Hello! I'm h0ppip, F, old fart rom Italy.
I have watched a bit of this and that, but my absolute favorites are sports anime (come talk to me about Yowapeda or Haikyuu and I will love you for eternity)! I mostly like shonen, psychological and horror.
Other than anime, what takes most of my time is:
- pizza
- videogames (pretty mainstream stuff like Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Animal Crossing, Undertale and so on)
- watching gameplays on youtube
- drawing
- crying over how I want to live with 73 cats
I'm always looking for English speaking pals to help me get better with the language, so if we have any animes in common you want to exchange opinions about / you want to talk about anything in general / just want a new friend, hit me up!
See you around ~
All Comments (62) Comments
Good to hear that you enjoy talking with me, thanks! And that you don't mind the delays, life threw some obstacles at me lately, and then during Christmas and New Year (happy New Year btw ^^) I tried to catch up with the sudden flood of conversations, because I wanted to remove the random people from my friend list that I never talked to, and when I was at it I send a few greetings, and suddenly found myself overloaded with replies. Still couldn't answer all of them, haha.
Before I forget (and while you still have energy to read my rambling), viraat_pirate from Forum Games started an interview series with the regulars there, and for December I was picked to get questions to answer! You can read it here if you are interested, but it's super long so don't feel obligated to read it all.
That's great! Have you managed to watch some of them since the last time? I heard from many people that FMAB is better than FMA, and I was thinking about catching up on the classics too (except the super long ones), but as expected, I couldn't really do it. And now my secret Santa from MAL gave me 3 recs (they put a lot of time into choosing them <3) and I found Dororo very good so I'll try to watch as many episodes from it as I can until the reveal happens. Vanitas no Carte was their main recommendation, but so far it's definitely not for me. I'll probably drop it but don't tell this my Santa.
I prefer the TV series format over the movie format, but here I slightly prefer the rebuild movies because of the little improvements. I mean, the first one, because I kept postponing the rest of them. I really have to watch them already, especially because my father let me borrow his pendrive so I can watch them. I already bought a high capacity pendrive and copied the files, but realized that I can't give him back because he will and if I watched the movies, and I didn't. 😅
Wow, does that mean that you walk to work? That's admirable! My daily step count is 4-5000 on average, getting near 10000 on busy days. But to amass 10k just in the morning? I could never do that, I simply couldn't get up early enough for that.
I'm not a sub purist, but Japanese voice actors are very talented. (Or the studios only employ the best.) Some say they are overreacting but often that's the charm of it. Too much is better than not enough in this situation.
Thanks, I'm happy you think so. 🙂 You are right, knowing English opens many doors and you can use it almost everywhere to make others understand you. The trick is to be able to explain yourself with simple words too. I know there are Wikipedia articles in Simple English with only the 1000 most common words so it's easier to understand even for beginners. A great idea if you ask me.
Verbally I could improve a bit because I'm often nervous and words just don't come that easily. Also, I realized that my vocab is too general, for example I don't know many important words in connection with university and work.
I don't have a Twitch account, I don't even watch YouTube regularly, let alone something that requires me to join at a certain time of the day. I just shared my screen on Discord. As my friend noted later, it was a good idea because DDLC knows when you use a streaming platform and it surprises you with a jumpscare.
I get what you mean, yeah, it's a bit sad that AI is our friend and enemy at the same time. I want to be a programmer so I'm not safe either. Hopefully big companies will continue to distrust AI for important tasks so humans can do them. But hey, training them sounds exciting! And it feels good to spot the little cracks on their human masks, haha.
Ah yes, the 2020 online classes. Naturally, it's very sad that so many people got ill and even died during the pandemic, but those remote classes were my best memories of highschool in one way. I loved the introvert vs extrovert memes, as an introvert, they were perfectly accurate. The only thing I didn't like was the washed line between work and free time. When school time was over, instead of having a nice talk with my friend then taking the bus and heading home, I just stood up, went to the dining room to eat something, then went back to do my homework.
Okay, no problem, I usually don't feel like watching, reading or playing recommendations either, but I can say the same as you, it's good when others are so enthusiastic about a topic and it's a little relief for me when others info dump me, because it shows that I'm not the only one who does that. ^^
It's great to know you liked it! I also have a playlist with anime openings and endings but I realized that I'll never be able to add all that I like. I almost never skip openings and endings. As I like to say: "they must be good because the viewer will hear them at least a dozen times".
I tend to buy a game just for the OST, aaand... I bought Eastward. :P A month ago actually, when it was on sale. Okay, not just for the OST, I like Zelda-like top-down RPGs in general. But I felt guilty about buying yet another game when I didn't even touch the last two I bought, so I decided to play those first. One day I'll get to it, or my patience will run out and I will let it cut in the line.
I never tried karaoke (I'm too shy) but it must be awesome to sing songs you love, it's great that you had the opportunity to enjoy it! The last time I saw others sing at karaoke was probably in highschool when the freshmen had to do it as a task. I'm happy I could skip those stupid trials when I got into highschool, even if it was because I was in hospital during that week.
But I didn't skip the "trials" when I was in my first year at University. Thankfully the upper class students weren't so hard on us, the only evil thing they did was waking us up with a fire alarm in the morning to start the day with running. But I knew that the real fire alarm had a different sound so I didn't check what was going on. They told us afterwards that we had burnt to death. 😆
Thanks, I always try to play games when I get my hands on something that has a screen. 😁 Not long ago I asked my father if I can use the spare computer I knew we had somewhere, and he agreed. It turned out that we had two spares, and in the end he gave me the stronger one. He's very kind. Sadly, for the programs I needed to run it was still in the "barely enough" category, but at least it didn't freeze when I opened Android Studio, unlike the previous one. Looks like it helped a lot that it had 4 processor cores instead of 2.
Now that a few months passed, how is your Superstar Saga replay? Because I put it on hold for now, sadly. I love that game to death but I was concentrating on other games. And I also made a special rule for this playthrough: I must play with a physical D-pad whenever I can to be authentic. And this time I'm trying even harder not to use save states during battles. (I will probably end up using them for parkour sections anyway.) Speaking of the controls, this game works very well with touch screen controls, and since you use John GBA too you can customize the size and positions until they are comfortable. I prefer this layout.
This is for my hand size of course, and the bezels on your phone (and the notch, if you have one) also matter. The shoulder buttons are more comfortable to have closer to the select and start buttons, and closer to the edge of the screen, but I had to put them there because of the attachable triggers I told about earlier (it was last year January??? Wow.)
The song you sent is so... Massive. The comments under it gave me hints about the context I can't wait to see this scene myself. Heck, I should get a Switch already and get all these games for it. But even if the current Switch gets cheaper after the Switch 2 releases, the games will be still expensive. Unless I can get second hand cartridges of course. Maybe this is the last console generation where you can own your games physically.
Every game gets crazy at the top level. But speaking of Tetris, there's a version of the game where you have to be this fast by design, where the developers made this an intentional challenge. As the final challenge of the game, the blocks not only fall instantaneously, but they also become invisible! Here's a video footage. Watch the credits screen at 6:42.
About the Vietnamese girl at the bus stop, sadly, I also couldn't get enough courage to introduce myself. 🥲 Nor the THIRD time because it looks like she always goes home with that bus coming at Thursday 11:27. I'm a chicken.
Buuut I finally did it the fourth time! It was very awkward, I'm not sure if she paid attention at all because two other transfer students immediately caught her and my conversation was over. And also, the bus came.
