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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Aug 23, 2019 4:02 PM
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Days: 75.6
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- Total Entries143
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- Chapters13,449
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I have a gaming chair as well; got it some time last year, so it's still fairly new to me. It was about time I got a replacement for my old, worn office chair anyway, ha-ha.
Ha-ha, I don't like alcohol, so I never drink, so at least I won't have any issues regarding that. :P But with my neurological disorder, it's not recommended that I drink anyway, so all the more reason to avoid it.
It's pretty solid that I'm quitting Fire Emblem Heroes in a few months or so, or at least I'd like to, because the game's direction is really derailing, and the fan-base is very disappointing as a community. >_> I've actually recently taken up Genshin Impact because I was drawn to the art and style, but I'm still worried about spending money on it. I've heard a lot of security issues about that game, how many accounts keep getting hacked, and how so many people who have spent hundreds of dollars on it never got their accounts back. Do you know anything about that? It seems to be happening to people who have 2FA on their connected accounts, too, so it looks like a security issue on the game developers' side, but it makes me so nervous! What do you think? But anyway, I've only dabbled in it a little bit, as with my sister, usually at night right before I go to bed, but only for a little bit, so I'm still Adventure Rank 5, lol. The problem is, my sis' and I also recently got Animal Crossing while waiting for her new gaming laptop to arrive (so she can play Genshin Impact in bed, lol, and I already have a gaming laptop for digital art, ha-ha), but once we got the laptop, we figured out that we needed PS4 controllers (because we didn't want to use keyboard controls), so we had to order those and ended up playing Animal Crossing in the meantime, so it slowed down our progress in Genshin Impact, ha-ha. But, yeah, we're trying to get to AR 16 so we can play together, and while I would appreciate nabbing new characters at some point, I'm still hesitant to spend money on it... Oh, yeah, I never really understood this concept, but what's the personal benefit/the fun of having two accounts for one game?
Yeah, it's probably the bed, too, but the wedge pillow helps put me in a healthy sleeping position. I have a slightly arched back, which I've bought a back corrector for before, but I really need to make it a habit to wear it. Just need to remember to... But anyway, that's probably why I'm prone to getting sore backs.
Well, I mean, you were one of the people who kept actual, sincere conversations going. I mean, some of the people who I accepted as friends back then and tried to talk to, I felt that maybe they were just trying to humor me, I guess. Obviously, they've long been cleaned off my list, and they were inactive anyway. Not that inactivity will get you off my list, though.
Yeah, Gacha games... Fire Emblem Heroes is one of them, but I love the franchise, so I guess it's OK. I just hate the direction it's going in, though. I've been contemplating quitting it, but I'm waiting for a certain unit to come out first so I can grab it for free before I quit, lol. I've been waiting for years, and I'm hoping that it will be out next year (I believe he would've come out this year if not for the fact that the Three Houses characters won the popularity poll of the series due to all the 3H hype at the time). Sounds very trivial, I know, especially since I'll likely quit soon after.
The only thing I did for my bed recently was buy a wedge pillow. I figured it might help with snoring and, especially, my sore back. I keep getting a sore back, and it's probably due to my bed material, but I think that the wedge pillow might at least improve my sleeping posture.
Yeah, the heat is just so annoying. Just when I think it's finally getting cooler, it's back to being hot again. It really doesn't help my motivation for exercise, too, since I only take showers about every other day (I spend a lot of the time in the shower), and feeling all sweaty is just uncomfortable (obviously, lol). Especially since lately I've been getting dizzy spells from all this heat; I don't want to aggravate it by straining myself. But I just sound like I'm making excuses, lol. Recently, I bought a peddler thing where I can just place at the foot of my chair. I plan to use it while I work (peddling for eight hours might do something!), so at least I'm getting a little bit of exercise in, LOL. It's better than doing nothing anyway.
Sucks to hear about your allergies. I ate seasonal allergies; luckily, I seem fine so far; I've only gotten itchy eyes and the sniffles for maybe like a few days a couple of weeks ago or so, but nothing after that.
