Happy new month all! We hit 900 members this month!!!! YAY! 100 to go till we are finally there! So, claim your cards here before they run out :P
Now some other gifties for my lovely members :) Bishie of the month cards Vote for next month’s bishie Whip a bishie I’m looking for wonderful members willing to help send out the newsletter once a month. Pleaseeeee help me! Otherwise they might have to stop if the club keeps growing like it is :(
If you want to volunteer, please let me know on my profile.
Hi hi minna-san!!! Wow. So my favorite month just came and went seriously fast. Anyways, there’s nothing really new that I need to tell you. Just remember that we now have Facebook and Twitter pages (Twitter doesn’t allow linking so look for us with @WeLoveBishies) LE Ren Cards Vote for May’s Bishie Whip a Bishie
Also, we still need people to help with the newsletter! If you want to volunteer let Taichou know!
~Happy Nosebleeds ^.^
Hi hi minna-san! Happy new month!!! I have 2 really exciting things to tell you! First, WE HIT 700 MEMBERS!!!! WHOOT! Claim your LE +700 card ^.^
Secondly, We Love Bishies is officially 1 year old! Yatta! We made it!! As a celebration for that we are opening a https://twitter.com/#!/WeLoveBishies">twitter and a facebook page to help everyone keep up with what is happening in the club since it’s really hard to send out special announcements. Come join the fun minna-san.
Now here are links to the other stuff we do: LE Bishie of the Month Cards Vote for April’s Bishie Whip your Bishie for this Month
So, newsletter's back. :) We are sorry for the delay and everything, Admins [Alan mostly] were very busy. We'll try to keep up going strong even in these busy times. :)
Back to business. We have one tournament match, and it's the semi finals match. As you may, or most probably may not know, two matches were on-going for two+ weeks already, and we got out first finalist. :) Now, onto choosing the second one. You can vote here.
We are getting closer and closer to 4000 members [it's still quite far, but well...], so we are all extremely thankful to you, members, for being with us! :) Thank you.
And last, but not least, as always, we are constantly searching for more newsletter stuff, so we can take off some burden from our existing helpers. If you have free time & good will to help, please leave a message here ---> Newsletter Stuff Needed.
Nach einer kleinen Pause startet unser Anime Guru Quiz wieder. Wer wird der erste Anime Guru 2012?
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Nach dem "Bestes Opening" Event gibt es nun ein Event für das beste Ending:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Hi hi minna-san! It looks like it’s that time of month again. Dang I can’t believe how fast it went this month. Anywaysssss we hit 600 members!!!! Yatta! I love all you guys! Thank you so much!!!! If you want a card to celebrate there are still a few left ^.^
Here’s some other things: SE Christmas Card (one day left to claim it guys!) Bishie of the Month Card
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie Whip a Bishie (don’t forget to check the already claimed list!) Birthday Wishes (add your name and date to get a surprise)
Let’s have another great year minna-san!
We are aware that this is a bit early, but we wish to use this opportunity and wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We, from KHR! FC's staff & newsletter team sincerely wish you to have beautiful year up ahead in 2012. :) Live long and prosper. ♥
And now, to present you with our last Tournament matches in 2011. x) As you might have, or might not have seen, we already had 3 matches running for a week, but they will stay active for two more weeks to come. So, even though you have enough time, make sure not to miss voting. :)
You can do it, by going to these threads: Match 3, Match 4 & Match 5. Expect more interesting tournament threads & club events to come in future! :)
Also, even though this isn't club event, we want to cheer & help out characters of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Vote for KHR! characters @ ISML! And don't forget to share your votes & opinions with us. :)
There is one more Christmas surprise we have in store for you. :) But since it's a surprise, we won't be telling you about it yet. ~ Be sure to check the club out in next few days, and you might spot something interesting. :)
We'd also like to thank the members who joined our Christmas Event this year, there were more participants than expected. Thank you for joining ♥
The presents will be delivered on or shortly after the Christmas days. So patiently wait for them :3
And as a closing part of this newsletter, we, in front of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC would like to thank you for being with us in yet another year! Thank you for your support. :)
And last, but not least, I, AlanViBritannia, would like to thank other admins for being amazing comrades in inventing new interesting stuff & ideas for club, and to thank A LOT our Newsletter Squad for being glad & able to devote their time to help us out! Thank you people, we wouldn't do it without you! Thank you for enabling us to be best Reborn! community on MAL!
