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Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Datta.
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inblue Dec 26, 2017 6:35 PM
Maybe they just think that's more professional then. Who knows.
Yeah, I usually let other people do the talking in group lunches. They don't happen too often, we usually all do our own thing, but a few times we've all gone out when someone new joins to welcome them. One time we did that and the new guy ditched us at the last minute so we had to eat without him. o_O He quit soon after, not too surprising.

Oh, is that going to be the first real Pokemon game that's not on a handheld? Not counting spin-offs. Is there not anything else on the Switch you're interested in?
That's a better option - permanent death is one element of "realism" I don't need in my games. :p
I haven't downloaded Steam, but I've seen some things that look fun. Not sure how well my computer would hold up, it's not really made for gaming.

I usually save mine too long and end up losing them at the end of the year. D: There's a balance somewhere. Unless you get to keep them for the next year?
Aw, that sounds cute. :) It's funny that they don't care about the candy.
Nah, not in my section of work at least. They're not much fun on things like that. Did they win anything or was it just for fun? At least they're ok with it if people want to dress up.

Hope you had a great Christmas break and enjoyed your time off! And Happy New Year that'll be here in no time at all.
inblue Nov 7, 2017 4:23 PM
Doesn't sound like they're too bad then. Sometimes people are just shy and come across as grouchy.
I've gone out to lunch with coworkers, but not dinner, that would be kinda weird, since that'd be after hours like you said. Have they taken you out to lunch?
That's nice! It's a good sign when the older people are helpful instead of resentful, usually means they're not as scared of losing their job.

True, scores are just opinions. There are highly rated ones that I can appreciate as being objectively good, but I didn't really enjoy them personally, just cause it's not my thing. But if it's rated like a 4 or something, it's usually right. :P

Haha, we're pretty opposite there. I'm so used to living alone now that the idea of having someone else around all the time makes me claustrophobic. :X
That's fair, it's not for everyone. Definitely not a lighthearted story, for sure, and the main girl is pretty bland. I was mostly in it for the "bad" guy, who I wanted to win even knowing he wouldn't, but he didn't get too involved until several episodes in.
These days, the real world is getting to be that creepy. The Echo/Alexa thing makes me really paranoid, that people just buy a device that listens to everything all the time. O_O And now Amazon wants you to buy a camera so they can open your door for you? No thanks.

Kinda seems like milking it, tbh. XD
Yup, not many days off in the working world. Do you get one or two days for Thanksgiving? That should give you some Pokemon time hopefully!
I think I've played one Fire Emblem game, maybe like a GBA one? Is it a tactical rpg? I sucked at it if so. It had both permanent death and auto-save so I quit after I kept losing characters. D:
It's also a way to find new games for some people. Have you played anything on Steam?

Yay for sick days at least, but hope you don't have to take too many of them.
And hope you had a nice Halloween and got to eat some candy. :D Did the little ones in your family have costumes?
inblue Sep 24, 2017 4:31 PM
Haha, every workplace probably has someone like that. Hope they're at least good at their job to have to put up with them. Have they been rude to you or just generally unhappy?
Yeah, mine are mostly nice. We're not friends outside of work, but we get along well enough throughout the day, and can joke around which makes it a lot more pleasant. The newer people are all younger though so it makes me feel old. D: Are you one of the younger ones at your job?

I finally finished Natsume 6! It's so nice to watch. Still not sure if we're supposed to trust Natori or not, he's an odd character.
Sounds interesting, do you still like it? The score on here isn't very high, but sometimes it's misleading.

Would you be a person who doesn't get creeped out living alone then? Most of the time what you imagine is more scary than reality, so it helps if your imagination is tame.
Hm, stories like Psycho-Pass maybe? "Big Brother"/dystopia type stories are very unsettling to me because of how easily they could come true, but I enjoy them. And Steins Gate, with the connections and consequences and such. The Butterfly Effect. Or movies like The Illusionist, have you seen that? It's nothing like horror, but it's different when you watch it the second time. I'm failing at thinking of examples. Know any stories with good plot twists?

