Attention everyone: I'm FRENCH! That being said feel free to correct me whenever I make mistakes concerning English! Profile picture taken from the 40th tome of the 130-novels long series GUIN SAGA.
Characters I submitted:
Blue Exorcist - Lund/ Strom/ Lucy Yang/ Drac Dragulesc/ Osceola Redarm/ Michael Gedouin.
The invention of lying
(In a world where everybody is honest and tells the truth, Mark Bellison (Ricky Gervais) discovered the lying...)
The dark crystal
Avatar! Obviously!
[March 6 2016] I've recently watched Fight Club: a masterpiece. Glad I came to watch it! Thanks my mate for introducing me to this movie!
1. K
5. Kingdom 2nd Season
10. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Finished watching on the 22nd of August 2015)
50. ?
First Avatar related Dark Horse comics to come out in 2016.
French intro
Topic [url=élé+-+cinéma+-+musique+-+littérature/notez+ce+que+le+membre+écoute-28448,0.html]Notez ce que le membre écoute[/url], vidéos participatives:
Je m'appelle Anthony, j'ai 17 ans, je suis lycéen.
Je me mets à collectionner de plus en plus de mangas ces temps-ci, tels que Blue Exorcist, Magi - The labyrinth of magic, ou encore Area D; jecompte développer mon "otakuisme", qui, pour le moment, est plutôt riquiqui (33 tomes dans ma collection :x) ^^
Je suis contre le téléchargement illégal, contre les scans, contre le streaming gratuit (j'abuse de certains streamings de temps à autre cela dit... my bad... Dx).
Je ne comprends pas cette mode du "La VF pue :p", j'pense que c'est faux.
+1 si t'es d'accord! :evil: Il faut vaincre l'ennemi! Mouahahahaha!
Je chuis, dans la vraie vie, plutôt timide, voire coincé... et jeuuhhh kiffeuuuh les z'animaux! :D
J'ai pu joué à 3 MMORPGs: sur Eden Eternal ma classe favorite, c'était le mage avec sa grosse bouboule de feu spammable; sur Aion, le templier (élyséen tout de même! avec cheveux bleus s'il vous plaît! garni d'un ventre musclé!); j'adore le guerrier sur GuildWars2, :hammer: bourrin comme il faut, surtout en spé confusion ^^ .
J'écoute de tout, musicalement parlant! Hmm... Nan! Sans blagues, j'écoute de tout! Avec une préférence pour le rap quand même =)
Pour ce qui est de mes goûts cinématographiques, je dois dire que je suisattiré par les grosses franchises... beaucoup d'actions, beaucoup d'actions, et beaucoup d'actions,... ouais, c'est ce que j'aime! :D Je charrie, grosses franchises ne veut pas obligatoirement dire actions à gogo, LSDA nous le démontre bien!
[Si vous aimez les films originaux, je vous recommande de mater The invention of lying et The Dark Crystal! Ils sont superbes! =D]
Certains d'entre vous apprennent le japonais, le coréen ou que sais-je... eh ben moi j'essayed'apprendre le turc!
Réaction de ma mère: QUOI????!!! Le turc?!! Tu veux te convertir?!
Je pense m'inscrire dans un club de volley-ball cette année! V'z'allez voir, j'vais vite devenir très professionnel! [Edit du 9/11/2014: Je joue au TPMRC (À savoir le Toulon Provence Méditerranée Racing Volley) depuis la mi-septembre!]
je pense avoir fait le tour, si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas!
Merhaba yine ben
İzleyecek güzel bir anime bulamadım bu sezon.
Sen ne önerirsin ptw'de 10 anime filan kaldı onlar da daha çıkmadı.
Bu arada Helck nasıl bir mangadır ptr listemde ama okumadım sen sevmişsin.
Bu aralar başka bir dil öğreneyim diyorum Almanca ile Fransızca arasında gidip geliyorum. Fransızca'yı seçeceğim sanırım Türkçe'deki yabancı sözcüklerin yarısı Fransızca yarısı da Arapça kelimelerden oluşuyor zaten. Çok az da Öztürkçe olanlar.
It started out slow, but gotta admit it started picking up from the Impure king incident and onwards. The characters all get such nice development, and despite some of the clichés, it's enjoyable to read and has a really likeable cast of main characters :p
Dear members, Ethereal Realm opened up on Aug 18, 2015 & these 4 months since have been great due to you guys being part of our club. We would formally like to welcome you to the family ^-^ Your particapation means the world to us ♥ Providing a warm and enjoyable atmosphere for you is our number 1 goal & we promise to do our best towards it!
∙∙ ∙› Get Started ‹∙ ∙∙
Firstly, we'd like to know who YOU are. Come introduce yourself 'here' if you haven't already done so. Don't be shy ^-^ Request your Official Member Cards. Visit our 'chat corner' and get to know all of us. Sign-up for the 'Skype chat group' if you want ^-^ Take part in our games designed specially to keep you entertained c: Request cards that we made for you out of love ♥ Sign-up for the monthly newsletters! Try a hand at the point based games to gain maximum points xD Show off your points with special cards ^-^ Join in on special events that we have arranged for you and be part of the fun!
