Hello and Greetings!
Hi there. I don't do much here than just watch anime for my own reasons so I am not gonna dive too depth into it. I am the only true Yu-Gi-Oh! fan who can't stand the fandom's nonsense and bullshit because I am above it. What nonsense? Stereotyping and overanalyzing a cartoon. Yes, the Yu-Gi-Oh! community is bad, but it isn't as horrible compared to other mainstream series.
The only controversial thing I'll say is that if you demonize people's English, it's just straight-up blatant stereotyping. I'm not going to care about some snowflake being upset at my scoring system, since I'm not going to respond to any trolls or clowns. Have a good day!
In my opinion, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal is unwatchable and detracts significantly from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. I believe it undermines the series' quality and coherence, making the genre feel disjointed. While everyone has different tastes, I personally cannot recommend watching it.
And speaking of the Yu-Gi-Oh! community, I have one word to say to them: You guys are not good people. You ruined the fandom with your critical thinking and mental gymnastics. Yes, I like to be nasty towards Zexal and Vrains, but I am honest about it. I think any REAL Yu-Gi-Oh! fan knows that Zexal is a bad series and what ruined the fandom was the people who overpraised that disaster in the first place. Nobody has respect, no one is mature, and it's just overrun now by nostalgia and clowns.
Anime Fans since 2001
All Comments (135) Comments
You make me remember the Pokemon fandom; an innocent game of capturing cute and cool monsters, building a team with your favorites, and maybe playing with other people. Unfortunately, the fandom became quite gross with the designs of some Pokemon. I kind of want to start a collection of Pokemon and YuGiOh cards, but I know how expensive they will be hahaha.
New factors and implementation sometimes can ignite some big fights, especially over which ones are better, but it is true people should not argue over those changes. Hence, I agree with you that older players shouldn´t be assholes toward newer fans.
When I first arrived at MAL I was a bit tense about marks and scores because I didn´t know much about them, but when I learned how toxic the fandom of FMAB they taught me I don't want to be anything like them. I haven´t watched the anime yet, and I don´t have a doubt it is great, but the fandom tarnished its name.
I recall a certain incident when someone hacked a former wrestler, Paige, and a video of her got leaked; the fandom destroyed her with some of the vilest and nastiest comments ever. Though I was never involved, I stopped watching WWE matches and events since the fandom ruined the fun.
From Kamen Rider I only know that the lead of one series, Takasugi Shunsuke, stole millions of yens from fandom for over a decade by not giving the products from the show he was promising; he didn´t go to court, refused to return the money, and in the end he disappeared from the world, which I learn is actually very common from people to do in Japan; not stealing, but disappearing like they never existed to start a new life. Back to the topic, what do you know about Tokusatsu and its toxicity? I honestly haven´t seen any red flags; maybe some accidents and incidents from the actors, but nothing from the fans.
So, is the argument -Goku is the strongest- real and not a joke? That's embarrassing. In a way, it is nice to see that the Dragon Ball fandom is still invested in the franchise despite how old it is, with that being said, the fact they have Goky as their God is crazy.
I feel JJK is still way too new for people to be complaining about new characters appearing; on the contrary, since Star Wars is such a vast franchise that keeps producing new shows and movies, I get why some fans refuse to embrace modernity, whereas if most people consider newer ideas good or bad.
I remember seeing a post about Yugioh manga and anime differences, such as Pegasus's death in the manga, and I think a character from the Pharaoh Times getting horrible torture wounds. I know some cards worked differently in the anime and the manga as well, but that is all. What else can you tell me? I am actually getting invested in this.
By the way, I noticed you are currently watching Spy x Family and you scored it a 2; I personally didn´t enjoy the anime as much, though it had some good moments. But I am very curious about your opinion regarding the story.
I have just finished watching Mardock Scramble.
How about you?
Yeah, started wearing braces last year. My teeth were a bit crooked and crowded. Because of their position, they tend to stain quite a lot. Someone recommended me to give it a try. And the problem did solve. They aren't quite in the right position yet, but at least I don't have to worry about having dark stains on my teeth.
It doesn't hurt that much. Only 2-3 days after the braces were applied. And a bit after the monthly appointment. I also got used to them pretty fast. Sometimes I forget I have them xD
i'm not really good at it