What's the difference in the Ultra version? I'm still somewhere between tempted to get into the series and also wanting to stay away so it doesn't take over my life.
Mostly strategy/puzzle type games, I guess. I suck at platformers because I eventually get to a level that's beyond my ability so I never finish them. But short attention span means I also get bored if there's too much strategy, like with chess. D: Turn-based RPGs are nice, no button mashing, just take it one battle at a time.
I just started playing Kingdom of Loathing online a few weeks ago, even though it's been around forever. It's kind of entertaining, but a bit overwhelming because most people have been playing it for several years.
Mostly these days I just watch other people play games on YouTube, because they're better than me, and I can see the story without having to put in any money or effort. XD Do you ever watch gaming?

The next day off isn't until Thanksgiving. :( Hope you're hanging in there!
inblue Jul 28, 2017 5:54 PM
If you make it to a couple years, you're already ahead of the game. We've had people not last more than a couple weeks. :p Every job has its downsides, but hopefully you get more good than bad. Do you like the people you work with? That helps.

Still haven't started Natsume 6, even though I have it tabbed. Where can you buy an attention span?
Haven't heard of any of those. O_O Oops. It's hard to judge new stuff just based on a one paragraph summary.

Are horror novels more or less scary if the scene is all in your head?
Is there horror manga? Probably. I'm not entirely sure what counts as horror. Stories that mess with your mind are more interesting to me than just murdery creepiness.

I got the galaxy one, so mostly purple & navy. :D And now it's on sale, of course, that's how life works. D: The only new game I have so far is Mario Kart 7, but I need to find all my old DS games and see what I haven't played or finished yet before getting more.

Fireworks have kinda been ruined because people near here set them off for DAYS before and after any holiday, and it's very annoyingly loud, and I swear they stop everytime I go to the window to look and start again when I sit back down. o_O Did you get to see any?
Nice that you got two days off! Enjoy the holidays you get, there aren't nearly as many as with school.
inblue Jul 3, 2017 6:18 PM
Hey, congrats on the job! I get being exhausted. Hope you like the work at least?
Nah, I'm as boring as always.

She is, we get along well. :)
Well there's value in honesty too at least.

Not a whole lot recently, but I just finished marathoning AoT season 2, and wow. O_O So much plot and still so many questions. Hopefully will get around to Natsume #6 fairly soon, that should be much calmer.
Anything new/recent I've missed? I'm way out of the loop on what's good or popular.

Funny how scary stories are somehow a bit more intense after dark. :) I'm not that big into the genre so I don't watch much of it, but usually creepy stuff doesn't bother me too bad.
I actually did finally order it! But it hasn't arrived yet, should in a few days. Hope it's worth it. :p

Happy Independence Day btw, hope you get a day off to relax!
inblue Mar 25, 2017 6:36 AM
Same as always. :) Been busy? Hope everything's ok.

My mom claims she likes everything, and she would definitely find something nice to say even if she didn't. Just "that's interesting" or "different" or something. She taught me the same - appreciate it even it's not what you would've wanted.

Well I mean... he's a fictional character, so yes, everything he did was intentional by the writers. :p Saying it like he was sabotaged is kinda funny.
No word on when the sequel is yet?

Mushishi is about a traveling guy with a similar type of ability - seeing "mushi" that others don't and helping people affected by them. It's episodic, very few recurring characters, but the individual stories are generally very good. The art isn't your classic bishie style though.

Yes - it's good, but also sad. Same kind of soft, otherwordly feel.

Do you enjoy mysteries in general?
inblue Feb 9, 2017 2:33 PM
This year's been busy, at least work wise. :p 30 years until retirement, right?

Making faces doesn't sound very polite. Is that one situation where it's ok to white lie? I mean, at least show that you appreciate the effort even if you don't like the gift.