It's fine to vent! Sometimes it just feels a lot nicer to get things off your chest. And a small, sincere friend circle is really great! Honestly, there's a reason why I put a message up on my profile some time back saying that I don't accept random friend requests and cleaned out my friend list; I want to keep the ones I feel I've really connected to as true friends on my list. I don't like how a lot of people just want their friend list to look big and not actually care who's on their list, so I've been just denying friend requests left and right if they don't even read my profile message. Even I check out their profiles, but ultimately, the requests will be declined because they didn't even say anything to me in the first place... But, yeah, basically it applies to real-life, and that's really important! I'm an introvert and not interested in making real-life friends, but even I think it's important to have someone really close to rely on and talk to (my sister, obviously). I believe if I didn't have her, I'd probably have made some friends, but it's not something I'd like to dwell on anyway because what's important is that she is there, and my family is really all I need at present.
I've considered buying the FFVII Remake as well, if I had a PS4 to begin with. I've heard it will come out on other platforms later, so maybe I'll get it when that happens. I wanted to get Persona 5 as well, but, you know, no PS4. My main hobby is video gaming, so anything else is on and off.
I'm gonna need to watch my health more. I recently got a blood test (ordered by my neurologist), and my glucose levels are rising. Not sure why, though, since I haven't changed my diet since the last blood test I had, when I had normal levels of glucose. And it's not like I really changed my exercise routine, if you could call it a routine, either. So I'm trying to avoid high-glucose foods for the time being, which, technically, isn't much different than however I've always been eating, so I've wanted to exercise more, but the heat wave these days is making it impossible for me to do anything to put up a good sweat because I literally get vertigo when it gets super hot, and the company that powers our air conditioner has it shut off most of the time, so even if we were to try to turn it on, it would just blow hot air around. I ended up buying myself a mini portable air conditioner, which does work better than having two large fans blowing (hot) air point-blank at me, but it's not like it's super refreshing.
I want to get a new bed, since mine is small and all, but, well, I wouldn't know what to do with the old one, since there's actually no real problems with it, and the guest room already has a good queen-size bed. I'd feel bad to just throw it out. I'm still sleeping in the same bed as I did when I was like 10, lol. My body hardly grows, and people still think I'm a minor. During my family trip to the Grand Canyon (last year, I believe?), we went to a restaurant, where the waiter proceeded to hand me and my sister coloring pages while we waited for our orders, ha-ha. And, in general, workers in Costco ask us where our parents are when we wander around.
Yeah, my sister has been doing a lot of Amazon shopping as well, just buying a bunch of random (but practical) stuff, mostly personal things we need.
My sister played a little bit of the Pokémon DLC, but we haven't explored the full extent of it yet, since we're still playing FFXIV, and once this subscription runs out, we need to catch up on content in GW2.
Yeah, we ended up buying another month's subscription because we wanted to continue to progress in it. Then we were gonna stop there and catch up on other games, if not for the Obon Festival event that's gonna start soon after this month's subscription ends, so now we're gonna have to buy another one, lol.
The good news is that the importing company decided to offer shipping method changes to services that will still ship from Japan to the U.S., including some of my purchases that didn't allow me to choose those shipping methods before. So now I've got most of my stuff.
Yeah, a lot of people who go regularly go to the gyms have their schedules and maintenance ruined... I see that complaint a lot and honestly feel bad for those people and anyone else who usually don't hole themselves up in their homes all day, ha-ha. I've gone out a few more times now, still mostly for the dentist appointments, one for a blood test, and another just for packing my office stuff up on my office cubicle 'cause we're gonna be moving buildings soon.
Meanwhile I took so long to reply back, ha-ha. I just feel way too lazy to get onto MAL, so my responses are taking longer than usual... Or maybe just about the same because sometimes I'm quicker and sometimes I'm slooow.
My sis' and I haven't played much of the DLC yet mostly because we recently bought FFXIV Online and have been making the most use out of the free 30 days before it expires. Then we can go play other stuff if we feel like it and subscribe later whenever we feel like it.