After that I saw her two more times, always at the same time of the day. One time we just waved at each other before getting off the bus, the other time we could have a little chat again. I love talking to people from other countries, especially in real life. :)
I finished Bocchi and... Yes, it was unusual. I know the fan favorites are Bocchi and Ryo, but I liked Ikuyo and Nijika more. (That omurice spell was peak, haha)
To answer your question, I also finished the second season of Yuru Camp. It was as perfect as the first season. I liked how they tried to give more screentime for those characters who were more in the background during the first season. I loved how Chiaki called Akari "chibi Inuko" every time, and I loved how the fansubbers translated this to "dwarf Inuko", very fitting. 😁
Other anime I started watching (and also enjoyed) are Hyouka and Dororo. I watched to watch Hyouka for a long time, but the final push was my brother who watched it and told me it was the most boring anime he's ever seen. After that I knew I'll enjoy it. 😂 And it was a positive surprise! I'm mixed on KyoAni, but Hyouka is just so perfect. KyoAni pushed the boundaries of what we knew as fan service, using different types in every anime, and this kind is okay for me. Chitanda is a surprisingly well made character.
Dororo was recommended by my secret Santa (whose identity will be revealed today, according to the announcement). He sent me 3 in total, I checked 3 episodes of the first 2, I didn't like Vanitas no Carte, but fell in love with Dororo after the second half of the first episode. Gore is not my genre, but I can overlook it for the plot and characters.
So it's like that. 😕 But how do you mean? They ask you to do it as a favor, saying it just takes a few minutes? Or the thing you said: they postpone paying you indefinitely? It sucks anyway, not only because of the money but because it feels they have no regard for your work. Unless it was a real favor and they showed their gratitude in a different way.
2000 euros? That's brutal. You can buy a decent second hand car for that price here. Is there a labor union they can turn to? It's an inhuman thing to do. Good to hear your case was less severe, I hope you got your share in the meantime.
Your editor is so nice. 😊 And sure, you deserve those copies, hopefully you'll get them soon if you didn't yet.
Conventions are fun, there was one for film and book fans I visited with my father (it was his idea), we attended it the next year too, it was cool, the programmes were interesting, and we also saw cospayers! The funniest sight were the crossdressers with their hilarious wigs, haha. The only downside was the overpriced goods, but my sister still got a huge plushie.
I have never visited an anime con but maybe I should visit one secretly. I just have to be prepared to run into familiar faces, not many people know about this hobby of mine y'know. I like to keep this hidden from others, the only exception was when I ordered a Psycho-Pass badge and put it on the side of my backpack. It was a great idea, that's how I met my best University friend. She asked "Is that a Psycho-Pass badge?" I answered "You know Psycho-Pass?" and she said "Of course!" It turned out she knew and loved almost all the anime I also loved! 😄
Here's a picture of the badge. Terrible, I know, but I can't take another one at the moment.
I didn't mention it yet, did I? I got an internship! It's half-official info, but I'm 99% sure I'll get the position. It wasn't the one I was looking for, but hopefully this workplace will have a friendlier atmosphere at least. It's a job at National Tax and Customs Administration, I'll be most likely working with their database, hopefully it won't be that difficult. It was the type of work I wanted to avoid the most, but I'm not in the situation to complain. My brother said he heard that this type of work is dead easy. I wish it was true.
It wasn't a public position by the way, I asked the person in charge of helping students with their internship and she sent me a long list of potential workplaces along with an application form to this place. The woman on the phone was slighly surprised I didn't know any of their contact members and still got the form from somewhere, haha. But on the interview they said I know everything for the job and they'll gladly hire me. The lady who was the head of department talked a lot about the place and I felt like they need me as much as I need them. It felt good, and a little surprising. They treated me as a colleague already. :)
And here starts the armada of my new gaming stories!
About Bowser's Inside Story! Dr. Toadley told me I'm close to the final battle! When did I get so far?? I thought I'll see a few more locations. Oh well, time flies. I'm currently in the garden of Peach's castle.
Anyhow, I have made new memorable moments since I last talked about it.
That tower with the moustache was tough to punch to pieces. But it was epic as always, I love fighting as giant Bowser.
The train fight was even tougher against those pesky moles, it was calculated with such precision that I only had a few meters until falling to my doom even with nearly perfect execution at every stop! I had to retry a few times.
A few days ago I finally got all the mushroom balls! That liar yellow toad said the last one was "to the east", but it was on the same screen. I used a guide to find the last one, at least, I wanted to use it, but in the end I stumbled on it by accident.
Got all but one special attack for the bros! There are maybe 3 missing for Bowser, but he's still sitting in that uncomfortable safe. Poor guy, Bowser is a very likeable figure in this game.
Now I'm part of the Secret Bowser Society! Since I'm the master of getting lost, I was hesitant to choose between the left side and right side of the catacombs under Bowser's castle to search for the notes with the passcode. I, again, looked for help on the internet and found a forum post asking the same thing: where are the notes? And one "helpful" player wrote this: "It's kinda complicated to find them, it was a long time ago, I don't remember the locations, so I just give you the code. Press the circle..." NITWIT! Never heard of gamer pride?! It's no fun if you just give them the solution! So I went exploring myself, and quickly found out that the left side has the U-lift that requires Bowser to operate, and as I expected, I found the notes on the right side.
Aaanyway. What I found inside was even better than Bowser's Bullet Bill reference. (I'll put it in spoiler, in case you didn't open that big door with the icy floor)
The prices at the star shop are beyond ridiculous. They are hella expensive! No wonder they treat their customers like kings with these prices. I expect such gratitude for leaving all my money at them. Of course, there's a way to get quick money: the moving block challenge! ...Hell no! Who would do such a ridiculous thing as to hit that block 99 times??? Even if it doubles my money, I can't imagine who would be so persistent. But the special attack challenges are just as absurd to do. It's usually possible to get a B-rank if you really want it, but getting an A-rank falls into the "forget it" category.
And just to ramble even more: we finally played some board games at home! We have quite a few but we only play them on Christmas, and sometimes when we are on vacation together. It would be a good New Year's resolution to play more I guess! 😄
One thing we played was 7 Wonders. If you are not familiar with it, it's about building your own civilization that you get randomly at the start of the game, making it famous, rich, strong, and excellent at sciences.
My experiences from the last game:
It was proven again that war cards can take you a long way, even if they seem risky to build on. As long as your neighbors' power levels are within reach, it's well worth it.
Also, market cards are much more powerful than I thought. If you get one that makes trading basic materials cheaper, you will be able to get away with much less resources in your possession! Just make sure to grab one of the free money cards to cover your expenses.
And another board game experience.
This is getting long. But why not. One more story, and this is very recent. I finally went ice skating after 3 years!
At first it looked like nobody was free for the weekend, but my sister was willing to come. After much thinking I decided to ask my uncle and cousin too, and they also came! They were not only good company but it also made things easier as they came with a car and could pick us up after we took off the train. (We missed the previous one by 1 minute, the crossing barrier stopped the bus and we saw the very train we wanted to take going away)
As we expected, the rink was fully packed (there were around 4-500 people). No wonder, it's an awesome place with an amazing view and a huge space to go around. This meant that 99% of the time we could only maneuver slowly and carefully, with the exception of the last meters of the round where the crowd density was surprisingly low. So we played safe, but next time I really want to learn a few tricks, like skating backwards (the only "tricks" I know are skating without using my hands for balancing, and sliding on one leg for 2 seconds)
And how big is this ice rink? This big. But stupid Facebook won't take you to the video if you are not signed in. (It should point to the page of the rink)
Looks like I wrote too much about my side stories, haha. At least it helps keep the conversation fresh. Thank you for your patience, I hope you had a happy and peaceful Christmas, and that you are looking forward to an exciting New Year!
