kasabada yasayan normal insanlar olduklari icin bi agirlik beklemeye gerek yok ama haklisin komedi odakli bir partti p8te yine kasaba hikayesi ama 4 gibi komedi odakli degil ve mutlu bir hikayede sunmuyor antivillain main villainden daha iyi belki 8i sevebilirsin
Say, do I need to read Boruto next generation manga before reading TBV, or is it alright if I could dive straight into TBV first since you say it's that good?
I didn't enjoy watching Boruto next generations. Honestly, no clue where I even dropped it lol.
Gotcha! Thanks! Sounds like he's solo leveling :)
It was surprising to see Boruto in favorites. I always thought most people didn't enjoy it as much as Naruto only to find out the one in your favorites is a totally different manga.
Man, that scene in the gif was the whole reason I even gave Boruto a shot :(
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hocam p4e diger partlara gore biraz dusuk vermissin be
Say, do I need to read Boruto next generation manga before reading TBV, or is it alright if I could dive straight into TBV first since you say it's that good?
Gotcha! Thanks! Sounds like he's solo leveling :)
It was surprising to see Boruto in favorites. I always thought most people didn't enjoy it as much as Naruto only to find out the one in your favorites is a totally different manga.
Man, that scene in the gif was the whole reason I even gave Boruto a shot :(
Would you recommend reading Boruto: Blue Vortex?
You think ? Sounds like troubled times...! I'm doing pretty good, finally on my college winter break, so good to finally rest a little
It's lovely to meet you too ! Thanks, I also hope you have a wonderful day !
You watching anything in particular that caught your eye, recently ?