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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
May 9, 2022 10:21 AM
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See you on Discord.
Bye bye 🙈
Happy New Year! I hope you had good holidays, despite the situation.
I certainly had great holidays. I managed to 'escape' the situation again and visit my parents over Christmas. Of course, keeping all regulations in mind. Haven't been much with other people because I spend most of the time at home. I was there three weeks, and returned on the 30th. In hindsight, I should've stayed, lol. But at the time the plan was to work, but stay in home isolation until the 10th of January (10 day isolation is required in Slovakia when you return from abroad, and don't test for covid). Then I would return to the office. Well...that didn't happen. From the 1st January the Slovak government started a strict new lockdown and curfew is at least until the 24th January. You have to work at home unless your job requires you to go to your work. So I guess it's home office until the 24th.
As far as my job goes. Most of Europe advised not to travel until March unless strictly necessary, so skiing season which is December, February and March is nonexistent. There is some work to do, but it is all cancellations and some data entry tasks. Thankfully, for now my job seems secured. I really can't wish for a better situation, honestly. The Slovak government has support regulation for companies, which are struggling in the pandemic. There are a few options, but my employer chose for the option to have their employees work part-time. In that case the company receives money from the government which is nice. In return, the employees are keeping their full-time salaries so that's amazing.
Now that the vaccines are here, the situation is more hopeful. The best situation is that everyone can be vaccinated soon. Then, life should slowly go back to normal and by next Winter we should be able to go skiing again. My company is pretty confident that they could survive this. But really, covid must calm down before 2022 lol.
As for me... I am waiting for the company's plans in Summer. If they can keep this government support also in the next few months, then that would be good for me too and I can stay at least one more season. But honestly, if they come to me with this part-time offer like they usually do, and I have to cut my salary again, then that's probably it. I will move back. I'm mostly inclined to look for a job in the Netherlands, so that's probably what I'll do. Let's wait and see..
Ah, of course there's also anime!
Monagatari Series! Of course. It's a great show to rewatch right now. It's been on my mind as well, although I did pick Katanagatari over it lol. I did watch Tower of God.
The next show that the pandemic made me watch is Detective Conan! Yes, I was surprised by that too. It's been on my mind ever since I started to watch anime, but the amount of episodes scared me. Also, a part of me thought I wouldn't like it. But I do like to watch detective shows (mainly the British ones), so when I noticed that Netflix would remove the show from their catalog, I decided to give it a try. And guess what? I watched the whole season that was on Netflix, then I found the first 45 or so episodes on Crunchyroll and watched those too. There's also quite a lot of episodes there, which I can access when I use VPN. So now I'm watching some episodes whenever I feel like it.
Right now I'm deciding on which shows I want to watch next. There's a lot of interesting anime coming out this winter like A Promised Neverland. Also, can't ignore the existence of Cells at Work 2nd season and Cells At Work Black right now lol.
That's it for now. We really do love our walls of text haha
Take care!
Currently watching gundam seed destiny. Last month just finished majo no tabitabi.
And thank you for the compliment about the favorites characters