Oh hey, sorry I hadn't responded. Love Hina was very enjoyable and entertaining. But, if you find that you like the characters and want to know how it ends, you'll need to read the manga, which is of course also enjoyable. I believe you could probably start in the manga where the anime leaves off and you won't miss anything.
Sorry for a late respond... I'm not visiting here often apparently.
Anyways, on topic now. Generally, if you liked the first season of Girls Bravo, there will be no problem with second one. I can't say whole series were amazing or outstanding... But I'm not a big fan of harems, just watching them sometimes to keep all the stress and pressures out ^^
So, I could recommend the series if you're particularly into ecchi / harem stuff.
As Naruto was the serie that made me start watching anime I've always thaught of it as a good serie.(except that they have way to many fillers at times...)
But when they make stories that has nothing to do with what the serie really is about and put it in the middle of the original I hate it. But when they make a side story like this one I don't have any problems with it.
When I compare Crimson Four-leaf Clover to other side stories etc. I think its pretty good. It has a good story they haven't benn lazy with the artwork and it closes all the loose threads so you can see it's just a side story and nothing more.
(It's a long time since I saw it though so im not sure if I remeber everything)
Of course. I think this anime funny but I don't like it's drowing, it's boring and ugly sometimes. Plot is interesting I think. I have put the estimate like 8 - not bad but not great.
Hey well I decided to watch Makai Senki Disgaea because I'm a big fan of the Video game series and I was impressed that they managed to fill in a 100+ hour video game into a 12 episode anime they did it very well :) The cast was great and unique except one character did annoy me alot......The anime was great for comedy i thought it was really good :D
oh sry, didnt see your comment until now
well, its one of my first anime that i watched, and even though it's kinda old its very nicely done.. and yes i do like it, the main character is very considerate, and the story is captivating, i have found myself commenting the screen several times watching it :P
you should give it a shot, like 6-7 episodes or so, if you dont like it after that, its probably not your style :)
Ichigo 100% is great if you're all too fond of comedy and stuff. It's very lighthearted. As for me, I don't like anime that's TOO lighthearted so it was okay.
I started watching BeyBlade when it came on TV a few years ago... Back then (when I was 10 I think?) I was amazing... I really liked the show and me and my friends even had the toys and we battled each other.. I guess it was just a trend that everyone in my area was doing... Right now if I had the choice to watch it or something else, I would chose something else... I guess because I've already completed it that it really isn't worth watching again...
i think its awesome. i liked the show bc of the character Kai...i thought he was cool. i thought it was more cool when they got to v-force... the bitbeast looked more real.
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002.
was part of my childhood and have always enjoyed many battles and monsters, when my joy was seeing small children like I was fighting evil, albeit small, even using Beyblade, see all the creatures coming out of something too small let me happy
I started watching BeyBlade when it came on TV a few years ago... Back then (when I was 10 I think?) I was amazing... I really like the show and me and my friends even had the toys and we battled each other.. I guess it was just a trend that everyone in my area was doing... Right now I had the choice to watch it or something else, I would chose something else... I guess because I've already completed it that it really isn't worth watching again...
Nothing special) Simple harem, but i liked it cause then i first start watching things of that genre. I recommend manga, it's not so overextended and has completed story, unlike anime.
All Comments (34) Comments
Anyways, on topic now. Generally, if you liked the first season of Girls Bravo, there will be no problem with second one. I can't say whole series were amazing or outstanding... But I'm not a big fan of harems, just watching them sometimes to keep all the stress and pressures out ^^
So, I could recommend the series if you're particularly into ecchi / harem stuff.
But when they make stories that has nothing to do with what the serie really is about and put it in the middle of the original I hate it. But when they make a side story like this one I don't have any problems with it.
When I compare Crimson Four-leaf Clover to other side stories etc. I think its pretty good. It has a good story they haven't benn lazy with the artwork and it closes all the loose threads so you can see it's just a side story and nothing more.
(It's a long time since I saw it though so im not sure if I remeber everything)
well, its one of my first anime that i watched, and even though it's kinda old its very nicely done.. and yes i do like it, the main character is very considerate, and the story is captivating, i have found myself commenting the screen several times watching it :P
you should give it a shot, like 6-7 episodes or so, if you dont like it after that, its probably not your style :)
was part of my childhood and have always enjoyed many battles and monsters, when my joy was seeing small children like I was fighting evil, albeit small, even using Beyblade, see all the creatures coming out of something too small let me happy