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Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication
Aug 15, 2014 12:32 PM
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If you want, add me, PSN is HighCaliberBud, but I got the PS4 version.
Hows it going, long time no see.
The American answer to the question would be "I dont know. Alright, I guess." or Maybe, just should have been "fine"? :-)
;) Well, there are only a few instances I ever wished I were a guy. One of them was so I could know what it feels like to be a dude and score with a chick :0 I dunno, it seems interesting. Girls are nice and pretty and all. Well, I like my boobs, but not when it's a certain time of the month and I'm retaining water and they ache. And menstruating is worth it; I'm glad I get it honestly. Why? It's like one week where I get to let out all my frustration from my body, hormonal style. I guess that's why guys are so aggressive. They don't have a particular week where they can act like grouches so they do it all the time :P
My ears agree with whatever crappy pop is on the air because I can't be bothered to listen to music any more, but most of the time I'm playing Imogen Heap or Broken Social Scene or indie rock. Lately I've been getting into these girl rock bands, like Tegan and Sara.
This is the acoustic version. YouFail removed the audio for the vid with the album version.
Jealous? You'd rather be a nineteen-year-old girl? :P Then again, who wouldn't want to be?
I've never heard of those bands. I may know their music, but the names aren't ringing any bells. I stopped listening to new music in large amounts when I was about seventeen years old, since I found that all the stuff they were making, my ears weren't agreeing with it.
Ah...Escaflowne. I remember that I was completely hyper when I noticed it was going to be on TV...only to get extremely frustrated and mad when I found out it was the Spanish dub. I got used to it after a couple of episodes and much to my surprise, it made it into my top5 anime. I didn't expect it at all.
I had the censoring problem with Fushigi Yuugi (not sure you've seen/heard of). It was on a kids channel so pretty much any scene involving "physical proximity" between characters, nudity and blood/violence was censored. They even went as far as to air 10 mins of one episode. Everything else was cut off. Can you believe it? *sigh* And again, ironically, I loved the series :P
GAH! How come they can't make a decent Claymore game? Meaning: Action/Adventure, for the PS2 (because I don't have a PS3, ok? I'm not rich :P) and PAL!!! Europe is very neglected when it comes to anime related games.
Just watched the 2nd episode of Yakitate!! Japan (going to watch the 3rd tonight) and yes, it IS funny :P
Now I feel like trying out all those recipes...
...And I just noticed Killua is one of your favorite characters, lol :P
I'll do my best to finish it but I admit that so far it doesn't interest me much.
But hey, I like Light, Claymore, Evangelion and Gantz manga so that gives me enough redemption bonus points to cover not liking Hunter x Hunter, right? :P
As for Berserk, its not that I do not like it, as I think the animation is great and I am enjoying the relationships between Caska, Guts and Griffith only it does seem to repeat itself just to get simple points across. Still maybe I am being overcritical as I am only really 1/2 way through
As for Manga unfortunatly I do not really have the time as my consutancy work requires stacks of reading and writing and when I do have the time I would rather read a novel or non fiction - I realise I am missing out maybe in another life:)