Thanks for the congratulations! It just happened that I had time and motivation so I watched the first Evangelion rebuild movie. It wasn't the same the feeling as for the TV series, they really added some extra value, improved art, and added a few short scenes to clarify things. I'll continue with the next one soon. I don't know if your question was what I planned for my 100th anime or what I planned to watch after that, but hopefully this answers it.
Balaton is a wonderful place. German tourists love it too! It's for historical reasons because at the time of the Berlin wall this was the only place where families could meet. And they became returning visitors. Many places have signs both in Hungarian and in German languages. Most of them don't even have an English section, a lot of Germans don't speak English anyway or don't like to speak it if they can speak their own language instead. The funny thing is that many Hungarians can also speak only Hungarian and their German (and even English) is quite limited beyond the most commonly needed words in those situations.
But Balaton is also great to cycle around. I thought I already ventured into this topic but searching for the keywords I don't see it. Because I did 2 and a half full cycles so far in the last two years with my uncle and cousin who was around 13 when we first did it. Astonishing what she can do. We went more than 100km each year in one day! I'd say her stamina was even better than mine. Not like I'm so sporty. We will probably do this every year at least I'd be super happy.
Yes, I haven't seen my old classmates since New Year's Eve. There were also people I haven't seen since we finished high school! And there was one guy beside me who also grew a beard, haha. :)
Last time I forgot to tell you (or did I?) that I actually streamed my first DDLC gameplay to one of my friends (but only after I got *that* scene beforehand). Time for the rest of the endings. I'm probably not at the point you mentioned so I won't open that spoiler, thank you for not spoiling it.
Wow, so many languages! I wish I knew English at C1 level, there's a great internship opportunity I could apply for but I'm afraid they'll choose someone else because I only know English at an intermediate level, even though I consider my written English fairly good (not counting that I keep using the same words too often. I should learn a few more to look more sophisticated).
The asterisk solution is creative but looks weird. Using slash is a cleaner solution, but less convenient in this case.
I just noticed, I forgot the period at the end of my Fruits Basket sentence last time? 🤨 I clearly wanted to say something else there but I don't remember what. Anyway, that's great that you enjoyed it and that it's from the good portion of its genre. I'll consider watching it.
As a side note, I think Gboard got a new function to predict what emoji I'll use based on context. I don't know if it's cool or unsettling.
Another side note, I wasn't really thinking about this before but I hope you don't mind these messages being posted as comments on our profiles. On my side, I don't mind if others read it, these are not things I want to hide from others, but I know there are people who prefer PM/DM at all times. I like two things about comments: it's a more social experience for me to see a huge list of comments under each other, and I'm crazy enough to write most of my messages on mobile and the profile page has a mobile view while the PM interface don't.
Yes, I'm definitely the type who plays many games simultaneously. Looking back at what I wrote, I didn't even notice I played that many games! But you are so right, it's absolutely true that it's a different experience when you are set on a game and play almost exclusively that. When something can draw me in I do it too. I had a few games recently that could occupy my mind entirely, and the largest was probably CrossCode.
Oh, I talked about it again. I didn't want to urge or press you to play it, it was just an example. But talking of examples, the Mega Man Legacy Collection was just the same, but in my second year. I should really continue playing it, I already bet the first 2 games and I'm close to finishing the third!
Aaaaa! That Eastward OST is so good! I listened to the rest of the tracks too when I was at it. I send two songs in return: Brigador OST that I rediscovered after years, because GOG gave away the game a long time ago and I played it a bit back then (still the only good GOG giveaway to this day), and this ultra addicting Inabakumori song. I put it on repeat and listened it at least 6 times in a row yesterday. It accomplished the impossible, mixed repetition with uniqueness. In most parts when your brain thinks "oh, I know this part and I know what notes will come next!" it introduces a little change and remains unpredictable. Brilliant!
I also have that "just chill out and explore" memory from my childhood. Somebody installed one of the early 3D GTA games on every PC at school so I played it a few times when I was around 10. I didn't know what to do, so I just drove freely, adored the scenery and broke every store window with my car haha. Sadly old 3D games often cause motion sickness to me and that was no exception.
I guess I should hurry, you will finish Superstar Saga before I can start another replay on it. And before I can finish BIS. I now want to try Dream Team because of this track.
Wow, you didn't notice you could save in the menu? That makes the game harder for sure. 😁 I often do similar things in games, for example when I have a super strong reusable ability but I just forget about it. Happened to me a lot haha.
I don't know if I mentioned it but I figured out how to activate New Game Plus on Kirby's Dreamland. You have to hold down the buttons at the same time, it's not a sequence.
The new game mode is brutal. The base game was fairly easy so a pre-schooler could complete it, but new game plus makes even me sweat. New enemies, new attacks, and similar enemies can act differently so you must be prepared for anything or memorize which creature will suddenly do a dive attack.
I don't know where to put this paragraph but wanted to brag some more: I'm now at 40+ wpm at my typing speed! I'm basically just as good without looking at the keyboard than when I type regularly!
*Random shout-out* Big news! Tetris rebirth had been achieved on October 5!!! This means that a player successfully played through all 256 levels and the counter was reset to zero! Well, almost , because you can set a higher starting level up to 19. And level 29 was supposed to be the human limit of the game speed but it turned out to be wrong.
Google being overly curious of my browsing habits can a good side too. Because earlier that day when I got the news in my feed I watched this amazing video about the history of Tetris world records. I love Summoning Salt so much. Maybe I should subscribe to his Patreon. He only charges when he uploads a new video. A true gentleman.
Other news. I guess I'm unlucky but I got a BSOD loop on my home PC running Windows 11 and it was so hopeless I had to wipe my whole SSD. Thank God I could back up 99% of my data before it. I'm glad I didn't lose my BIS progress, I already spent 16 hours on that save file. Also, with a few exceptions all of my games were on my HDD so I didn't have to reinstall my games. But I lost my Skeleton Boomerang save just before the final boss because it didn't have cloud saves. :c I'm not sure if I'll have the patience to grind all those necklaces to open the gates again and to beat those annoying and tedious bosses for their weapons. Save editing would be easier but it's only a bunch of numbers under each other and I don't know which to change.
But I had to do a reinstall anyway sooner or later so I'm almost somewhat happy I did it. I had many hidden files taking up enormous space and now I'm free of them. So I could put The Ascent on my SSD and test if the loading time gets better. Well, not by much. It's like 15 seconds vs 20 seconds. Deep Rock Galactic is still the only game where an SSD helped.
Something funny has happened to me last Thursday last week 2 weeks ago (seriously, I should finish this message already).
Just wanted to share this. It was an unexpected but pleasant socializing experience.
Update: the next week it happened again! Although I was less confident that time and we only talked for a few minutes.
And lastly some anime news: I started Bocchi The Rock yesterday! Finally! It's very unusual but in a good way. I hope to watch a few episodes today too. Or finish the second season of Yuru Camp. The poor thing is still waiting for me to finish it. Only 2 episodes to go but I'm more in the mood for action nowadays.
I did it! I finished this long letter! I hope it won't put too much stress on you to answer everything, you can answer briefly for some paragraphs if you want to. And I hope you enjoy your translation job, I was thinking about it too to translate a few things between English and Hungarian, just for fun for small communities, I don't want money for it, especially while I'm new at this.
Relaxing on the beach is wonderful! I spent 2 weeks at the Balaton as usual and it was peak. 2 weeks are usually enough to make me home sick but not this summer. I enjoyed every minute of it. I only missed reading in a sun bed all afternoon. My cousins were too lively for that. Still, I managed to finish the first book of LOTR (took me almost a year) and in the second book it starts to pick up the pace! I also picked up two ebooks that were free for a limited time and they are surprisingly good. It's called Broadcast 1 and 2: Resurrection and Awakening. It's sci-fi and the technical terminology is really well done.