Yeah, it really has been a long time, huh? It feels kind'a weird because whenever I keep in touch with someone, I don't really notice how much time has passed. Then, when I look bad, I think, wow, this is one of the few people I'm still talking to, and it feels so nice that we have a close relationship in this respect.
This year is so bad that I have Japanese imports waiting to be sent out to me, but Japan Post has temporarily closed its services to various countries that are too dangerous to ship to, including this one, to help prevent more cases of the disease spreading to them, I guess. It's been months now, and my purchases are still sitting at their place, waiting to get to me, and I'm waiting so impatiently, but at the same time patiently, if that makes any sense. xD Good on them for being cautious about the disease, though. Unlike this nation...
I've only gone out twice in the last few months, just to go to the dentist to pick up my new Invisalign aligners, ha-ha. Being stuck at home otherwise doesn't really impact my lifestyle too much because even if the disease wasn't around, I'd be sitting at home all day playing games and whatnot when I'm not at work. So I'm just one of those less unfortunate people; it's really sad for those who like going out and being more active. It's also nicer that I can work from home for the time being because commuting is such a pain. But obviously, I prefer having no disease going around than our current state.
Because of the pandemic, most of my company's workers are required to work remotely from home. This includes me, except that I, along with one other person in my department, were assigned to go to the office once a week to maintain tasks that can only be done in the office. However, since they discovered that someone was sick in the office in a room that I did happen to visit to drop off some checks to be mailed out, they told us to not come to the office anymore and to put ourselves in self-quarantine until they can determine if that person had COVID-19 or not. Working from home is great and all without having to commute, but the old program we're using is sooo slow with remote access, so most days I find that it takes forever to do simple tasks. Lately, I've been working overtime to keep up with some tasks that had issues when the bank wiring system went down, and month-end was hell... Also, I probably need to take more overtime to help with the conversion/transferring date from the old system to the new one, which will go live by next week.
My god, my sister and I have been hopping around games... Well, we're spontaneous like that. We do want to finish our other Pokémon games, but we've been playing Minecraft now. xD We still haven't touched GW2's new story chapters, but at least we're making an effort to finish the BL route in Three Houses on the side. Oh, by the way, we bought Pokémon Shield, and I'm using it to do speed-runs to give my sister competitive items, legendaries, Apriballs, and Type: Null as trading fodder to help her complete her Home Pokédex.
We're gonna need to relearn Astral Chain when we get back to it...
I do want wired earbuds, but I'm a little paranoid with Bluetooth, since sometimes it might connect somewhere else that I didn't want it to (like my TV instead of my portable speaker), and it's unsettling for that possibility in the workplace. Also, if anyone else's connects to mine. I know it doesn't connect to devices that aren't registered, but, you know, hence the paranoia.
I recently got a new headset for my PC because the old one was uncomfortable and basic, even though it still worked. I've always wanted an actual, good gaming headset, so I got one from Dell using my Dell Rewards. It's wired, but at least it's fancy.
Lol, I'm getting burned out from work. I still can't choose when to have my next day off yet, since my company is switching from an old system to a new one, and transferring all that data to the new one takes some time, so my boss needs everyone to be up-to-date and to help clean out data and to learn how to use the new system. Until it's fully implemented and until it goes like like next week or the next-next week, then I can't afford to take a day off (and I'm guessing I'm not allowed to).
I ended up getting Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so there go my plans for finishing Three Houses, lol. My sister and I weren't going to get them, but we decided to when we learned that Wally is in them, and he's one of our favorite rivals, lol. We also recently got Black 2 and White 2, before we got Sun and Moon, so we're gonna have to work on those, too... Probably gonna finish Three Houses before playing the latter, though. I just wish that Sun and Moon had better/more hair color choices like Sword and Shield do.
We haven't touched Xenoblade in a while... I guess we're a couple hours in or so? Not that far. Just a bit of progress soon after the characters crash-landed, so, yeah, very early on, lol.