Yeah, JJ's freakout seemed a bit extreme for his character. Maybe he's secretly very insecure and just pretends? Chris definitely creeped me out. I had a hard time getting attached to any of the side characters, they didn't really have time to develop them enough with so many and so few episodes. I wonder if they'll bring back the same ones for next season or new ones?

It really is, I enjoy watching it. Did you ever watch Mushishi? It's soothing in a similar way, but the art's different so dunno if you'd like it.

That was the demo I played then. Is it mostly puzzle solving? Like Professor Layton? I played one of those games, and it was alright, but kind of tedious and frustrating at times trying to figure out what obscure thing you were supposed to tap next.
Still sold out. D: But it's marked as a best-seller. How are people buying it if it's not available?? Moderately broken - the hinges are cracked so the top screen won't prop up at all. It just falls backward when you hold it up and you can't see it. Guess it could be played flat on a table, but meh.
inblue Jan 10, 2017 4:03 PM
Happy New Year! How's yours going so far?

Gift cards are definitely better than something useless. I worry other people will think it's lazy though. Probably just overthinking it?
You're not obligated to buy gifts if your family isn't into it. It's a nice thought though, I hope they appreciated it. It's definitely a hassle though, it doesn't improve Christmas at all to have that pressure.

It was pretty good overall, the ending was kinda disappointing, but didn't ruin it. Definitely feels like a setup for another season. Not too surprising considering how crazy everyone is about it! Some of the other skaters annoyed me, but they'll probably be back too. What was your final review?

Also watched Natsume Yujinchou Go over the break! Did you watch that? It'd been so long, but it was really nice to revisit that universe. And a sixth one is coming apparently, something to look forward to.

Never played Ace Attorney, maybe a demo of one. That's the "objection!" game, right? XD Are you into that series?
A lack of friends would make it hard to trade no matter which version you have. :p If it's the same game, it doesn't seem worth it to buy both unless you're a mega-collector.
I'm still telling myself I'm gonna buy a 3DS because my old DS is so incredibly broken, and there's a really pretty galaxy one that I like enough to maybe actually do it. But they're sold out on Amazon. D:
inblue Dec 18, 2016 5:42 PM
Nothing I wanted either, but now it's one week until Christmas and I also haven't bought any of the gifts I'm supposed to. Oops. Gift cards for everyone probably. I'm a horrible person.
Mostly mint chocolate candy, one of my faves around this time. :D And a chocolate orange, haven't had one of those in years. Got any seasonal favorites?

It's good, but waiting on the ending to make a final verdict. They love the cliffhangers don't they? Only a few days to wait now. Think it's popular enough to get another season?

Every kid needs that one aunt who spoils them rotten. XD It's an essential family role.

Haha, congrats then! Glad you enjoyed it. Now what's next?
Wonder why they release two versions? Are there people who buy both or is it just variety?
inblue Dec 5, 2016 5:17 PM
Thanks, you too! Nah, didn't do much shopping, bought some Christmas candy because I can't resist. :X Did you buy anything?

People like that probably have good intentions and want to make people happy, but sometimes they forget it's ok to be happy on your own too.
Finally started watching it! Except the most recent one. I'd been spoiled on most of it since YoI is all anyone talks about, but the couple-y stuff is less focused on in the show than in gifs. It'll be interesting to see where they take it. Only a few episodes left though, right?

Haha, that's an interesting definition, covers a pretty wide area. One of our family friends has a wiki page, although it's a stub and marked as possibly not being notable. XD
Still kind of cool to have it, if you knew where it was. :) Maybe they'll become more famous someday.