The temperature here is also terrible, AND IT'S SEPTEMBER! Climate change is awful. Although I still think that factories and server farms are the main culprits here.
It's no problem I'm recovered now, haha. So I can get the others endings to make myself feel miserable again... By the way, after my friend sent me this meme I realized the game fooled me so hard.
In a way it's even worse. From a perspective it tells you it wasn't your fault. From another viewpoint it tells you you can't save her because it's too late.
At school when we had to study German (and the German learners had to study English) sadly we got a really kind but carefree teacher who didn't really teach us anything. Not because of laziness, she just... lived in a parallel universe. So when we got a new teacher we convinced her with our classmaster that we should start over because we barely know the basics. And we did, so in 4 years we learned like 50-100 words, some conjugation, the present and past tense, and that's it. I really wish I wasn't so lazy so I could learn it on my own.
In Hungarian everything is neutral. Not even he/she exists. That's why I like to joke about my pronouns being "ő/őt" because this is literally the only one, haha. I didn't know neutrality is so rare in languages. I learned something new today.
Same, Firefox and Duckduckgo. But I don't use them exclusively. I use every major browser a bit and each with its own search engine (and Firefox with DDG).
But back to the topic, I tried a Japanese learning app too, and it was Japanese Dungeon. It was in JRPG style and your knight fought a monster in each level. you had to choose the correct word or kanji from the 4 options and if you answered really fast you even dealt critical damage! It was fun but I wasn't sure if it was the best way to learn the language. It had other versions too btw like Italian and German. :)
I also find Duolingo superficial. And it quickly becomes a chore. When I used it and I burnt out I completed the same mini story every day because unlike normal lessons it only took a minute. And it's really like Duo wants to kill you all if you don't practice regularly, haha.
Good! I'm happy you loved the music I sent you! I'm really into these, more than tracks with lyrics, although I like those too, especially power metal like Windrose. But I started to collect a playlist with more popular songs that I also like, so if I have to, I can recommend stuff others will appreciate too.
Yeah, Necrodancer is just brutally tough. I often visit the Beastmaster to practice the monsters, but it doesn't help when I'm surrounded by 3 different ones! I like rhythm games too but only play with one at a time and the current one is Museswipr for me. My first roommate recommended Rhythm Doctor, I want to try that too. It sounds like a captivating experience. But €15 is a bit too much for a one-button game I think, so I'll wait for a sale.
Now that you mention it I should continue Mystery Dungeon. I'm slow when it comes to strategy games, even if it's not that difficult like this. I'm afraid that I'll choose the wrong builds, waste my precious items, or not use them when I have to. I just prefer skill-based games, that's why the Mario RPG series is a true gem for me. It perfectly mixes the two!
Another one that does this is Steamworld Heist. It's a veeery unique game. It's a side-view game with RPG elements, we are space pirates who try to get steam, because it's a steampunk world. And the twist is that every shot is manual! Aiming is your part but it's not that simple because everyone has trembling hands and the pistol moves up and down slowly but in an UNPREDICTABLE rhythm! And there's friendly fire so think twice before trying to snipe somebody from 20 metres away. It also has a funny feature that you can shoot of the enemy's hats and collect them. Once I saw a very rare hat but I lost the mission and lost the hat too. D:
I got my first ending in Citizen Sleeper! I was too late and the head hunter got me, I wish I had 4 more cycles... :'( But I had all the stuff to repair myself fortunately so I survived. Then I left the station with a kind and hard working guy and his adopted little girl. I'll get the other endings too. One day... And I'm looking towards Citizen Sleeper 2!
Not with specific words, but I can perfectly imagine Japanese people speaking Hungarian. The sounds are so similar. Even the "a" sound is always the same, and it's very rare.
I see I'm late again, haha. I'm nowhere near the end of BIS yet. :') I'm at the second star cure I guess. Now that you mention you not remembering certain fights appearing in the remake, I'm the same with Superstar Saga. I never ever saw those hourglass enemies in the desert playing the GBA version but I looked up a playthrough of the remake and they are there! According to the Mario Wiki they are not exclusive to the remake so maybe only the European version doesn't have them?
Wow, you finished so many games since last time! I started more than I finished. Like the Mass Effect trilogy, The Ascent and The Pillars of Earth. Technically I didn't start the last two, I've played them for an hour years ago but that's basically nothing. I especially enjoy the last one, I haven't read the book so I don't know which is the canonical route. My last two decisions in the game were really stupid but it's probably the same as with DDCL, lol. No matter what I do, I just get a few extra sentences blaming me for my mistakes. But don't get me wrong, it doesn't feel cheap and I don't expect the writers to change everything because you mentioned a name before someone you should have not said.
Haha, yeah, not using extra saves is a whole different experience. I read that in the Fire Emblem series the developers were mixed on the idea of introducing a casual mode without permadeath. Because once it happens sacrificing characters becomes part of the strategy. On the other hand permadeath without autosave only results in players reloading the whole fight. But it's not even enough, even with autosave you can just hit alt+F4 instantly when something goes wrong.
Avoiding the final boss reminds me of me playing CrossCode. I'm currently farming for my new equipment before entering the final dungeon. I'm vacillating between two very similar pieces, one can be obtained by getting good scores in the arena (I suck at it) and the other is simply farming stronger variants of normal enemies. Given how hard it is to get good scores in the arena, maybe I should spend those tokens on other equipment. Or "git gud". Also, there are new side quests! Again! This game has an infinite supply of them! But I'm not sure if I'll do the sequel of the tower defense minigame quest. It's just brutal even after looking up the best strategy (interestingly
Honestly, I'm not playing Octopath Traveler as intended. As I mentioned I'm ridiculously overleveled, but interestingly elite fights and bossfights are still sluggish. The enemy team is a bullet sponge, my team is also protected by 10cm of armor, so we chip each other's HP down at a snail pace. The problem is, my team is diverse so I have many different classes. This means that I have roughly 2 effective attacks against each enemy. It's painfully slow and I must be doing something wrong, but at least the game is beautiful.
Sounds lovely, I might look into it. The only shoujo I tried was Yona of the Dawn. And yeah, I understand what you say. There are just too many clichés. I found the male characters in Yona especially bland with two exceptions. Overall, I still gave that anime a 7. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I'm thinking about another shoujo, Fruits Basket
Speaking of anime, I was recommended to watch the Spice and Wolf remake. I'm not familiar with the original but he said it's not a problem, so I'll probably watch only the remake. But only after finishing the current series I'm watching. I'm at 99 completed anime! Well, not really, but MAL says so. So I'm planning to choose either the 2nd season of MHA or the 2nd season of Yuru Camp as the 100th anime.
And as a quick note (and a new topic), I started learning touch typing! I'm at 15-18 words per minute right now, which is terrible but I try to improve. Actually it's so slow that I can't even beat the easy mode of Typer Shark. (Old PopCap game, if you know them. They made Peggle, Bejeweled and Insaniquarium.)
Thank you for writing and sorry again for the delay. The internship, well, it doesn't progress as I expected. I handed in my application to 10 places now, most of them refused me, the others didn't say anything. The last two or three are still in progress, one of them said to wait because maybe they can offer a job, so I'm hoping for the best. And hoping that you get the position you want too!
