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Aug 31, 2014 3:31 AM
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
Aug 31, 2014 3:31 AM
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Aug 31, 2014 3:31 AM
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Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
Jan 19, 2013 12:08 PM
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Getter Robo
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Jun 29, 2012 3:16 PM
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Diangelo18 Jun 14, 2020 9:37 PM
seankun Aug 28, 2013 1:57 PM
Crisis has been averted for now :') preemptive thanks anyway xD
seankun Aug 27, 2013 1:49 AM
ahaha don't worry about it, I understand you're a busy man nowadays :p

Uni's not so good stuff at the moment :') Me and Erica split up cause of it and it's also giving me a massive financial crisis. I had to get 250 for the deposit on my accommodation, which i managed, but then, 4 days later, they expect me to pay 650 for my first rent instalment or i lose the room and my deposit... and so I am forced to beg for now. Would you be willing to lend me some of/the whole sum for ~a month until my student finance comes through? I wouldn't have asked unless it was the only option and i'm completely depserate
seankun Aug 17, 2013 10:21 AM
Sorry for no reply, results week has been pretty taxing... :')
On the topic of results i got BCDD which gave me 20 ucas point LESS than my course tariff... luckily they still accepted me! so i'm officially going to uni now. ^,^

The anime we've always needed...
seankun Aug 4, 2013 3:29 PM
Turns out it's not and Pidj got his information from a shady calendar in Nans x'D
seankun Aug 4, 2013 7:12 AM
Pidj decided to point out that it's bank holiday monday tomorrow.... will that affect the trains to yours in any way?
seankun Aug 3, 2013 2:39 PM
I got the 16:34 one. What time trains get me to Earlswood again?
seankun Aug 3, 2013 1:51 PM
Yayyyy, all sorted! ^,^ scumbags charged me an extra 1.50 booking fee though...
So all i need to get my ticket is the ticket reference and the card i payed with right?

seankun Aug 3, 2013 1:34 PM
whats the difference between sandard and advanced single? they are both 9 quid
seankun Aug 3, 2013 1:27 PM
Booking right now! Lime Street to New Street?
seankun Aug 2, 2013 5:04 PM
Nah, nobody would go put my money in the bank for me despite having passes and i couldnt afford to go to town... Erica is shopping tomorrow though so shes gonna put it in at dinnertimeish and i can book then. 16:34 sounds perfect so if still 9 quid i'll defo be purchasing.


d00d was from amazon. told him he had no chance of getting his money back and that he should just resell the game and buy ff8 on psn. he said, "yeah, will do, thanks mate" :') I'm obviously the king of conflict resolution
seankun Aug 1, 2013 1:58 PM
Ahahah just the guy who bought it is a complete retard. I emailed him a few times before I shipped to make sure everything would go smoothly, making sure he had a console that would play USA games on etc and he was like yeah it does just send it as soon as possible. So I ship it, and low and behold, he emails me saying that he wanted the UK version and that his console can't play USA games.. I lol him off and say i specifically told him it was the USA game and that the listing wasn't even for the UK game. Next he emails me saying that the disks are scratched anyway so it was'nt new.... The disks were fucking spotless and unplayed meaning that he's scratched them whilst they were down there to make out i've had him off! Just waiting on another reply from him atm but he's not getting his money back :') even if i have to close my bank account xD

Grams said that they dont stop at earlswood after a certain time though (?)
Also, i have to come home on the 14th at the latest as I have to go to college and get my results on the 15th.
Nan gave me money to cover my ticket to yours aswell so probably only death could stop me now :')
seankun Aug 1, 2013 7:38 AM
So, had my meeting today, signed a form to get my money fixed, dont need to see them again for 2 weeks after 1pm next Monday. Was going to book my ticket when i got in, but the guy who bought my FF is a fucking moron and so i'm just clearing that up before i spend the money i have from it... No matter what, theres always something thats inconveniencing me but I WILL be at yours next week, nothing can stop me :')
But yeah... thinking of booking a train for monday, sometime around 4ish? nan said to make sure i'll be able to get to yours from brum as the trains stop early or something? if so i'll just have to come earlier on tuesday
seankun Jul 31, 2013 12:22 PM
cant know for certain til tomorrow amigo! my FF8 money came through today though so i have ticket funds like, should be able to book tomorrow afernoon ^,^
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