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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Jun 22, 2020 3:40 PM
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Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you like most about Asuka Langley?
My tomboyish Italian love that I haven't seen in forever told me that she was a big fan of Asuka Langley and Motoko Kusanagi. Like my semitomboyish friend from North Carolina, she loved sci-fi.
Speaking of my awesome friend from North Carolina, her birthday is practically next door to yours. She was born on the second day of October so early Libra. She also read a lot of manga that I never heard of.
Not a huge fan of shoujo, but she loves historical manga like Rose of Versailles.
In celebration of pride month, GL Addicts! is hosting a month long event with games, cards and prizes.
The event starts June 1st, and will close on the 30th with an awards ceremony. Please make sure to watch the event's main thread in order to participate and receive awards.
:: Games ::
Spin the Bottle Game: a truth or dare game where you will receive points for completing each round.
Daily Quiz Game: a new quiz will be added each day, each quiz that you answer correctly, you will receive points.
Hangman Game: guessing the correct letter and/or words will get you points.
Say It With a Song Game: a game were you reply to the above post with a song.
**Note: Event games are open for all members to play
:: Cards ::
Yuri pride card editions will be done in addition to the regular monthly cards.
:: Other Contests ::
The Biweekly Picture Contest will still run during this special event.
If you'd like to suggest a game or card edition for this event, drop us a line here! We'd love to hear from you! =)
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Can't believe it's 2014 already! I hope it will be a fun year too, good luck for the future! :D
Oh and if you haven't got the Skyrim DLC already, there was a mistake a few days ago and Steam gave the Dawnguard expansion free to owners of the original game! Those trading cards are pretty fun too, I had a few cards spare from other games so I sold them on the Steam Market and used the profits to complete the set for Skyrim. I'm not a big a fan of trading groups or paying real money for them either, so this method is a nice alternative. Have you crafted any badges for your games yet? Plus, have you see the new Steam announcement about their gaming machine and controller?
I've seen some gameplay of Don't Starve and it looks interesting. Recently I like playing survival management games and it's actually very similar to how I play Skyrim too. The main reason why I haven't done Skyrim's main quest yet is because I tried out hypothermia, hunger and camping mods which makes me forage for firewood, regularly eat, sleep and keep warm. Even going to visit the Greybeards at the top of the mountain could be a life-threatening journey but strangely I love playing the game like this. Have you experimented with mods or did you play the original version?
Thanks! To be honest, in hindsight, I can probably say that I wasn't the biggest fan of education. I only went to university because I felt that was the socially acceptable thing to do at the time, and because I didn't know what I wanted to do in life (which still hasn't changed, haha). So if you have fun writing, keep doing it! It's better than getting into debt from studying something you might not feel is right for you.
Wow November is very soon indeed! I hope your husband's interview goes smoothly. I know this move has been planned out for a long time.
Congratulations on getting married! Did you have a ceremony? I hope it was an amazing experience for you. Heh, I don't blame you for being busy these past few months. How's married life so far?
Yeah I can relate to increasing crime issue. Lately my area has suffered from that too and it's scary indeed. Considering the situation with the town near you, I bet you can't wait to move away from there!
To be honest, I haven't gotten anywhere near finishing Skyrim in all the times I've played. I made a new character a couple of months ago and I'm still at Riverwood after 20 hours playing, haha. I think I just end up drifting away from the main quest and go exploring. Same here, I've amassed too big of a backlog through sales and bundles to play through them all. I got the recent Castlevania game since I always wanted to give it a try but didn't have time on consoles. It's alright so far. The same case applies to Skullgirls too, I'm poor at fighting games but I'm having fun slowly learning it. I've also been playing Dangan Ronpa for the PSP a lot lately. I don't have a good track record with visual novels in general but this one is pretty fun so far.
How was the ending to Skyrim? If the story quests are pretty epic then I might try to finish it myself too. Also, what were some of the games you bought in the Summer Sale?