To be honest, I was also thinking about deleting the game and hoping that time will make me forget, but I'm glad I changed my mind. I definitely didn't expect many of the "surprises". I had some knowledge beforehand on the game, but when I heard it's horror I associated for something a bit different. The reason the first death shocked me so hard is that this game knows how to make you feel part of the story. And you FEEL responsible for their deaths. I legit felt like I was the one who killed her. Because I didn't want to lie to her.
I know it's just a game so I better be careful what I believe, but if people in real life can be so unstable while showing nothing of it to the outer world then I must be super careful.
That's really nice, thank you! ^^ Then I had some progress with my communication skills. Yes, English is really cool and useful, and it was the best decision in my life that I chose to learn English as my second language and not German. (I had to learn that too so I couldn't escape my fate. :') ) But jokes aside, German is not that bad and I want to get better at it. I'm just too lazy unfortunately. I tried Duolingo for a while but that didn't help much. Now I'm trying a browser extension called Toucan. It translated some words on webpages you visit to a chosen language. Not as efficient as school classes, but a cool idea.
You can give it a try if you use a browser other than Firefox. Maybe I mentioned it earlier but Firefox is the last actively developed browser that's not built on the Chromium engine. So I try to support Mozilla by using Firefox. Relying on only one engine is convenient, but dangerous because one vulnerability affects everybody.
Oh, another synthwave lover! Let's see your favorite first.
Cool and hard hitting track! Reminds me of Orax, but without the saxophone. Or rather... The Messenger! It's a hilarious half-8-half-16-bit metroidvania game that disrespects the 4th wall more than any other game. Let's see if I can find a similar track from it. Maybe this!
The other one is unique for sure, it's crazy style reminds me of Teriyaki Boyz from Tokyo Drift. And it's finally something where I can follow the lyrics!
Funny that you mentioned Necrodancer because I got the game just a few days ago! And... it's hard. IT'S TERRIBLY HARD! I can't think of a strategy in less than a second for being surrounded by 3 enemies at once! (Okay, sure, this situation is easy to address: run!) Maybe I should spend some time practicing at the Beastmaster. I won't give up so easily. But I think I'll stick with a new favorite for now: Citizen Sleeper.
If you haven't played it, I couldn't recommend it more. I played for 5 hours so far and it's really captivating. Good characters, superb atmosphere, plenty of activities on the space station, and dice rolls for actions! Yeah, gambling is bad, but still, it's thrilling to bet a low roll on a risky action just to see if it somehow succeeds. Okay, in reality I almost never do that because I can spend those dices (or dies, or simply dice, whatever) on hacking for data, as hacking requires exact dice matches and the game usually asks for a 1 or 2 roll. A brilliant idea to make use of the low rolls if you ask me! Right now I'm trying to find a job as a spaceship assembler and try to avoid dying. Because a so called Hunter is after me and although I had the chance to shoot him, I didn't want to get into trouble (I mean, more trouble) so now he's gathering reinforcements and will return in 8 cycles to kill me. Things are getting exciting, that's for sure.
It's great that you could finally get the back off of your 3DS! Luckily, I never had this problem, we are swimming in screwdrivers and other tools haha. My dad is a big collector. So now that you started replaying BIS I should hurry. Knowing myself you'll probably finish the replay sooner than me. ^^' I know, returning to a game after a long break is not the same. I know that too well. After bigger skips I just forget my inventory, quests and plans in general. But a few months ago I discovered that Steam has a Notes function so you can take notes for every game! I started using it, hopefully I'll read them too, haha.
True, he's very cool when he's not acting without thinking. I also realized how lucky I am for having a wonderful family. And that much less people plan to have children nowadays, mostly because of their bad experiences which is sad.
Congrats on getting your dad a song so memorable! My similar accomplishment would be "the Kirby song" (Gourmet race), my brother sometimes starts randomly singing it when entering the room. ^^ It's so iconic.
Thank you, I'm indeed proud! I tried submitting many maps before, the Map Crew found most of them bland, so after a while I realized I must make my maps fancy and it worked. :) But probably this was only a small part of the success. There was one time when I went a bit too far and used the max number of decorations you can put on a map, haha. As you can guess, it was rejected.
If you ever try the game (I forgot to mention, you can log in as a guest!), visit an Atelier room, it's beautiful. It was originally an Easter egg that the room named 801 was a beautiful hidden place (the developer team's name is Atelier801 :) ). Now it has its own category under the map list. Oh, and if I recall correctly there's a cloud you can climb up if you have good reflexes, but it's tricky to pull off.
Speaking of it, there are two important techniques in the game: wall jumping (wj for short) and corner jumping (cj).
Perfect timing, because I tried Pokémon Dungeon just the day before you replied me, and it's fantastic! I like its turn based approach and that you can see the enemies instead of getting random encounters (just like in the Mario RPGs). The initial quiz concluded that I'm the jolly type (which is half correct) and I got Squirtle, and chose Torchic as partner. The hardest part of this game is remembering the controls. It has so many button combos. Luckily, it has a built-in hint menu for most of them. But they forgot to include the fast healing shortcut and naturally, I forgot about it the next day after it was introduced. It took me a while to look up, I tried every damned button combo, then it turned out it's B + A. Modern games never use these in tandem so I didn't even think about it.
Oh, interesting, I didn't know. Don't worry, I'm also a member of the grammar nazi club and occasionally post interesting grammar facts on the forums here. Like, today's grammar fun fact was that cucu (pronounced as "tsutsu") means piggy and cuki ("tsuki") means cute in Hungarian. So akatsuki sound cute, if you don't mind the pun. :) As for diacritics, Hungarian uses them a lot. Unlike most languages, Hungarian built every letter into their alphabet, even digraphs (and trigraphs, but here's only one of them and it's practically never used). So the full alphabet is 44 letters long. Here's what Wikipedia says.
The letters where most fonts bleed out are ő and ű. I played a mobile game where if you type these characters in the chat they simply disappear from your message. So guild members needed to remember to be careful when asking for "szőlő" (grapes) because it appeared as "szl". Sz counts as one letter here and pronounced as "s", while s would be pronounced as "sh". "Ő" is like the pronounced vowel in "earn", but it's the longer variant, the shorter is "ö". So as you can see, the pronounciation is not "solo", but a little similar.
Thank you for the recommendation! Reading Golden Kamui's MAL page it looks promising, I'll put it on my wait list right after Umineko When They Cry. I don't read historical themed manga (or anime) but I want to try one.
Now that you mention the "many characters", I recently started getting serious with the mobile release of Octopath Traveler (Octopath: Champions of the Continent) and it has maaany characters, each with their own backstories. Until now I just logged in sporadically to grab the daily reward from the caith scholar. I farmed so many XP nuts from mail rewards that I could bring my party up to level 50. ^^
I can recommend this game too, I didn't go deep into it but as I can see the whole story is free, only some of the characters are paid (in gatcha form).
As I mentioned last time, remembering (or even noticing) the OSTs in anime is rare for me (except for good OPs and EDs), they require at least one rewatch to burn into my memory. A recent exception is Terror in Resonance. It was a beautiful and heartbreaking story. I can highly recommend it even with the holes and vague details in the story. And it has an exceptional OST, that's why I'm mentioning it.
Sorry for making you wait, I'm currently trying to get a position at a company as a trainee because I need work experience for my degree, so I'm calling them every 3 days or so if there's any progress. But now I'm finishing this message after days of composing no matter what. Thank you for reading all the stuff I wrote and replying to them, I'm super happy whenever I can recommend things. I'll collect them once more if you want to check any of them out.
I wish you good health and a cooler summer without devastating heatwaves, and I hope I hear from you soon!
Oh dear. Let's start from the start. I have literally slept 3 hours last night because of this game.