∙∙ ∙› Official Member Cards ‹∙ ∙∙
Your Official Member Card (OMC) is a proof that you are a member of Ethereal Realm. The OMC is required to participate in special events & to request cards from the Atelier in the future, so make sure you grab your OMC 'here'.
∙∙ ∙› Point Based Games ‹∙ ∙∙
A Point System has been implemented as one of our community's special features. You can earn points via playing Point Based Games (listed below) or by submitting an original artwork for the community. These points are your currency which you can spend later to buy items/services/rights/special cards.
◦♀♂◦ Truth or Dare (ToD) ◦♀♂◦ Chess (on hold) ◦♀♂◦ Shiritori (on hold) ◦♀♂◦ Pictionary (soon)
◦♀♂◦ Cards Against Humanity (soon)
◦♀♂◦ Attack or Cure ◦♀♂◦ Officers vs Members ◦♀♂◦ 666 ◦♀♂◦ Count to 20k ◦♀♂◦ Guilty or Innocent? ◦♀♂◦ Light force vs Dark force ◦♀♂◦ This or That ◦♀♂◦ Anime Last Letter ◦♀♂◦ Watched or Dropped
.. and much more!
∙∙ ∙› Currently Open Editions ‹∙ ∙∙
◦♀♂◦ Official Member Cards (OMC) ◦♀♂◦ Purple Hair ME ◦♀♂◦ Purple Eyes ME ◦♀♂◦ Fairy Tail LE
∙∙ ∙› Upcoming Editions ‹∙ ∙∙
Dec 21 ◦ One Piece LE
Dec 25 ◦ Christmas RE
Dec 31 ◦ New Years RE
Jan 1 ◦ Blue Hair ME
Jan 1 ◦ Blue Eyes ME
For more info. about our future editions, feel free to stalk 'this thread'. ♥
∙∙ ∙› Christmas Events ‹∙ ∙∙
Secret Santa
Want to give a gift, but also receive a gift? Then Secret Santa is the thing to do! We are taking sign ups 'here'; just read the instructions, it is very simple!
Nice List
Join our very own gift giveaway! You could win cards, voice recordings, points, and more! Just follow the instructions on 'this thread', and you will be on your way.
Join in on the fun this christmas holiday! ♥
∙∙ ∙› Anime Simul Watch ‹∙ ∙∙
Our very own simul watch will be active soon! Our first simulwatch will consist of watching 50 minutes for 12 episodes of Katanagatari each week. Stay tuned for more information to join in on the fun!
∙∙ ∙› Recruitment ‹∙ ∙∙
Wanna do more than just hang-out and be part of the team that makes it happen?
You're in luck!
Ethereal Realm is looking for more staff!
Apply for a position 'here'.
Positions available: Card Makers [ Infinite ], Point Game Host [ 5 ], Game Managers [ 3 ], Layout Makers [ 4 ]
∙∙ ∙› Newsletter Sign-up ‹∙ ∙∙
Since this is an important newsletter, it has been sent to all of our members.
For receiving future newsletters from us, please sign up 'here'.
♥ If you have any suggestions/comments about the club, feel free to visit and leave a comment 'here'.
We would like to thank you again for your patronage and time.
On that note the Ethereal Realm Mid-December Newsletter has come to its end.
Hello fellow MAL member! :D
Are you a movie addict or maybe just a casual movie viewer? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about joining a club where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and joinThe Cinema Club! ;)
Art is purely subjective, so I wouldn't say there's anything "wrong" with it. Most of Knight Run's art isn't very "crisp," or sharp, which people are probably more used to. The amount of detail and even the style itself can vary a lot too. For example, my profile pic was taken directly from the manhwa, but the style is completely different from most of what you'll be reading (Most differences aren't that drastic though).
Dear precious members, Ethereal Realm opened up on Aug 18, 2015
& these 3 months since have been a wonderful journey of which you have been an indispensable part.
We would formally like to welcome you to the family ^^
Your patronage means the world to us ♥
Providing a warm and enjoyable atmosphere for you is our number 1 goal
& we promise to do our best towards it!
∙∙ ∙› Get Started ‹∙ ∙∙
Firstly, we'd like to know who YOU are.
Come introduce yourself 'here' if you haven't already done so.. Don't be shy ^^
Request your Official Member Cards.
Visit our 'chat corner' and get to know all of us. Sign-up for the 'Skype chat group' if you want ^^
Take part in our games designed specially to keep you entertained :D
Request cards that we made for you with love ♥
Sign-up for the monthly newsletters!
Try a hand at the point based games to gain maximum points XD Show off your points with special cards ^^
Listen to the club podcast and be part of the fun!
