As for the MAL specific stuff, I guess I can start with my anime/manga grading system. Only 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10 are graded according to a strict criteria.
1 - This grade is reserved for any show that I find absolutely appalling in every way possible. There are no redeeming qualities that I found, and it doesn't matter if I have seen one episode or the entire series. These series changed the way that I do things so that I never need to go through the same experience ever again. Very few series deserve a 1, and as such, I don't imagine that there will ever be very many with the grade.
2 ; 3 - These are reserved for series that I have dropped and 3 is a series I dropped but MIGHT pick up again.
4 - If I see/read a series all the way through, it is automatically allotted four points.
7 - This is pretty much the limit for what I would recommend you watch/read as well as the limit for when I will re-watch/re-read a series.
10 - This grade is assigned to only my top anime and manga. Every 150 completions, I will add 5 more 10s to my list. Currently, there are only 15 anime and 10 manga (or at least there should be... I'm working on it.) rated as a 10, and the instant one is replaced, that anime or manga is dropped to a 9.
This means my lists work pretty much on a 4-9 scale. Here's an easy way to think about it.
4 - very bad
5 - bad
6 - somewhat disappointing
7 - good
8 - great
9 - excellent
For the manga list specifically, I have applied this same grading system to the on-hold serializations. If a series is placed on-hold, that means I am up to date on it, and I am reading new chapters as I get access to them. This means that the only way a manga can leave the reading list is when I am fully caught up on the chapters that are available to me, whether that means I finish it, or begin waiting for new chapters.
Well, while I could type the rest of my stuff here, it is all already done on my Crunchedyroll account ... I'm lazy, sue me.
After rewatching Dantalian no Shoka, my top 15 anime have been thrown into utter chaos and I don't think I can comfortably list them in order right now. At 600 completions, I will rewatch them all as well as 5 other new favorites and reorder them accordingly.
Rewatching of the top 20 under way. So far...
Katanagatari - 1
Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen (Baki the Grappler's Second Season) - 2
Shiki - 3
Berserk - 4
Dungeon ni Deiai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 5
Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! - 6
No Game No Life - 7
Gosick - 8
Scrapped Princess - 9
All Comments (29) Comments
It works as a 1-10 scale, but I gave names just to make it a little more um my own i guess. I'll probably change it till I can find one I'm comfortable with
So I just watched Midor-Shoujo Tsukai.......I need to watch something happy now. The movie is incredibly disturbing and messed up. All it felt like was just a bunch of grotesque imagery being thrown at me for shock value purposes, while giving me an absolutely boring "story" that also made no sense and felt like a poorly done creepypasta that is meant to be "deep". As someone who loves thought provoking storylines and typically dark themes, this goes way over the line in my opinion. It's like all they wanted to do was just throw disturbing crap at you without giving any real context. I just can't even it's so messed up. Definitely not something worth your time or anyone's...well unless you are somewht sadistic and morbidly curious. As a morbid curious person I still think this went way overboard and was just trash. Fun fact though it was banned in Japan. I came across a version on YouTube....there is apparently an uncut version that contains scenes that caused the film to be banned. Honestly I think it's praised more because it's banned and "edgy" than actually being thought provoking. My eyes literally feel tainted by such trash and a lot of what was in that cannot be unseen right now.
I don't really know. I think I'm trying to still create a grading system. I had one, but decided not to go with it. I'm just doing the mal 1-10 score now till I can really work on one. I just give the series a what I believe to be a fair score. My own personal enjoyment plays a big part too.
I have loved it so far may even earn a place in my top ten if the ending ends well.
I think you are referring to Infinite Stratos. Ixion Saga takes place in an MMORPG world that the main player gets trapped in...well I think he is trapped. Haven''t made it far enough to know if he can log out. Almost dropped it after a whole episode was dedicated to a gag where in a previous episode an antagonist was hit in the male area. It became the whole running gag and got annoying very fast. I also can't stand the opening theme for some reason.
I'm the exact same way. Something will catch my interest while I'm watching something else. I will put off what I'm watching to go what caught my eye. I did that with Black Butler and totally forgot where i left off.
Second..maybe I should set time for me to watch anime. I just watch whenever I am in the mood. I also take on so many that it gets a bit overwhelming. I spend way to much time either on youtube or chatting to where I guess I procrastinate with anime. xD.
Have you gotten to start Erased yet? So far it's been really good.
Currently trying to finish Ixion Saga...which I find kind of meh.
11 Eyes is kind of meh to me as well
Lastly Trying to finish Dusk Maiden of Amnesia which I have enjoyed thus far.
I also started SAO 2 and I so far like it better than SAO
Finished first season to Rozen Maiden and it was meh
I'm slowly getting this backlog down. Hopefully by the end of this month it will be down a lot. xD