Yesterday night I told a few other people about my experiences too, and this morning he replied that he doesn't remember any endings like the one I got. He figured out I didn't get a real ending, just
And I did. And I'm glad I did. I feel much better now. And you were right. It's... deep.
Back to the ending thing, I thought this because in 9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors, you must complete the 5 bad endings to get the true ending. So I was thinking I must do 2 or even 3 more of this, and that's why I was reluctant to return to the game. But now it just achieved that I'll return to this game voluntarily to get to know the other characters too. As it said, "I sold my soul for a cupcake". And I sold it for sure.
Haha, thank you, now I'm proud of myself. :) But sometimes I'm tired of using the same boring words and phrases and I'm frustrated, because I don't know enough words to make my texts more interesting. I already read books in English but if I don't try to learn from them then the words won't get magically into my head.
I appreciate your long messages too, there's no one else on MAL who has more shared topics with me. Well, it's not about the number of them, but somehow we can still write a lot and reflect to games we never played and probably hardly know. By the way, you're better at this, but I try to improve my enthusiastic side too.
Mmm, yes, listening to music is the best. I still have my original travelling playlist, it's really nostalgic, especially this song. I like synthwave so much. (And speaking of music I can't restrain myself from recommending this too. I put this game on my wishlist, if something has such an incredible soundtrack then it must be good.)
If I somehow get a switch I'll definitely try it! It's not completely impossible, I have a feeling that if the Switch 2 comes out and the original becomes cheaper, my father won't be able to resist the desire to get one. He likes collecting tech stuff, his latest idea was buying second hand processors and video cards to upgrade his also second hand computers he got for fun.
Yeah, games clearly transitioned from "level 1, level 2" to making connected worlds. Or at least use a hub world to connect them. Speaking of it, I should really install Strawberry Jam, a huge modded world for Celeste already. I was wandering on Reddit and saw many posts proudly stating that they have finally "completed the lobby", because it requires keys from other levels, maybe all of them, I'm not sure.
It's the "you should read this 2024" badge. It was pretty easy so I gave it a try. There was a list of cool new manga which was compiled previously from suggestions submitted by the community (there was a form for that), and you had to pick an entry that you hadn't started reading yet and read at least 2 volumes of it. The bar was set low but I still finished it only a few weeks before the end of the challenge, haha.
Haha, most of those titles are my sweet old memories from the era when I could spend hundreds of hours with a single game. :') But now that you mentioned it, I didn't realize how many different games I played recently. However, only a couple of hours went into each of them.
The only exception is Museswipr, which stands on 53 hours. I played it almost every day for 1-1.5 hours since last December. Now I really need to fine-tune my input settings since I reached the point where exponential improvement is over and I can only push my records forward by a few percent of accuracy, and sheer concentration is no longer sufficient. Because this game's only input is – surprise, – swiping (except for menu controls), which is not a perfectly defined notion. So it often happens that the game thinks you swiped when you didn't, and this messes up your timing.
Screen tilt and tone shift in music? Scratch what I said. I haven't seen the true form of this game yet. Also, I think it haunts me. I keep bumping into reference out of nowhere, like this picture.
By the way, because I heard how deceiving this game is, when it asked for the character's name I instantly knew it wanted to make the experience more personal, so I invented a silly name to separate myself from the protagonist. :P I choose "Empty", it sounds similar to my real nickname. It feels a bit strange when the characters use my real name.
Oh, my dad gets excited pretty often so it's no big news, haha. ^^ This also means that if he starts drinking you should escape immediately or you'll get stuck there listening to him for an eternity. But I see your parents are not like that.
Now that I think about it, there was a game mode in Transformice I played a lot and it was really similar to Smash Bros. It was the Domination module, you had to play capture the flag and shoot the other players with giant cannonballs. But the cannonballs didn't kill you on contact, they just hit you and if you were lucky, skilled and/or played for so long that you could buy the gravity spirit, then you could survive.
Yeah, many new words, so time to explain everything. If you somehow know the game that's even better, and maybe we could play a few rounds together someday. Also, in this case the next few long paragraph(s) are mostly unnecessary, but that's the curse of mailing and I have to accept it. But it has some bragging too so read it anyway. XD
Transformice is a cute 2D MMO platformer with mice, seasonal events, super simple controls, a super simple goal, a lot of challenge and sadly a too toxic community that's also almost completely dead by now. It has game rooms of several categories, the main ones are the vanilla and normal rooms.
But let's return to the explanation. There are so called modules, basically community made approved minigames in dedicated rooms. One of them is Domination, the module I mentioned. You play capture the flag and shoot at try to knock others off screen by cannonballs. (I didn't say it but it's a team game.) And what is spirit? If you press the down arrow in this module, it makes a spark below you, practically a tiny explosion that propels you up (but only if your velocity points upward). Gravity, the upgraded variant works the other way, it's like a tiny super strong blackhole that swings you. Of course it is summoned above you opposed to the normal variant. I loved that minigame sooo much.
Your luck with the Happinys sounds very similar to my luck with Bob's tear in Wynncraft (A brilliant MMORPG server on Minecraft, I still want to continue it when I have the time, absolutely recommend it if you have the game.) It was a rare item that can only be gotten from a rare zombie named Bob who lived in the starting city of the game. It was an endgame quest and pro players found it boring to hunt for Bob, so they bought his drop from the players in town. Their level was much higher than mine so the price they paid was nothing for them but a pretty good deal for me.
Turn it sideway??? I hope they told the player, otherwise they'll never figure it out. The devs liked to use the sensors of the DS a lot, it really adds to the charm of the games. I checked Pokémon Dungeon and it looks cute! I think I'll try it on my phone so I can take it anywhere. And the funny thing is, it won't be smaller on my phone than in real life, haha.
By the way I noticed something interesting. You used é for pokémon. I checked it and Italian language uses è instead. But you also used lowercase which means it's probably not copy paste. But no way you type from your phone too. Only I'm crazy enough to do that. (I'm just playing Sherlock here, I know)
That's sad. I'm also late to the party with anime conversations most of the time, unless I find someone new who adores the show. I also keep a diary on my phone btw. Once I wrote a program to compile it into one big file and it was a whopping 300 pages long document, without the inserted pictures.
Hmm, probably not, but reading your memories it must be hard hitting. Finding a good anime is like finding treasure. Sometimes it makes you think about it all day. Not long ago I recommended School-Live/Gakkougurashi to a MAL friend (velveteenvamp, you can actually find her messages on my profile), and I was so glad she liked it. It's among my favorites too, a short but effective emotional rollercoaster.
A good show? It's mostly the plot and the characters I think. They are equally important. Art and soundtrack are secondary, they only matter for me when they are really good or really terrible. Especially the art, because aside from the OP and ED I rarely remember the background music (or even the fight themes). The only exceptions were Psycho-Pass and Madoka Magica. What about you? You'll probably say the characters matter the most but I'll ask it anyway.
Thank you and good luck! Don't give up, here's a message for you as closing lines.
Game length can be deceiving, it was the same with Partners in Time for me. I thought I only had a single hour left from the game. Then I picked it up again and I was so wrong.
Now that you mentioned it, I sat down and watched the IGN review video about Tears of the Kingdom and wow. This looks so epic! The world is so huge and must be super fun to explore! The underground world sounds like an exciting addition too, it reminds me of Don't Starve's caves. Dark and dangerous with great rewards. And jumping down into the abyss without a single loading screen??? That's where my nerdy side really got excited.
One clever solution for loading screens I saw was loading space stations in Elite Dangerous. When you travel in supercruise (like hyperspace but it's slower) and exit next to a space station – a.k.a. disengage – you first have to "brake" your ship and while your ship is braking, the game loads the station. I love that game, but also agree that it'd be better with concrete goals. Much more players would play it.
