's quite difficult but sound interesting. Good luck! Oh are you getting a job as a programmer?
strawberrycheeks Dec 5, 2021 6:45 AM
Hhh it's actually the opposite for me, I used the pandemic as an excuse to go out even less. There was a time when I didn't step out of the house for 2-3 months, a true hermit. Good to hear that you've been getting back to working on yourself. I'm trying to learn a language and get a job now (though not doing as well as I'd like). What about you?
strawberrycheeks Nov 22, 2021 3:56 PM
Oh it's alright, my reply is really late too sorry about that! That's great to hear, I hope things continue to go well for you. I'm working on things too, but a lot slower, I need to start working harder instead of procrastinating all the time. And alright, noted!
strawberrycheeks Jul 8, 2021 2:20 AM
It's not actually late, I think it's normal. Yes, I agree! Though my pace is pretty slow haha. I've been great, thanks for asking, what about you?Strawberry is fine! You?
strawberrycheeks Jul 3, 2021 1:15 AM
Thank you for the welcome! Precision is definitely not my strong point so it still seems impressive to me! Glad to be back~
strawberrycheeks Jun 21, 2021 1:06 AM
I just remembered to log on here again after years and noticed your comment. Really sorry for not seeing it sooner! Paper art sounds complicated wow! I think that's quite impressive. Thank you! I hope you're safe too
strawberrycheeks Jun 1, 2020 2:03 AM
That's good to hear! I'm the same, trying to work a bit on digital art but I'm not particularly good at it. Thank you, I wish you good luck on your improvements
strawberrycheeks May 10, 2020 1:43 PM
Oh hello! Sorry, I didn't see your messages and I haven't replied. Yes, it's been long! Hope you're doing well?
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