I've heard great things about Natsume Yuujinchou and it looks to be an even greater show from the reception I've read! I'll definitely add it to my watch list!
As with me, I've finally finished university (yay!) and I'm currently job hunting. Well, you could say that but honestly, I wanted a moment to just relax and enjoy the things I 'didn't have time for' during my studies. So I'm watching a few more shows and playing a few more games and having a blast! I've got my graduation ceremony in October and then I'll see where I'm at by then.
I'm glad to see you're still on MAL and I hope to talk with you more soon :)
And thats exactly how I felt with Hidamari too. I think it's a unique show compared to what I thought of other slice of life titles so there are appropriate times where I can fully enjoy it.
Easter break has been great, I enjoy the time away from work where I can appreciate my hobbies. I'm on my final project for Uni now but I admit, my motivation for actually doing it is running at an all time low. Well, only a few more months to go until it's over I guess! Also, I've been taking this chance to burn through my backlog. I feel in danger of falling in a slump with anime too so I might take a rest from the lack of sleep these past few days. I don't know how people manage to marathon hundreds of shows a week and still manage to stay sane haha!
Can't believe your plans to move are so close already! Before we know it, it will be July and big changes will happen :)
How life been so far? I think I can finally get around to finishing Hidamari Sketch now, after spending 7 months watching the first series! I might give Lovely complex a go since you mentioned it, looks like a lot of fun.
Ahhh but kittens! I wish I could have hundreds. Unfortunately, no way to take care of them as you mentioned! I just have the one but he's such a suck. Love him to death! ;u; He's so big now. I remember when I could just cradle him with one arm but there's no way I could do that now! He's only about a year old now, but he's already bigger than a few of the cats I used to own. I could talk about animals forever, tbh. Too cute for me.
I haven't been all too bad, thank you. A bit of ups and downs as life seems to go, and things are a bit rocky right now. But eventually everything will lead back into stability which is what I'm banking on! Been meeting with a few folks, figuring out where I want to move, and a bunch of other happenings but once everything's in motion I think everything will go okay when the time comes. Besides that, I've been playing some things on steam [look at me transitioning into pc gaming ohoho] and mostly just been trying to chill out on the side. Haven't been up for too much anime until just recently, and now I'm trying to catch up on everything I put on hold last season! .. Amongst other things. The backlog will never be clear, I swear.
But hey, how's that novel coming along? I remember you saying that you were going to write for something a couple months ago - was that what it was for? Or is it a side project?
Ahh, but I'm really glad to hear your cat's okay, though! Poor baby. Always troubling when pets get sick... Ah, but I have to get mine fixed soon; almost a year old now and he's been trying to sneak outside and I don't want anything to happen to him; of course I don't want to see an influx of kittens that look like him prancing around. Reasons behind that of course is that I would likely want to take them in. By likely I mean definitely ;3;
As for the money thing, I'm sure you'll be able to manage - like this has been in the works for quite some time, yeah? You can do it, yeahhh \o/ Well... I mean, it really does sound stressful as heck. But it'll be absolutely worth it, I think. Though, how nice it would be to just win a lottery or something and be able to do all of these things without worrying about budgeting!
David Attenborough does have some amazing nature documentaries under his name. I think I've seen Planet Earth, Life and some of Frozen Planet. It always amazes me when they show a time lapse of a flower blooming. They probably had the camera recording that flower for weeks continuously to get that shot.
Apologies for the late reply too. As you've mentioned, I've kinda had a mini-meltdown last week with all the work that needs to be done. I'm currently doing a project which requires hand-drawn animation and it takes a week to draw a few seconds worth of movement! I think by the end of this project, I'll have even more respect for the animation industry. My deadline is mid-Feburary and I can't wait until this is done! I started work on compositing everything together today with animation and backgrounds. It's not as bad as I thought it would be which is a relief! As long as I stick to a schedule, it will be done.