About me? Oh well, this week was a nightmare, but I survived it somehow. Let's think about the good things instead. I got my first MAL badge, found a new addicting game to waste time with named Museswipr (a rhythm game, free on Steam), bought Metal Slug X and completed it with my brother (MS3 is still the king but it wasn't bad) continued DDLC (I'm only a few hours in but it already showed me it's true face), made Cave Story randomizer work on my Chromebook FINALLY, so now I can take it anywhere, and rediscovered Zombie Tsunami! I was surprised this game is still on the store, I first played it in elementary school on my friend's iPhone. And it's super! A more advanced version of Canabalt.
Aside from my usual games there's one more I played and completed: the first Kirby game, Kirby's Dream Land on an original Gameboy! And it was very enjoyable! However, it's a bit too easy. Playing as Kirby and being able to float and inhale anything is overpowered, but definitely fun. Okay, yes, completing the game without continues is a bit harder, and despite the clear instructions in the end I couldn't activate New Game+ to try it out, I must be doing something wrong.
Talking about Kirby, I didn't mention the most exciting thing that happened to me: a retro game exhibition, Regamex, where visitors can try any old console! I could even try the legendarily unpopular Atari Jaguar with Doom! The controller really is a joke, google it and you'll see why.
Which game did I finish? It was Pizza Tower! Brilliant game. The final boss was easier than I expected, but very satisfying when I unleashed a shower of punches on every old boss, doing 4 damage instead of just 1. The final escape was surprisingly tight. I lost my first attempt by just a few meters left till the exit, but won the second time with just 5 seconds remaining. Maybe I'll return later to collect all the secret food, I read it unlocks an extra cutscene. Also, I could get every toppin to get a new outfit.
So yeah, it's crazy, watch a longplay video or play it yourself if you want, especially for the music and the crazy art style.
Maxed out the Pokédex??? That's insane! The only similar thing I've ever done was maxing out the diary in Spelunky. The last item was the plasma cannon, took me years to make up my mind to get it, it was on the alien spaceship where everything is explosive. So congratulations!
I read some of the legendaries are hilariously hard to get in Pokemon. I'm not into the franchise, are Happinys that rare or tricky to get? I checked several Pokemon wikis but didn't find any info about this.
Thank you! My school wasn't that big, there were about 600 students in total with ~50 students every grade, but it felt good anyway. I'm also proud of getting 3rd place at a grammar competition in my district (a population of ~90000 people).
There are a few ways to upset them. :) Not counting deliberate attempts there are 3 main cases: accidentally putting a bomb too close to the shop and destroying part of it, setting off an arrow trap in front of the entrance so the shopkeeper gets a nice arrow in the head, or by setting off a stone trap above the shop by grabbing the idol, just like in Indiana Jones and being stupid/overconfident thinking that it won't roll that far. In Spelunky 2 the situation is much better as shopkeepers finally learn to recognize the cause of their harm. And if it obviously wasn't you then they will simply shoot the intruder but won't go on a rampage.
Naturally, the other system is understandable too. Making the shopkeeper too lenient would mean that players could trick the system and set up "alibis" for their crimes.
I finished Apothecary Diaries recently and as you can see from my profile, I fell in love with it. My friend also likes it as much as me, so we can praise it together and wait for the next season haha (yeah, technically this is hyping, sorry for that). The protagonists, Maomao and Jinshi have excellent synergy, but they are just as entertaining on their own. I adore Maomao for how many moods she can have. I totally recommend the show. I started watching the other hyped shows too from last season, but they're nowhere close so far.
And of course, I can still understand your point of view too. Hyped shows often get unrealistic scores. I wonder how long Frieren will stand on the top, as it leads the global rating list by a whopping 0.3 score at the moment. This is insane as the rest of the entries have a difference of 0.01 or 0.02. A magnitude of difference!
It's not weird. Watching the long, personal journey of each character is greatly satisfying. It's just a huge time investment. And treating them as your own children is just heartwarming. You remind me of my highschool classmaster who treated us the same way. She is the best in the world, now she's teaching my little sister (as a classmaster and English teacher, just as it was for me).
Just out of curiosity, how long does it take for you to write a long reply like the previous one? For me, it takes between 1.5 and 3 hours and I often take a break between paragraphs. This one took me days to compose. It's an adventure on its own, haha. ^^
Thank you for writing for me, it was refreshing to read and good luck for finding work! (I'll have to apply for an internship too. I'm in doubt if I'm good enough for the companies, but I'll see.) As always, I don't mind late replies, it makes the conversation longer so we won't run out of topics so early. ^^ And good luck for your 3DS!
No, I haven't finished BIS yet. I'm very slow when it comes to games. It takes me ages to finish one. Currently I'm at the point where the Mario bros can finally get outside and explore the 3D world. The blue shells are a creative mechanic, I like it very much!
Also, I've been into Pizza Tower recently! Boooy this game is amazing! Catchy tunes, crazy style, and lightning fast gameplay! I wonder which game I'll finish first: Pizza Tower, BIS, Undertale or CrossCode. As for Pizza Tower and CrossCode, I'm getting really close to the ending. I could basically finish the storyline of the latter, but I don't want to since it's so fun! (No, I'm not pushing you, just praising the game.) And also, I just opened the last area of the game: Rhombus Square! Which is funny, since it's the first real location you meet, except that you can't get in for ~50 hours. A clever move!
Replaying Pokémon? Cool! Recently I looked up why Pokémon games come in pairs. According to an interview, it's to make trading pokemons more enjoyable, as each version has it's own set of creatures. So if you and your friend have a different version, every pokemon from the other version will be fresh and interesting!
I like foreign languages too, and so do my siblings. I envy my sister, she won a national English competition. I was among the bests in my school too, but my biggest accomplishment is qualifying for the finals. In the end, my teacher chose someone else to participate in the finals, and I'm kind of thankful for that since I would have had to present a detailed book recommendation there, and presenting is a nightmare for an introvert, let alone doing it in a foreign language.
Thank you! Actually, I try to avoid the ghost at all cost. Some like to play with it since it can turn ordinary gems into super valuable diamonds, but for me it's not worth the hassle. Maybe in Spelunky 2 I could try it as it has a special vase on every level which contains a diamond, and also summons the ghost immediately. But it has a twist: if you let the ghost chase you for too long, it splits into two smaller and faster ghosts.
About puzzles, it might not look like a puzzle game, but Spelunky often has tricky situations that you really have to think about. Typically when there are many enemies beneath you. You can take the risk and almost certainly lose an HP or two, or you can use one of your precious bombs to make an alternative route. Or just blow up the enemies, hehe. Measuring gap sizes and jump distances is also part of the fun. And trying not to upset the shopkeepers.
Oshi No Ko is very good, it's an educational show done well. But it's okay if you don't feel like trying it.
A theatre play about an anime? It must be a whole new experience! I heard School-Live has one too, maybe I'll check it on YouTube since I'm a biiiig fan of both the anime and the manga (especially the manga). Haven't heard of Slam Dunk yet. Looking at its MAL page – made before 2000, is about sports, 100+ episodes – I don't think I would like it.
I already made a "debt list" to count my anime promises, I'll add Haikyuu too, haha. But currently I'm watching Apothecary Diaries and I just can't stop. It's a 10/10. It's humor is brilliant, the artwork is spectacular, and I adore the characters too. Really, a masterpiece. I'm at episode 6 and I can fully recommend it so far.
Thank you for the good wishes, I wish the same! It was an exceptionally tough week so far, it makes me feel sick, but I hope I can survive it somehow.
