Yeah, I flipping LOVE ouran too! My cousin recommended the show like a superr long time ago and I decided to start watching it like 2 months ago and it is sooo good. I'd also like to say love the Haruhi in faves too!!! (honestly the whole cast for the show was like amazing)
Ooh I've been doing good!! I'm currently doing a little homework for english class (and also kinda scrolling on mal) but anyways I'd just like to say nice Ouran in faves!!!! :D
OfDeathandLove said: either drink some water, clean your space for 10 minutes, go for a walk, or contact an old friend you haven't spoken with for a bit
Hi! Don't think I've talked to you since I think april last year? But how're you doing today?
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either drink some water, clean your space for 10 minutes, go for a walk, or contact an old friend you haven't spoken with for a bit
Hi! Don't think I've talked to you since I think april last year? But how're you doing today?
How are you?