All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 197.1
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed635
- On-Hold13
- Dropped70
- Plan to Watch137
- Total Entries865
- Rewatched329
- Episodes11,862
All Comments (40) Comments
Thought this message was incredibly out of the blue and a bit weird, but then I noticed the connection! You got here through my MFC blog! Haha, thanks for the comment on it btw.
Same, if you feel like talking let me know. You should let me know if there are any good animes. Kinda crunched(watched a ton).
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Oh and just to slip one in, Hataraku Maou-sama is incredibly funny. The first episode will have you in tears. ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of JRPGs.
Lol oh my god what a mess they did to him! Oh boy.. Well anyway, hey this is Shirt from MFC! So cool to meet people across social networks. Haha you also do a lot of the same things I do. I love to draw too! I'm actually taking lessons from a professional artist that works for Top ow Entertainment. He works on the WitchBlade series! There's an Easter egg in one of the recent issues too. It's hilarious. He pointed it out to me when he was drawing the inked layer in Photoshop and I cringed. Funny story! XD
I'm also trying to learn Japanese. It's funny, I think these hobbies go hand in hand when you watch anime. Lmao
Oh I do. Think I mentioned it in my MFC comment on your blog but I've also been watch anime for a very long time. Oldest series I know and the firsts for me were Rurouni Kenshin, Big O, Trigun, and I got some Yugi In there too. Haha Now I've got a lot of shows under my belt and a better understanding of what's cliche and what I will enjoy. Ill definitely come back and recommend something good to you if you have space for a new show to marathon in your day. 8D
By the way do you keep up with new shows airing this season or last?or rather do you even know about season lineups?
And yeah, I get questioned about my avatar a lot.
If you like my favourites, feel free to recommend me something.
I hope there will be a Sekirei 3 as well. I don't keep up with the manga, but it's serialized monthly, so I'm not sure if there is enough source material for a sequel yet.
As for R+V, I'd rather have a re-boot, like FMA: Brotherhood, than a Capu3 (handled by the same studio) or something of the sort. The anime adaptation wasn't really faithful to the manga at all and too many things were left out. Not to mention that the anime made Tsukune lame as hell when he's a fuckin' BO$$ in the manga.
For example...
Anime version of Tsukune:
Manga version of Tsukune:
They dun goofed.
But I am thinking of making one in the future.
You have me curious now. Haha. May I have a link to your PB?
And oh sure thing, I'll send you a message.
Also as I said before ecchi are my guilty pleasures and I actually really enjoyed High School D x D despite it being pretty damn close to hentai but then again I have also seen hentai though I do not put those on my list cause I watch hentai more of the hilarity value than anything else hentai is best when it's poorly dubbed. But yeah I like High School D x D and gladly await the second season.
Also yeah Usagi Drop I have been meaning to watch it just kept forgetting to add it to my plan to watch I like a lot of genres so I really don't mind watching anything but I'll add it now ^^U
Also a Merry Christmas to you too :)