Yeah, black and white are always safe choices and can look good with anything. For me, depending on what I'm buying, I'd choose whatever I fancy the most between the choices I'm given, lol. If there's a special edition version of a franchise I'm interested in, for example, then it's likely I'd go for that, just like I did for my 3DS (Fire Emblem Awakening version). My phones have always been black or white, but this time, when I got the Pixel 4, I think I chose like a silver color or something (don't remember, lol, since the case I chose is like a burgundy color with gold outlines, and it actually looks much nicer in person).
Too bad that I easily get motion sickness, so even if I have a Switch or any handheld game console, I can't really play with them for very long. Hope you have a nice time in Vietnam!
I've considered getting wireless earbuds when I got my new Pixel, but in the end, my sister and I agreed to just go with basic white, wired earbuds. I've never owned Airpods; I've never owned a single Apple product in my life, lol. I don't like Apple. The only time I've ever used any Apple product would have been when I'm using some facility's tablet/computer/whatever or when I was in uni, like in the library or that one time in the disability room for where I needed to register to get exam benefits due to my epilepsy (i.e., allowed more time on exams and in special rooms instead of the standard classrooms). I only used the benefits for a few of my exams, though, and mostly just on the finals. Not all of them, just the ones that I knew I would need. It wasn't really my epilepsy, though, that granted me those benefits. It's that transient aphasia that's probably related to whatever is causing my epilepsy--I got my doctor's permission because of my random moments of inability to express or comprehend language. (By the way, I was diagnosed with gray matter heterotopia, which means that there's gray matter growing in the wrong parts of my brain, which is probably what's causing the various neurological symptoms. On the upside, the symptoms shouldn't get any worse than right now, though.)
Ha-ha, I have a lot of games on my list to finish... So I'm basically looking forward to playing all the ones that I still need to finish, lol. Including FE, Xenoblade, Astral Chain, and a bit more BotW (though, to be honest, I'd just be drawing while my sister plays BotW). I'm mostly looking forward to playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions next, though, after I'm done with Three Houses. Been wanting that game waaay before it came out on the Wii U (because I like Persona/SMT, and I like FE). I remember following the news on it way back when it was still in development and didn't have an official name yet; at least the fan community outside of Japan would always call it SMT x FE (Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem) before an official name was seen anywhere. Never managed to get it on the Wii U (because we were in uni and no personal income was available), but I'm so glad that it came out on the Switch and with more features. Anyway, my sis' and I were looking forward to playing the new FF Crystal Chronicles, but it's such a letdown that they didn't even improve the graphics, and it doesn't seem like there'd be a co-op option (just online multiplayer), so we're probably not gonna get it.
Yeah, I just didn't remember who I told about my epilepsy, since whoever I did tell on MAL was a long time ago, even if the conversations I've had with them may have been sort-of-but-not-really recent. Anyway, yeah, I got my first seizure like a few years ago. I don't remember which year, but it was January, and we were home from university for the break. My mother was driving me and my sis' to the dentist for a regular appointment, and I blacked out while we were turning into the parking lot. Next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance, and there was a guy asking me the typical questions of what my name was, what's the date, how many fingers he's holding up, etc. I was desperately hoping that it was a nightmare and had no idea what the hell happened until the guy told me that I had a seizure. Still hoped it was a nightmare, lol. Ended up staying in the hospital for about three days before I was let go. Anyway, the next few months after that was hell because my neurologist and I still had to go through several follow-up appointments to talk about my progress and adjust my medication dosage as necessary. It took a few tries to finally get the right amount that actually stopped my seizures from happening again (I had a few more seizures while I was at uni after the break, even though I was on meds). My sister took care of me the whole time, though. She was my roommate, so that was perfect. We don't really know what causes my seizures, but from what I've experienced, it seems like they usually happen a few hours after I experience extreme emotional distress (usually