Sometimes I don't like going back to my past projects and fixing things up, mainly because so much time has been spent on it already and I want to work on something new. I looked at my dissertation after the deadline and noticed a few mistakes so I need to patch it up too. I think a good novel just needs a thorough plan of events to support the structure, so you always know what needs to be written next.
I'm still keeping up with anime, thankfully! Lately, I got in to the habit of watching some episodes most nights, it's like my moment of relaxation and it also serves as inspiration for when I'm down :)
Slowly but surely, I'm progressing through the first season of Hidamari Sketch. It's pretty unique for a slice of life show, but part of that might be because of Shaft's animation style.
I hope your progress with writing your novel is going smoothly. Sometimes it helps to break away from work and then come back to it with fresh new eyes.
anyway, I hope you're having a lovely holiday season and that things are going well for you! xx
Congratulations on finishing your NaNo! From what you've described, it sounds like an interesting story. Certainly a topic that has been through my mind a lot recently. I think its great to draw upon past experiences in your work, it's what makes it more personal and engaging to the reader. It would be amazing if your work was published, then I could pick up a copy and give it a good read :)
I've recently finished my dissertation paper and got it hardback binded today. It's nowhere near your astonishing 50k but I was so happy when I held it in my hands as it's like having your own work published in a professional book. I know it's not quite the same thing but I can definitely relate to why it is one of your aspirations. Even though I'm studying creative practises, I really enjoy writing too which makes me seem very strange compared to my classmates.
The holidays can't come soon enough for me! Christmas has kind of lost its appeal compared to when i was younger. I'm mostly excited for it now due to the mass amounts of food on the table! And because I can finally have some rest and relaxation from doing work. Presents aren't really my focus anymore, there's not much I ask for so I either ask for more food (like a box of chocolates) or joke presents.
Not much planned for Christmas really. I'm very happy just to be at home and feeling comfy. I got a few happy anime shows lined up for the winter holidays like the K-On movie. I think it might be the best time to watch it or else I might never get to it. I have 2 weeks off from Uni so I plan to enjoy everyday to its fullest!
Anything special happening at your place, like having friends or relatives over? I hope you have a great winter holidays too :D
Heh, because of that, my anime backlog has grown to insurmountable proportions now and I'm gradually getting up to speed on shows. It doesn't help that I'm in a gaming mood at the moment too. I still have Mass Effect 3 to play, Deus Ex HR, Batman Arkham City and some more to start too. I had a terrible habit with games where I used to feel excited from buying them and then I found myself having no time to play them! Didn't play Mass Effect 2 until a year after I bought it lol! I play a couple shooters but I like the co-op type better than competitive, I casually fire up Left 4 Dead 2 every now and again.
Being an animation colorist sounds like a great job! I can't draw the majority of the beautiful scenes in anime so it might suit my tastes more. I agree about animation being flexible, I mostly watch them for escapism and part of the reason why they're so effective is that you are only limited by your imagination. Almost anything can be drawn to life.
It's great that you've settled that habit early in college, I know a few people in class who are still struggling with it but arn't making much of an effort to change lol. Sometimes alcohol can soothe the soul! I can definitely relate to being in college for the sake of being in college. I have the same experiences as you by making sure that my grades are high but I don't really feel like coming in everyday. Recently, in Uni, I got scolded because I didn't come in on Saturday (when I have no lessons) to do non-compulsory work. I mean come on now, I feel like a child back in school again. But learning in your own time or at home is much more enjoyable. It's pretty much the same here where employers generally look for a degree next to your name and doors will open for you. Subject and grade are less relevant.
Yeah the UK prides itself on its history so thats why it's very prevalent, especially with architecture. If I had to choose between here and California though, I might pick the latter most of the time :P
I'm reading up on NaNoWriMo now and it sounds like an exciting event. It's only a few days away now and I bet you're probably eager to write already. Do you have any ideas about the topics and themes you want to explore in your novel? I wish you the best of luck with it!