We're all here trying to figure out what makes us happy.
things that make me happy: twitch&lulu<3, music. (pr, lemaitre, madeon, top, electronic, vaporwave, feel good stuff), ANIME, art that triggers imagination, nice people, video games (league of legends), traveling to pretty places, learning new things, being outside, small doses of nostalgia, white paper lanterns, different languages, being healthy//nutrition, pandas, cuteness, a dry sense of humor, ppl who are confident yet selfless, self-teaching, rythym games, horticulture, open-mindedness, coffee<3
Romcom, cyberpunk, time-traveling and magic.
All Comments (71) Comments
i don't know what to put there
you seem like an imaginative person going by your profile
would you be my friend?
Thanks Dr.June. :>
Interestingly I'm sure you already know of this but I recently stumbled upon it.... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain/
WAHH.... .-. why do we have 100 million neurons in our gut???
Thanks for quite the eye opener so far ^^.
Yeah, I agree. I've been trying to look at calories in more of a "3D" perspective incorporating biology since yeah, food goes through various systems. I recall a quote "it is biology and not physics that we should study when it comes to weight gain and loss".
What do you think weight loss is about o: ? I've been reading up on the keto diet and it seems very propelling. What are your thoughts and experiences on it?
Ohhh! @_@ yeah, I get you. It's a bit of a pain to also take in who funded the discoveries of what we know. Aha, while we're at it, what are your thoughts on current U.S politics?
Nah, no particular goal regarding weight loss. What is your goal o: ? My aim is pursuit of knowledge and longevity :9 cause I wanna explore and play with cool scifi stuff.... WE'RE.... GETTING... CLOSERRRRRRRRRRRRRR , GGRRR! NERVEGEAR.. : https://youtu.be/TAjIPd6tV6M . Yeah, same for me, personally milk upsets my stomach, never giving up cheese though.
Lots of studies on less intake of food increases longevity in mice and various other animals so I'm personally testing that myself, at least 10 days per month. What are your thoughts and experiences on fasting? I've done it in the past and the mental clarity on day 5 is oh my god, just feels so much lighter... probably should get the a similar effect if I watch my carbs but like freedom in it's purist form. NZXT. LIMITLESS... almost... have you watched that movie?
Totally agree. Definitely going to cut down on every carb possible in the future. Not in the position to do it because of finance ;s. And definitely need to kill sugar/high fructose corn cyrup and whatever millions of names it has completely, particularly if there's no fiber. I watched "Dr. Lustig sugar the bitter truth" and his research seems spot on scary.... and they say.... .-. , "sugar is 8x addictive as cocaine"..... but I've never tried cocaine before...SO...I GUESS THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!!
I plan to incorporate smoothies into my future diet. Oh my god, strawberries, blueberries, maybe some bananas and a slice of mango... WEW, max delish. I think it would be more cost and health efficient than premade ones? Correct me of I'm wrong. Yeah, I honestly can't wait until the new USDA guidelines for the nutrition facts make em show "added sugar" next year. Mhmm packaged foods generally.. pumped with god knows what preservative also... Wish nano tech was more advanced and widespread so we could see what it's doing. Lol, if you were forced to chose, would you rather be overloaded with sodium or sugar?
I presume you have heard of soylent before? Seems pretty hacked for health imo. What are your thoughts on GMOs? General thoughts on soylent?
Probiotics are uncharted waters for me atm. Do you notice a relatively large difference in change when you're off and on it?
Ohh artist of Fisheye Placebo! I should get around to reading that... Here's one:
Thanks for the recommendation ^^ , going to put it right after I'm done with "The Obesity Code" . Have you read it before?!
Mhmm.... .... .___. , also live in the Dismantled States of Americuh, and without a doubt! Recently found out about low carb a year or two ago after being jammed by the lie of the "food pyramid" for all these years... Wait.. Doctors deny that money has a large influence in politics? REALLY?? All it takes is a look at the Nutrition Facts labeling .-. and how it's been lobbied against to stop adding more information... Not putting the calculations of all serving sizes, makin' me do math .-. ... you monsters... Hate to admit it but they're a bit cunning aha.
Teach me sensei! What are optimal and detrimental foods based on your experience and research? Feel free to link me to key research that built your foundation!