Yeah, it really wasn't fun. There's a bunch of players with the same injury now and I swear it has become more prevalent, which is a little frightening. KD just tore his. About Brazil, not to rub it in, but it was a lot of fun. It was a lot safer than it was made out to be too and many people were very generous and kind. It's really cheap to stay in the richest areas and you can reliably just walk around touristy places in the daytime and uber from area to area. With Google Maps and that stuff, I think it's kind of hard to walk into the wrong situation unless you're doing something dumb at a dumb time in a dumb place, but even then it might just be bad luck. Such a pretty country and such warm people, just the food was kind of fried and really heavy on carbs which isn't my thing necessarily.
I was really hoping we'd get Kemba but it looks like he's going to the Celtics. Oh well. Hopefully Kawhi stays in Toronto and Dallas gets a little veteran help. Still can't believe the NBA Champions are Canadian and I still can't believe the star player of a team that won might walk...
Sounds good. Just let me know if you need anything. Have fun in Morocco!
I'm doing well, I'm working full time in IT and graduated a little over a year ago. Tore my Achilles two January's ago, but I just got back to competitive sports recently and I'm about to go to Brazil to watch the Copa America. FIFA is... not great. I mostly play Halo or Smash Ultimate now.
Toronto is about to win and it's crazy. A whole country is literally behind them and Kawhi is actually a god. He has put the team on his back, even if many other players have stepped up too. I'm really happy since it got a little old seeing the same sort of teams in the NBA finals. Generally the East as a whole has been really exciting. The 76ers, Celtics, Bucks, and Nets all have pretty young cores that look like they'll be hanging around for a while. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the West, though Dallas is also on the up.
For anime, try 9anime and if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll poke around a bit more. You should try Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru or Run With The Wind. It came out two seasons ago and is a really nice sports anime. I'm super hype for Chihayafuru, I actually hosted a big rewatch of it on r/anime not too long ago. I can't believe it'll probably air at the same time as Haikyuu, like that's two of the best anime period at the same time.
Hope all's well with you, let me know if there's anything else I can help with!
Edit: Oh also this season is really nice. You might want to try Demon Slayer at some point.
Both of those buzzerbeaters, but even more so Jenkins' were that kind of like "oh that's going in" "yep it's going in" "it's gone in" kind of shots. I don't remember the last time that I just knew both of them would drop. Honestly, that was probably the most ridiculous ending I've seen personally and an instant classic NCAA Finals game right there. I was so sure that Nova was going to throw the game, right after Paige missed his layup and scooped it back up and in.
crap i'm so sorry for the late reply! i watched it with chinese subs on some dodgy site haha. i assume you already watched it by now :P
but WOW it was amazing omg i almost teared up because it was so beautiful :')
Well, I'm a fail. I thought pho'sure I replied back to this, but I guess not. OTL sorry about that.
For some extent, me too. I think I'm just disappointed in the fact that I won't be able to read anymore about my favorite characters. Out of all the manga/anime series I have watch, KnB is one of the few in which I don't hate any of the characters.
Hopefully they do, I guess we just have to wait and see.
There aren't enough words to describe how pump I am. I need the OVA now~
Oh I agree - leaving a cat alone all day is one thing, they tend to just nap or entertain themselves - but leavin' a dog alone all day... half the time you have to cage it as well (depending). Either way, I'm not gettin' a gdog anytime soon, sadly =/
Dragon Ball was really really good and it didn't have transformations (besides Goku being a giant ape... haha). Heck, at the end of DB they were all pretty close in power level; could've continued that way in DBZ if they'd wanted it to - but I guess Goku being awesome just had to be XD
I literally played evry position throughout my soccer life lol. Mostly I was a defender, but my favorite was probably midfielder. I enjoyed being offense, but I wasn't good enough in my opinion (and never managed a score unfortunately haha). Is Baby Steps good? I've been kind of hesitating to watch it cuz I'm worried it'll be very... high intensity/drama.
Sport Management sounds interesting, though I don't know much about the various jobs surrounding sports =O I have an Accounting degree (though, ironically, I don't use it much in my job)
Haha if ya like ya computer, that's fine. My dad built mine with his old parts when he got new ones for his computer >.> so my computer is really overpowered and just awesome~ My dad has liquid cooling, which I haven't upgraded to yet.