Heard a discussion somewhere recently about whether parents making candy "forbidden" makes kids want to binge on it more when they get a chance, as opposed to it just being normal and unexciting. Interesting thought. But I also think kids just like it cause it tastes better than vegetables. :p
Don't actually know, honestly. I don't remember dressing up as a kid. They're so paranoid about everything these days and everything's offensive to someone, so I wasn't sure what they allow.
Are you enjoying the new game then? I've seen good reviews mostly. What's the difference in the two versions they always have?
inblue Nov 11, 2016 5:13 PM
I've learned recently that people have different definitions of "shipping", especially with real people. It's not bad to think they'd make a good pair, but more questionable when you start trying to "prove" they're together. There's a range in between too, it's kind of interesting.
No, are there people who hold that title? Mom thinks she's good at it because she had one success, so she tries sometimes. Never met anyone who actually claimed to be a matchmaker though, have you?
Haha, it definitely seems like it from the gifs. Is it canon now?

What do you consider a celebrity? :P Besides the YouTube guys (who'd say they're not), I have a couple signed cds that no one cares about. So not really anyone "famous". Do you have any autographs besides manga?
Probably wouldn't bother honestly, the effort of shipping it wouldn't be worth it.

How old is your niece now? Seems like she'd still be a bit young for eating piles of candy, but maybe I'm forgetting. That's fun that they got to dress up for school, surprised they allow it.
Nah, I'm not good with kids, so I turn out the lights on Halloween and pretend I'm not home. XD
Would that even be enough to save it? Lots of people wanted to try it when it was trendy, but not sure they'd come back even with new features. They'd probably be lucky to get the genuine Pokemon fans back at this point.

Never stop feeling like a kid!
inblue Oct 18, 2016 5:15 PM
You mean like shipping or actual matchmaking? Very different things.
Are you against shipping real people? I'm more annoyed by matchmakers personally. :p
Guess they were surprised when it turned out to be the opposite! I haven't started it yet, but I do plan to watch it. Looks like they've got all the fanservice you could want.

That's understandable. Plus if I'm going to get an autograph, I'd prefer it on something I can display, not hidden away in a book shelf.
The only really stupid thing I can think of was I once spent $50 on a rare beanie baby when those were the rage. Not that crazy expensive, but yeah. Still have it in it's case. Wonder if anyone would buy it now? I'd sell it.

Guess it's nice that the franchise lives on in yet another generation. :) Might be a lot of Pokemon this Halloween. Didn't think your family would be into celebrating it though. Do you give out candy?
If people could trade, wouldn't that lead to selling them? I've always assumed that's why trading isn't in games like that - the company wouldn't want people making money without their cut.

Not sure if I care enough to get back in and finish it. :/ There's probably better things that I could watch if I ever get around to it.
inblue Sep 24, 2016 12:05 PM
Or any show with at least two characters? :) It used to annoy me how people couldn't watch anything without wanting to pair everyone off.
That could be interesting, actually. There's probably quite a bit of competition there too, and it's artistic enough that it could be animated well. Not too different from figure skating.
I don't usually like sports either, at least the sportsball on tv all the time. I do like the Olympics though. I guess because there are more events, and it's only every 4 years instead of 10 times a week. And since it's international, you're seeing the top people in the world, so it's interesting. It's nice to see people succeed when they've trained for years and years.
Swim caps and goggles aren't particularly flattering, but the abs are not a bad bonus. Diving... not much left to the imagination there. 0:)

Wow. Not sure there's any book I'd want enough to pay that much. Probably not even if it was autographed. :p Would you sell any of yours for that? Have you ever bought a really expensive collector's item?
Is your niece still sticking with it? It doesn't seem like there's much to do in the game once you've got all the things around your area.
Even if you're traveling around in other ways besides a car, it's a good idea to have a phone in case of trouble. Or to play games so you don't have to talk to people. XD

I'm surprised there isn't already one finished. Yeah, generally, if it's still available, it's better to get the real thing. Emulators are good for older stuff. They actually have to slow the games down on purpose because computers today are so much faster than the old consoles used to be. It's pretty wild if you turn that feature off! You can zoom around like crazy.

