I see you're still stuck on episode four of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Why do you still have Gungrave and Record of Lodoss War OVA in your watching list when you've seen all their episodes? Are you not sure about the ratings you gave them or something? It doesn't look like you liked Record of Lodoss War OVA.
Yeah, Gungrave is great. If you want something similar you could watch my #2 anime, Berserk. Everyone compares them. It's more like the first half of Gungrave than the second half, too!
Actually it only came up in my latest anime again because I had to set it back to rewatching. MALUpdater set it back to complete, which wasn't the case for this rewatch. My suffering is your gain! ;p
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I see that you ended up disliking Simoun. ;p
I didn't like Record of Lodoss War OVA either. Parn sucks!
You're watching Simoun!
Just focus on enjoying Gungrave! :o
Yeah. Watch it well! Do you have any other thoughts on it now that you've seen eight episodes?
Actually it only came up in my latest anime again because I had to set it back to rewatching. MALUpdater set it back to complete, which wasn't the case for this rewatch. My suffering is your gain! ;p