Until next time. ~ Be sure to enjoy your vacations & to have lots and lots of fun! Chiaossu!
Zusätzlich gibt es diesen Monat ein weiteres Special:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Yatta!! It’s finally December!!! The gift giving season of the year XD
Sooooo I hope you were all good and that Santa will be bringing you lots and lots of bishies this year! Oh, and don’t forget to check the club on Christmas day cause there will be a wonderful gift from taichou there too ;)
So, here are the links to things you’ll want to know:
! Oh! And I still need people who are willing to help out!!!! Especially when it comes to the whipped bishies. It’s getting hard to get them out on time. And they were reallyyyyyy late this month. *bows* gomenasai!!!! Q____Q
All Comments (154) Comments
You cant have abandoned animes *-*
Animes luv you -throws rope- a lot! -pulls-
Hey, it's been quite a while and you should remove all these spider silks in here :O
O.o' wheres all the animee? '-'
"No history found"
Hi hi minna-san!!! Wow. So my favorite month just came and went seriously fast. Anyways, there’s nothing really new that I need to tell you. Just remember that we now have Facebook and Twitter pages (Twitter doesn’t allow linking so look for us with @WeLoveBishies)
LE Ren Cards
Vote for May’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie
Also, we still need people to help with the newsletter! If you want to volunteer let Taichou know!
~Happy Nosebleeds ^.^
Hello everyone! ~
Live long and prosper,
by Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC's Staff members
Hi hi minna-san! Happy new month!!! I have 2 really exciting things to tell you! First, WE HIT 700 MEMBERS!!!! WHOOT! Claim your LE +700 card ^.^
Secondly, We Love Bishies is officially 1 year old! Yatta! We made it!! As a celebration for that we are opening a https://twitter.com/#!/WeLoveBishies">twitter and a facebook page to help everyone keep up with what is happening in the club since it’s really hard to send out special announcements. Come join the fun minna-san.
Now here are links to the other stuff we do:
LE Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for April’s Bishie
Whip your Bishie for this Month
Hello everyone ~
KHR! FC Staff ~
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: April (Bester Yandere/Yangire Charakter) nominieren.
Nach einer kleinen Pause startet unser Anime Guru Quiz wieder. Wer wird der erste Anime Guru 2012?
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: März (Lieblingscharakter aus dem Jahre 2011) nominieren.
Auch dieses Mal haben wir eine neue LE Karte.
Nach dem "Bestes Opening" Event gibt es nun ein Event für das beste Ending:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Hi hi minna-san! It looks like it’s that time of month again. Dang I can’t believe how fast it went this month. Anywaysssss we hit 600 members!!!! Yatta! I love all you guys! Thank you so much!!!! If you want a card to celebrate there are still a few left ^.^
Here’s some other things:
SE Christmas Card (one day left to claim it guys!)
Bishie of the Month Card
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie (don’t forget to check the already claimed list!)
Birthday Wishes (add your name and date to get a surprise)
Let’s have another great year minna-san!
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: Februar (Charakter mit passendstem Seiyuu) nominieren.
Das Anime Guru Quiz geht in die letzte Runde. Wer wird der neue Anime Guru?
Dieses Jahr gibt es vom Club eine Weihnachtskarte.
Zusätzlich gibt es diesen Monat ein weiteres Special:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Yatta!! It’s finally December!!! The gift giving season of the year XD
Sooooo I hope you were all good and that Santa will be bringing you lots and lots of bishies this year! Oh, and don’t forget to check the club on Christmas day cause there will be a wonderful gift from taichou there too ;)
So, here are the links to things you’ll want to know:
Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for next month’s bishie
Whip a Bishie
! Oh! And I still need people who are willing to help out!!!! Especially when it comes to the whipped bishies. It’s getting hard to get them out on time. And they were reallyyyyyy late this month. *bows* gomenasai!!!! Q____Q
Have a great new year!