in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping), but it's not always the case (my first seizure didn't have anything to do with emotional stress, and neither did a couple of my seizures after that). Anyway, during the prime of my seizures, I would experiences other symptoms like auditory hallucinations and random panic attacks (e.g., a room full of baritone voices laughing and chatting, buzzing sounds, and random moments of feeling like I'm being trapped in a bubble while I get a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of intense fear). On the upside, I stopped having migraines, but these were definitely worse than migraines, lol. My sister definitely got traumatized after I got my first seizure; she wouldn't be able to get any sleep most nights, and when she's able to, she would have nightmares of me seizing. It look a long time for her to recover and to be able to sleep again. She said that she would wake up in the middle of the night or early morning to me making weird sounds, indicating the start of a seizure, so that's how she was able to take care of me. Of course, I'm always unconscious whenever any of this is happening. Also, my sister knew when I would be having panic attacks because she said that I would come up to her whimpering and behaving like a simple animal on instinct and cling onto her really tightly until I calm down. I didn't know about that part; I just knew that I would hug her for comfort while I was being afraid. Anyway, once I got a personalized dosage that worked well for me, I stopped getting those symptoms as well as the seizures. The only thing that I still have once in a while is mild auditory hallucinations (when I'm listening to someone, they would suddenly be talking about a topic that they're definitely not talking about in reality) as well as something that would be more easily described as transient aphasia. I know that generally people shouldn't self-diagnose, but most if not all of the symptoms described by that sound exactly like what I'm experiencing (e.g., periods of time when I can't comprehend language, both expressing it and receiving it). My neurologist only said that they might be minor seizures (he doesn't actually know what it is); I never suggested to him that it might be transient aphasia. The only thing he would offer me would be to change my dosage, which I initially did take him up on by increasing my dosage by a little; at first, it seemed like it might have helped because the frequency of me having those symptoms decreased, but at some point, I think they went back up again. I decided to not reduce my dosage again just in case it really is helping, though. Anyway, my neurologist says that I'm good to drive in terms of the epilepsy, but I don't trust myself to when I still have what I think is transient aphasia, since I know that I hypothetically wouldn't be able to read red lights and stop signs if it happens while I'm driving. Don't want to imagine myself driving through a busy intersection like that...
Yeah, I generally prefer physical copies. And it's a good feeling, too, whenever you find that you own physical copies of old games that have become so expensive. And I mean like hundreds of dollars expensive, lol.
Look at you! Making more progress in games and fitness than me. xD Well, I've always been the lazy type anyway, but I'm also quite the homebody. Anyway, some characters are just more OP than others. If you put Dimitri in the middle of the map against anything, he'll just eat up everything that comes at him, so while I would agree that certain classes may be broken, some characters are just broken. xD But, yeah, I agree with you that three fliers is a good number. It's why the traditional FE games usually have three Pegasus knight sisters and the reason why Triangle Attack exists. x)
Ha-ha, I never do competitive battling. Especially with all the new features and changes coming out with every new Pokémon game, everything you need to gather and work for following what's meta is just so time-consuming and is painful to even hear about it. xD I mean, I'm sure the pro players are used to it and can adapt to the changes, but it just sounds way too tiring. I'm a filthy casual, after all, ha-ha.
Octopath Travelers seems really popular. Maybe I should look into that. I see quite a bit of fan merchandise, art, etc. about it but haven't actually looked into it.
We pre-ordered our Sword, so we got a free Scorbunny plush with it. Would've bought Shield, too, if there was a pre-order bundle at the time, but it only came out some time after we'd already PO'd Sword.
We got our Pro Controllers from Dell's website just because we do Alienware stuff that gives us tiers, and with every tier that we achieve, we can get free stuff, including Dell Rewards credit, which is basically free money. And we use those to apply to our Dell orders so we pay less out-of-pocket. We got two of the ones that don't work with amiibo and then later got one from Amazon that did just for convenience.