Thanks, maybe I'll check it out soon. I feel like I've barely been home the last two weeks, been working 11 hour days. D: It's exhausting, pretty much just come home, eat, and sleep.
Do you have to finish the series for the movie to make sense?

Oh wow, hope it was good then! I've probably only bought from them once or twice. Usually they're gone before you'd even be able to find money and go outside. No idea how they do business.
inblue Sep 5, 2016 12:46 PM
Happy Labor Day! I like days off work.
I'd be interested to know what you think if you do ever try it. :)
Figure skating is nice to watch, so that could be fun. I know it's difficult to do, but it looks so smooth and effortless on tv. Hard to tell if anyone is shippable from the short pv... but there's always someone to ship, isn't there?
What are they going to do when they run out of sports to make anime out of?
Yeah, mostly. I do wish I'd been able to see more different things, but it must only be on during the day. But all the swimming a person could ever want, all night, every night. -_- Did you watch any of it?

Does out-of-print manga sell for a lot of money? Seems like it'd be a small market of buyers willing to pay a lot for them.
At that point, I guess stuff is just around for the memories. :) Dusty, dusty memories.
Seems like a lot of people are already over the game now. Short attention spans! Gotta move on to the next thing, whatever that is. I figured it'd just be a brief fad though.
21. XD I didn't get a cell phone until I got a car, because I wanted it for driving back & forth to college in case there was an emergency. Didn't need one before that. When did you get one?

The emulators themselves are actually pretty safe, I think. They're legal. I actually bought a handheld one, but it's kinda crappy quality and has no battery life at all. It's the game files that require some dodginess, so yeah, gotta be very careful with those. I've got some SNES ones from a long time ago, but there's no way to buy them, so I don't feel that bad.

Might watch it someday if I can find it.
Did you like Kyoukai no Kanata? I started it a while back and then lost track of it, not sure if I got far enough to get into it.

...I keep hearing an ice cream truck outside, it's driving me crazy both because the chimes are annoying and it's making me want ice cream.
inblue Aug 13, 2016 5:10 PM
You'd think if the first series did well enough for a sequel, they'd be given a decent budget.
Ha, yeah, she could be annoying, but at least it's not in the lame helpless heroine way. And Kyon is deadpan enough to balance her out. I think the deeper story concept is interesting, even though it's frustrating that they don't get into it very much. But the world-building type setup with mysterious powers and time paradoxes is intriguing. Like a sci-fi mystery hidden in a slice of life comedy.
As a disclaimer though, I was one of the losers who actually watched all 8 episodes of endless eight and thought it was more amusing trolling than annoying, so my opinion is invalid. XD I'm guessing you wouldn't put up with it even if you liked the series.
Cheer Danshi is a lot more sports anime than I expected, but pretty interesting. It's kind of refreshing that they're actually taking it a serious direction - as an athletic thing and not just comedy. Even though that means there's going to be 5000 characters to remember. I'll keep watching it.

Since I always see the flat look it doesn't bother me - iOS6 just looks dated. It's all what you get used to. :)
Not so much currently, but I used to be bad about collecting/hoarding merch for things I liked. And I can't get rid of it, so now it's all just shoved in boxes. D: I'm making an effort to restrain myself on current fandoms. (I just typed phandom then, there's no saving me, I swear.)
Do you keep stuff from fandoms after you move on from it? What would you do with your manga if you get interested in something else?
Is it the game making them stupid? People should know to pay attention. :p But cellphones have always been an easy distraction that causes problems.

Only thought about it still. Do they have emulators for those kind of games you could download and play? Not that I'm encouraging anything... o_o

Nope, didn't even know it existed except for seeing your gifs. :o Is it mostly just backstory?
The Olympics is burning me out on swimming right now because it's all they show in primetime. D: Would be nice to have more variety with all the events out there.
I did catch some volleyball though and thanks to Haikyuu, actually understood some of what was happening. Anime is educational! XD
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