Oh, that's really a coincidence. In my family, nearly every woman is a teacher and every man is in the IT sector. My grandmother taught Maths and Physics. She also prepared me for my entrance exams into highschool, so I know how it feels. Preparing was just as tough as the exam. About my mother, she teaches religion (Christian, Reformed). She isn't strict and children like her at school. She also gives small presents (rubber, candy, football card) at the end of the classes for those who behaved well and were active.
Don't give up, there must be a solution. However, if you're using original hardware, I can't help much. In the worst case you could try this or a similar tool to get past that door, if you can extract the saves.
The hardest game I played? You found my favorite question! I would say Spelunky HD or Spelunky 2 (the latter is more brutal). This video perfectly sums up the game:
As Khaos said: "the simplest mistake can screw your entire run". So speaking of patience, Spelunky really needs it. Also, standing still can in fact kill you if you are super unlucky.
What I like about this game is that you don't have permanent upgrades. At all. When you enter the game the very first time you can theoretically complete the game in one try. I played Spelunky HD so much, if you let me try 3 times I can win the game at least once without shortcuts.
That's very sad indeed. Once I almost lost a save file that I'd been playing for years with my brother and friends (the game's Don't Starve Together). We had more than 200 hours on that save, close to the final boss. Thankfully it survived and we could finish it. We were so prepared that a huge part of our equipment remained unused.
Umm, partly comfortable. XD The good thing is, it weighs nothing. All plastic and no vibration motors (I don't need them). The bad thing is, the holder can't be tilted enough which is frustrating. I have to tilt my wrists instead to view the screen from a proper angle. Not the end of the world but still, this would have been easy to fix.
But hey! 100% is insane in any game! I rarely max out games. There's only one game on Steam where I got all the achievements: MO:Astray. A fun, unique and atmospheric game. Gato Roboto is almost perfect too, but the last achievement is to do a sub-hour speedrun. I tried it but the goal time for the first sequence was 4 minutes and I struggled to go below 7.
It was my father's phone for 1-2 years, but he bought it from one of his colleagues so it wasn't brand new to start with. Then I got it and used it until 2021.
Aqua was formerly the doctor of Ai and Ruby was the girl from the hospital. Aqua got stalked and the girl died of cancer. Then they both reincarnated. But after a while I forgot about the fact that they aren't as old as they seem. Until a few reminders.
Sheer power is always tempting, but it usually comes paired with slow speed which I dislike, so I'll stay with the more balanced characters. In other games I also choose melee weapons that are long but still not awfully slow.
I'll probably try Deltarune as well, but after finishing this playthrough I plan to go for the good ending. I heard Undertale has 93 ending variations though, so I won't do a true 100% that's for sure.
Yeah, I think the only other truly different final boss theme I heard was the one in Superstar Saga, both 1st and 2nd phase. It was frightening and stressful, and for a good reason. That drop to 1hp was cruel. I still owe that game a cheatless final fight.
I got the emu fixed the following day I sent my previous message! I just missed the answer-bus because of my own laziness (totally my fault, don't worry).
8 hours into the game, I think I'm gradually getting addicted. The story is a strange idea, but this dual system works genuinely well. Bowser is a fantastic character, I like fighting as him too, and I adore the meta and previous title references. Emulation is very tricky in this case. I'm using an upscaler, remapped my controller to follow the Nintendo layout, and configured a mic for the big Bowser fights. Speaking of those, I should set a shortcut for screen rotation as I have to go into the emu's menu to rotate the DS. Also thinking about borrowing my brother's Wacom board for Bowser's special attacks.
And before I forget: what's up with CrossCode? Did you get the time to try it? Sorry, I just like to nag my friends about my recommendations. I do the same for Steins;Gate as it has a slow start and nobody has the patience to watch the first half of the show. But as I can see you're safe. S;G 0 is on your PtW list though, sooo... Nah, I leave it up to you. The first season is a huge favorite of mine. It had a deep impact on me emotionally. S;G 0 is darker. It follows the same formula from a different perspective, and damn, no matter how many times they show Kurisu, it hits every time (at least for me, it did).
Woah, this message got crazy long (again). Now I know how traditional mailing feels with a load of sub-threads. It feels amazing haha. ^^
My results for this semester were mostly acceptable (sometimes even good) and I didn't fail any important subjects so I'm happy overall.
I totally don't respect the paragraph order, but thank you! I practiced a lot both for the berry and the speedrun. Although the goldens were mostly the practice as cutting down on death counts is still a huge time save for me on my skill level. Extreme time saves are for those who aim for 0:30 or so.
That's great! Restarting an unfinished game is always hard. I'm also terrible at figuring out stuff haha. No shame in it. And when you get frustrated by it it's better to use a guide for that puzzle. I will try it too I promise, but currently I started Earthbound and I try to complete that first (I'm very slow with games so maybe I'll cheat a bit and play the two in parallel). And yes, the new controller has arrived and it works well finally. It still feels cheap, the quality is not the best, but I didn't want to spend more on it.
I also got these cute little triggers that I can attach to my phone. And to my biggest surprise they don't require charging!
I bought them specifically to play Drilldozer. :) That game requires both shoulder buttons and moving at the same time. It's a bit unusual at first as you can't hold the phone as you usually do, but it really helps with the contols.
I can understand that, I'm also sceptical about hyped shows. Oshi No Ko was a positive surprise though. I can't wait for the second season, naturally they ended the first one with a cliffhanger... I didn't start Frieren yet but my friend told me it's interesting, so somewhere in the (probably distant) future I'll give it a try.
Well, I played Super Smash Bros with my 3 siblings and 2 uncles (all younger than me ^^), and we set maybe 2 CPU players too. And mains? I only played it for 30 minutes so far. XD But there was a round where we all choose Kirby for fun, so technically Kirby is my main. I heard Peach's ability is super useful too, next time we visit them (it'll be on Easter) I'll see how cool she is haha.
Yes, I know Undertale! Probably I'm the only one on Earth who immediately guessed Papyrus' hat instead of his other parts. XD I'm trying to complete my first playthrough but I took a long break and it's hard to return to stuff on hold. But I definitely want to finish it, I just have to overcome my antipathy towards random encounters. Those 2 songs you send were absolute bangers. Bossfight musics are so epic. Hovewer, Partners in Time surprised me with its calm and peaceful boss theme. It was somehow fitting for that moment. That 30 minutes long moment...
Speaking of it, I finally finished Partners in Time after 5 years! It set up a new record I guess. In the last section every ?-block made me more scared because I knew something really brutal is waiting for me. The game literally flooded me with items and that's never a good sign. It turned out to be not that hard but veeery very long. And it even threw a third "final" boss at me! It was a fun minigame but a little stressful knowing I have to start over if I fail.
I already got a ROM from Bowser's Inside Story, but unfortunately I managed to break my emulator with my tweaking. :( I'll try to reinstall it and hopefully that will fix it. If not, I'll have to install it on another computer to compare them and see what I changed, because I made the terrible mistake of changing something without making a backup. I'm definitely not going to lose this battle and I'm very excited to start BIS already!
And today I got the speedrun too!
Although it was far from perfect. I was rusty and finished the run with 64 deaths and skipped a few shortcuts too. But at least I didn't die on the long rooms and somehow managed to do a 2:58 on chapter 2. It was 5 seconds better than my personal best! Most of the time saves came from my better performance on 5A, where I got the golden recently.
So yeah, I'm proud of myself, and will probably try a sub-55 in the future. And will try the next golden too, however, the second half of 6A is very difficult.
And what's up with you? Did you have time for CrossCode? Or played Minish Cap instead?