My sister has Twitch Prime because of our Amazon Prime, so she got a year of Nintendo Switch online for free. Before Pokémon, we used it just for some daily amiibo fights in Smash, so nothing important/not worth it, and we decided that we wouldn't renew the subscription. But I heard that Pokémon required Nintendo Switch Online to be able to connect to others non-locally, so we might renew it just because of that. Man, I really wish Pokémon didn't monetize online connection like that and stayed free like their older games. But I suppose that's Nintendo's fault and not Game Freak's, since it's Nintendo who's charging for the service, so GF can't do anything about it if they want people to connect through Nintendo Online.
The new system that my company is gonna implement is actually gonna happen in January (hopefully, lol). They kept saying it was gonna happen soon, but it kept getting pushed. It might actually happen this time, though, since I'm going through long training sessions to learn how to use the new system tomorrow and on Wednesday. Gonna have to go overtime for the training, since it's mandatory.
Our brother and our sister-in-law gave us a shaved ice maker machine for our birthday, since the week before that, the weather was pretty warm. Ironically, around the time that we got the machine, it had been raining, and the weather had been becoming increasingly cold, so... But we still made shaved ice anyway. xD
We only have one Switch. We share the main profile, but the account is registered in my sister's name. We decided to send you a friend request from both profiles anyway, though, for the heck of it, lol. The second profile's account is registered in my name because I needed to register a game code for my account to get a free Byleth in Fire Emblem Heroes (since my sister already got him from the first game copy we got). It was a good opportunity to buy another copy because we wanted the limited edition set of Three Houses but already had a normal copy from a pre-order. So we bought the limited edition set and gave the original copy to our brother. The second profile is pretty pointless otherwise, but it's floating around there, so it's just up to you if you wanna accept both requests. No big deal if you ignore the other one. x)
I don't regret buying the Switch at all. At first, I was nervous because I thought all I would own would be pretty much just Super Smash Bros and Breath of the Wild. But I actually got a few other games before I even got Breath of the Wild and still have more to play. At the moment, other than the two mentioned, I'm also playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses and gonna play Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia afterwards (not a Switch game but I've always wanted to play it and got it recently). I have The World Ends with You: Final Remix, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Hyrule Warriors on-hold right now. I also plan on finishing Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem: Fates later, too. And I also want to play more Fire Emblem Warriors later because I haven't finished the extras yet. (Regarding Breath of the Wild, it's actually my sister playing, and I just watch her while drawing on my new Wacom tablet that I bought fairly recently.)
Other than console games, I'm still playing Guild Wars 2 and a little bit of Don't Starve Together and Warframe on the side. I plan to quit Warframe, though, after I use up all the in-game currency that I regret buying too much of... (They were discounted, but I still bought too much. And I ignore any future discounts after that.)
Oh, and I play Fire Emblem Heroes on my phone, ha-ha! Like a lot. x) I'm pretty sure you can guess how big of a Fire Emblem fan I am, huh? xD
Anyway, work's going OK for me now. It was bad before, but it's definitely much better than before. And I hope it gets even better because there's a new system that the company is going to implement soon, and I really hope it will help with my stress.
Oh, nice, looking forward to seeing your new set-up, then. x)
Chemistry and health will be paramount for this season. But I suppose we don't know how good they really are until we see how the other teams play as well. This really is a new era for basketball and hopefully an exciting one! I did like GSW though and being on the bandwagon. I will still support them though for as long as they have Curry and Thompson in the backcourt, but damn. New team and new arena for them. Times have changed!
It's the closest experience I've had gaming-wise to my childhood without a doubt. Darn. I guess I'm on my own here. The only thing I don't like about CTR is that even though the content is free, you still need to play at least an hour or two per day to make use of the daily coin multiplier and also the weekend multiplier. Oh, and also to unlock content from these Grand Prix events that run each month. Sounds like the old MapleStory 2x Event and Reboot garbage we were once caught up in!
I see. Well, lmk if you ever want to talk via WhatsApp and we can use Skype for calls like we always have before. Otherwise, feel free to continue your business here. Enjoy your summer and hopefully you can put a clamp on and stack that paper!