∙∙ ∙› Official Member Cards ‹∙ ∙∙
Your Official Member Card (OMC) is a proof that you are a member of Ethereal Realm.
The OMC is required to participate in special events & to request cards from the Atelier in the future,
so make sure you grab your OMC 'here'.
∙∙ ∙› Point Based Games ‹∙ ∙∙
A Point System has been implemented as one of our community's special features.
You can earn points via playing Point Based Games (listed below)
or by submitting an original artwork for the community.
These points are your currency which you can spend later to buy items/services/rights/special cards.
◦♀♂◦ Truth or Dare (ToD) ◦♀♂◦ Chess ◦♀♂◦ Shiritori (soon) ◦♀♂◦ Pictionary (soon)
◦♀♂◦ Attack or Cure ◦♀♂◦ Officers vs Members ◦♀♂◦ 666 ◦♀♂◦ Count to 10k ◦♀♂◦ Guilty or Innocent? ◦♀♂◦ Light force vs Dark force ◦♀♂◦ This or That ◦♀♂◦ Anime Last Letter ◦♀♂◦ Watched or Dropped
.. and much more!
∙∙ ∙› Currently Open Editions ‹∙ ∙∙
◦♀♂◦ Official Member Cards (OMC) ◦♀♂◦ Yellow Hair ME ◦♀♂◦ Yellow Eyes ME ◦♀♂◦ Noragami LE
∙∙ ∙› Upcoming Editions ‹∙ ∙∙
[size=90]Nov 25 ◦ Mashiro Shiina LE
Dec 1 ◦ Waiting for Snow RE
Dec 1 ◦ Purple Hair ME
Dec 1 ◦ Purple Eyes ME
Dec 4 ◦ Sword Art Online LE
Dec 9 ◦ Kotatsu LE
Dec 14 ◦ Mittens LE
Dec 17 ◦ Fairy Tail LE
For more info. about our future editions, feel free to stalk 'this thread'. ♥
∙∙ ∙› Anime Podcast ‹∙ ∙∙
Our very own “radio”-style talk show on topics that YOU as members of Ethereal Realm will pick for us :D
You can select topics for us, get special shout-outs from our speakers or apply as a guest speaker yourself!
Come join into the fun 'here'.
∙∙ ∙› Recruitment ‹∙ ∙∙
Wanna do more than just hang-out and be part of the team that makes it happen?
You're in luck!
Ethereal Realm is looking for more staff!
Apply for a position 'here'.
Positions available: Card Makers [ 5 ], Point Game Host [ 2 ], Layout Makers [ 4 ]
∙∙ ∙› Newsletter Sign-up ‹∙ ∙∙
Since this is the club's first newsletter (and an official welcome), it has been sent to all members.
For receiving future newsletters from us, please sign up 'here'.
♥ If you have any suggestions/comments about the club, feel free to visit and leave a comment 'here'.
We would like to thank you again for your patronage and time.
On that note the Ethereal Realm November Newsletter has come to its end.
Dün gece olan olayları duydum çok üzüldüm.
Umarım iyisindir.
Milletçe başınız sağ olsun.
Terör sadece sana bana değil tüm dünyaya tehdit.
Birlik olup hep beraber üstesinden gelmeliyiz.
Terörün dini, ırkı filan da yoktur. Siyasi emellerine ulaşmak için saldırır. Küresel bir şeydir.
Tekrardan geçmiş olsun.
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All Comments (43) Comments
Thanks for the offer if I need help I'll write you.
İzleyecek güzel bir anime bulamadım bu sezon.
Sen ne önerirsin ptw'de 10 anime filan kaldı onlar da daha çıkmadı.
Bu arada Helck nasıl bir mangadır ptr listemde ama okumadım sen sevmişsin.
Bu aralar başka bir dil öğreneyim diyorum Almanca ile Fransızca arasında gidip geliyorum. Fransızca'yı seçeceğim sanırım Türkçe'deki yabancı sözcüklerin yarısı Fransızca yarısı da Arapça kelimelerden oluşuyor zaten. Çok az da Öztürkçe olanlar.
Are you a movie addict or maybe just a casual movie viewer? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about joining a club where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and join The Cinema Club! ;)
Umarım iyisindir.
Milletçe başınız sağ olsun.
Terör sadece sana bana değil tüm dünyaya tehdit.
Birlik olup hep beraber üstesinden gelmeliyiz.
Terörün dini, ırkı filan da yoktur. Siyasi emellerine ulaşmak için saldırır. Küresel bir şeydir.
Tekrardan geçmiş olsun.
Oui j'ai déjà voyagé vers l'Amérique, j'ai de la famille là-bas :)
Sa va faire 3 ans que je suis en France, comme je viens des Antilles tu vois je suis venu faire mes études ici.
Sa fait combien temps t'es la bas?
Et a PACA? Quel temps fait-il ?