All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 85.0
Mean Score:
- Reading16
- Completed281
- On-Hold12
- Dropped40
- Plan to Read66
- Total Entries415
- Reread3
- Chapters10,251
- Volumes1,514
All Comments (18) Comments
You have both Wolf children & Konnichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables in your faves!!, YAAAASSS!!!
Also I really like your profile pic! Anne is so cute in that season!
Also, I'm planning to watch Madoka Magica & Cowboy Bebop. I think I'm really going to enjoy both.
In celebration of pride month, GL Addicts! is hosting a month long event with games, cards and prizes.
The event starts June 1st, and will close on the 30th with an awards ceremony. Please make sure to watch the event's main thread in order to participate and receive awards.
:: Games ::
Spin the Bottle Game: a truth or dare game where you will receive points for completing each round.
Daily Quiz Game: a new quiz will be added each day, each quiz that you answer correctly, you will receive points.
Hangman Game: guessing the correct letter and/or words will get you points.
Say It With a Song Game: a game were you reply to the above post with a song.
**Note: Event games are open for all members to play
:: Cards ::
Yuri pride card editions will be done in addition to the regular monthly cards.
:: Other Contests ::
The Biweekly Picture Contest will still run during this special event.
If you'd like to suggest a game or card edition for this event, drop us a line here! We'd love to hear from you! =)
To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please post here.
Thank You for taking the time to read this
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* (◕‿◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hoffe Prüfungen liefen gut, man schreibt sich!
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*staub wegpust und alles schön polier*
glaubst du wirklcih, ich hätte nicht alle naruto-bände? XDD (obwohl... wenn ich schon 6 bleach-mangas doppelt habe... je mehr desto besser XDD)
da stimm ich dir zu ;3 (air gear, gto early years, claymore usw X3
auch wenn die anschaffung etwas kompliziert ist^^°)
naja... vom forum entnehme ich, dass du das schon getan hast XD
(naruto gibts schon seit zwei jahren? Oo)
naja, verpasst zwar was... aber der anime/manga-markt ist wirklcih mehr als genügend gross XD (sogar im deutschen handel...)
wieso das denn? Oo (ja, ich weiss, das gespräch hatten wir schon mal XD)
ich könnt nie einen meiner mangas verkaufen... ich wüsst auch gar nicht, wer ein interesse hätte... XP