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Days: 66.8
Mean Score:
- Watching217
- Completed331
- On-Hold98
- Dropped4
- Plan to Watch158
- Total Entries808
- Rewatched1
- Episodes4,034
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 94.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries388
- Reread0
- Chapters13,823
- Volumes1,586
All Comments (19) Comments
I don't know much about animation, but I should probably give credit to the adaptation of KnH for being pretty good in directing and making the theme exploration better than the manga. I also liked the OP and ED. They really suit the theme. But again, it all would just be pointless if the characters are the main problem in the first place.
Imo, romance anime have the best chances of being decent when they're trying to tell a normal story. Add anything that's not normal, like government-arranged marriage for teens, or edgy kids problem banging each other in highschool in order to take their minds off the fact that their crushes are with other ppl..... add any of those kinda twists and it usually ends up being shitty. I know Kuzu no Honkai tries to be different by focusing on the characters' psychology, but man, most of them are just too 1-dimensional that I started to scratch my head whenever they're speaking their inner monologues.
As for the good example, Karekano might be it. It's a romance anime that's able to balance the focus on characters' psychology and their characterization in an amusing way, even with all those shoujo elements. Sadly the second half ain't as good as the first due to Gainax's budget syndrome.
Back to Nana, just as you said, I don't see Nana as a series that has tendency for being a fan service show. I mean, it knows how to handle sex in the story and make them important plot tools without spoiling viewers with some erotic scene and over-passionate interaction. That's smth to be appreciated. My only obstacle now is how I can get over the annoying characters (especially Hachi) so that I can set a mood and finish this anime in a best experience possible.
Just so you know, I never drop any series even though I hate it so much. I don’t dislike Nana though, I prolly just can’t appreciate the writing as much as ppl do since it’s not my cup of tea. Even if it really turns out and surpasses my expectation, I don’t think I’ll end up giving it more than an 8/10. (9 and 10 are those that I really adore and the reasons why I'm still around with this hobby)
Speaking of josei series, Shouwa Rakugo is the masterful example of what I’d call a well-written drama. You should check it out, it’s amazing. I don’t read many manga tho, but hey, you have Kakukaku Shikajika in your fav list. It’s a beautiful manga. I cried in the last 2 chapters.
Yea, been hearing about the hiatus, and sometimes I happened to read some major spoilers because of it lol
Oh, so you give it a 10/10. This series must be somewhat impactful to you. I actually started watching it since my friend (girl) told me that it's her favorite drama anime. That made me curious and wanted to start watching it even tho I was a bit skeptical about the genre being shoujo. And I was right. Idk if people like referring Nana as a josei rather than shoujo, but for me it has a lot of shoujo tropes in it, some aspects that generally make me hate this genre in general. But in fact, there are many guys (like you) who love this series very much, is it because some kind of deconstruction xD idk.
Well, for now I can say I do only care about Nana (not Hachi), cus she's the best character. No contest, the other characters are just so damn annoying
baru tw, keknya menarik. bkln ikut keknya.
dirimu panitianya kah? :)
dah lama juga sih ga nonton yang 'literally' mahou shoujo terakhir nonton princess tutu di space toon :v
iya saya nefans sama horie yui, meskipun ga ada waktu buat mendalami lebih jauh :p
lagi baca voynich hotel juga ya. saya udh tamat. suka ama black comedynya :DDD
itu shisha lumayan sih meskipun ngga terlalu epik jg. tinggal nunggu harmony, yg ini udh baca bukunya soalnya.
slam kenal :)
somehow ada part yg ngingetin saya sama videoklip radiohead yang judulnya 2+2=5
wah makasih kyuu artikelnya :3
Temennya smanya Dika toh :o
Hinata udah ada ripnya toh, eh belum BDrip ternyata. Saya nunggu BD aja kayaknya sekalian koleksi, biar ga donlot 2x
Tone colornya yang bikin bagus, soft & colorful, jadi enak diliat mata.