Alright, well, I guess I should start here. I wouldn't quite say I'm at the obsession stage of anime, but I'm working my way there as time goes on. Being a young guy when I first encountered anime, I started off with the typical things you would see on air in Canada.
Dragon Ball Z,
Digimon, and
Pokemon. I watched mostly just those kind of show for a long while, not counting the occasional episodes of
Cardcaptor Sakura and
Sailor Moon that occasionally somehow made it's way onto my TV. Being honest I have never been much of a manga person, but, I have made a point to read an occasional one here or there with intent to do more, but never actually managing it.
I can't honestly say it affected me much in those days save for my taste in video gaming for the most part. Actually stumbling upon
Yu-Gi-Oh! was sort of a blessing to me in more ways than one. It got me into the fantasmagorical world of children's card games which also occupies a fair bit of my time. Other than that, I cannot say much about those days in my life as there was little else of impact to be said about it.
I've only somewhat seriously been watching anime for a handful of years now. Maybe five or so. Though mostly in some form of romantic comedy I have been known to watch other things here and there on occasion. However, I really just like having a good time with my entertainment, and looking at the anime I watch, it really isn't hard to see that. As well, how I score shows isn't really about how I would analyze them and score them. I'm really no professional on that sort of thing. The way I score my shows is actually a mite different then it appears. The way it works is on a pure entertainment value and whether I would recommend it to people looking for a specific show type.
As it stands, a 10 isn't perfect. It merely means I enjoyed the show all the way through and say it would at least be worth a once through, as well as it would be likely a show I would repeat if the mood struck. That being said, I'm not a critic, and my words on these things shouldn't be taken all too seriously. My ratings are merely a reflection of my own personal taste, a lot of shows that I give a '10' to are often shows others would easily forget or dismiss watching. I'm fairly unique in my tastes, but if you do want my opinon, in all honesty, you just have to ask it of me.
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