20th Century was excellent for the first 100 or so chapters. Some of the best mystery and plot twists I've come across and the cult and unknown villain were pretty unsettling. I felt it dragged on eventually and looks like I stopped after 180 chaps, so around 70 left.
Issak is action/war about a Japanese mercenary trying to find the Spanish guy who killed his master, seems a little bit like a Kingdom, Berserk, Vinland Saga type story. It's ongoing - last translation came out 5 months ago though.
The Fable is a guy and woman who are elite hitmen, but have to pretend to be normal people for a year, while some Yakuza guy is trying to fuck with them. I'd say it's a comedy (because the MC is an idiot) with some action and chases, so far. The manga's fully translated.
I am a Hero is a good action/horror/survival manga too - guy travelling around trying to survive in Japan after most people have turned into superstrong zombies. Anyone can die, the named characters all feel believable and it's the only manga that kinda jumpscared me. Only problem is I heard the ending was underwhelming (only read 70% of it, since it was ongoing at the time).
Forgot most existed lol. Started a bunch in 2013-14 and forgot about them or didn't wanna have to reread to remember the plot, same with a bunch in 2015 and then some more the last few years.
There's probs like another 10 that I was reading on my old phone and didn't add to MAL lol.
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Issak is action/war about a Japanese mercenary trying to find the Spanish guy who killed his master, seems a little bit like a Kingdom, Berserk, Vinland Saga type story. It's ongoing - last translation came out 5 months ago though.
The Fable is a guy and woman who are elite hitmen, but have to pretend to be normal people for a year, while some Yakuza guy is trying to fuck with them. I'd say it's a comedy (because the MC is an idiot) with some action and chases, so far. The manga's fully translated.
I am a Hero is a good action/horror/survival manga too - guy travelling around trying to survive in Japan after most people have turned into superstrong zombies. Anyone can die, the named characters all feel believable and it's the only manga that kinda jumpscared me. Only problem is I heard the ending was underwhelming (only read 70% of it, since it was ongoing at the time).
I started Issak (rifleman/samurai sword guy in 1600s Europe) and The Fable as well, you might like one of those.
Forgot most existed lol. Started a bunch in 2013-14 and forgot about them or didn't wanna have to reread to remember the plot, same with a bunch in 2015 and then some more the last few years.
There's probs like another 10 that I was reading on my old phone and didn't add to MAL lol.
You should read Fire Punch, Kyo wants to know if it's good. It's about a man who melts snow wherever he walks.
edit: wtf this one showed? But not the other like 4 attempts?
Bro how come you gave Promised Neverland a 5? I thought you said it was good.