Other than Sims... otome visual novels, and any game that has otome features (I just love when you can pick who you end up with; makes the game far more enjoyable). Otherwise I'm not as big on games and thus the games I have played are find of very individual and not following any genres or too much similarities XD Oh but favorite game series of all time is Kingdom Hearts - can't wait for KH3
All Comments (101) Comments
Yeah, it really wasn't fun. There's a bunch of players with the same injury now and I swear it has become more prevalent, which is a little frightening. KD just tore his. About Brazil, not to rub it in, but it was a lot of fun. It was a lot safer than it was made out to be too and many people were very generous and kind. It's really cheap to stay in the richest areas and you can reliably just walk around touristy places in the daytime and uber from area to area. With Google Maps and that stuff, I think it's kind of hard to walk into the wrong situation unless you're doing something dumb at a dumb time in a dumb place, but even then it might just be bad luck. Such a pretty country and such warm people, just the food was kind of fried and really heavy on carbs which isn't my thing necessarily.
I was really hoping we'd get Kemba but it looks like he's going to the Celtics. Oh well. Hopefully Kawhi stays in Toronto and Dallas gets a little veteran help. Still can't believe the NBA Champions are Canadian and I still can't believe the star player of a team that won might walk...
Sounds good. Just let me know if you need anything. Have fun in Morocco!
I'm doing well, I'm working full time in IT and graduated a little over a year ago. Tore my Achilles two January's ago, but I just got back to competitive sports recently and I'm about to go to Brazil to watch the Copa America. FIFA is... not great. I mostly play Halo or Smash Ultimate now.
Toronto is about to win and it's crazy. A whole country is literally behind them and Kawhi is actually a god. He has put the team on his back, even if many other players have stepped up too. I'm really happy since it got a little old seeing the same sort of teams in the NBA finals. Generally the East as a whole has been really exciting. The 76ers, Celtics, Bucks, and Nets all have pretty young cores that look like they'll be hanging around for a while. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the West, though Dallas is also on the up.
For anime, try 9anime and if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll poke around a bit more. You should try Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru or Run With The Wind. It came out two seasons ago and is a really nice sports anime. I'm super hype for Chihayafuru, I actually hosted a big rewatch of it on r/anime not too long ago. I can't believe it'll probably air at the same time as Haikyuu, like that's two of the best anime period at the same time.
Hope all's well with you, let me know if there's anything else I can help with!
Edit: Oh also this season is really nice. You might want to try Demon Slayer at some point.
I made it happen.
but WOW it was amazing omg i almost teared up because it was so beautiful :')
For some extent, me too. I think I'm just disappointed in the fact that I won't be able to read anymore about my favorite characters. Out of all the manga/anime series I have watch, KnB is one of the few in which I don't hate any of the characters.
Hopefully they do, I guess we just have to wait and see.
There aren't enough words to describe how pump I am. I need the OVA now~
Dragon Ball was really really good and it didn't have transformations (besides Goku being a giant ape... haha). Heck, at the end of DB they were all pretty close in power level; could've continued that way in DBZ if they'd wanted it to - but I guess Goku being awesome just had to be XD
I literally played evry position throughout my soccer life lol. Mostly I was a defender, but my favorite was probably midfielder. I enjoyed being offense, but I wasn't good enough in my opinion (and never managed a score unfortunately haha). Is Baby Steps good? I've been kind of hesitating to watch it cuz I'm worried it'll be very... high intensity/drama.
Sport Management sounds interesting, though I don't know much about the various jobs surrounding sports =O I have an Accounting degree (though, ironically, I don't use it much in my job)
Haha if ya like ya computer, that's fine. My dad built mine with his old parts when he got new ones for his computer >.> so my computer is really overpowered and just awesome~ My dad has liquid cooling, which I haven't upgraded to yet.
Other than Sims... otome visual novels, and any game that has otome features (I just love when you can pick who you end up with; makes the game far more enjoyable). Otherwise I'm not as big on games and thus the games I have played are find of very individual and not following any genres or too much similarities XD Oh but favorite game series of all time is Kingdom Hearts - can't wait for KH3