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26 March 2025
- diffhist Newton's law of universal gravitation 03:09 +289 Johnjbarton talk contribs (→Newton's "causes hitherto unknown": Replace the convoluted paragraph with multiple short quotes with a paragraph by the man himself + additional refs.) Tag: ProveIt edit
- diffhist m Quantifier (logic) 02:43 −3 Rozenxross talk contribs (Remove of "he" from the original line "Each can be he defined in terms of other" within the second paragraph)
25 March 2025
- diffhist Newton's law of universal gravitation 23:00 +503 Johnjbarton talk contribs (→Newton's "causes hitherto unknown": + primary ref for quote) Tag: ProveIt edit
- diffhist Newton's law of universal gravitation 22:20 +514 Villaida talk contribs (added citation needed templates) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist Halting problem 19:28 +2 Yhvr talk contribs (Change mention of "Coq" to "Rocq" (new name))
- diffhist Algorithmic probability 16:20 +9 talk (Format "Philosophical Considerations" as a sub-heading) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist m Isaac Newton 12:53 +1 Electricmaster talk contribs (→The Enlightenment: think you mean all three as principals; otherwise, this needs to be slightly reworded.) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist m Minimum description length 12:46 +73 Bender235 talk contribs (→Statistical MDL learning)
24 March 2025
- diffhist m Artificial intelligence 22:46 +35 Nihil novi talk contribs (→Further reading)
- diffhist m Artificial intelligence 22:37 +4 Nihil novi talk contribs (→Further reading)
- diffhist Artificial intelligence 22:18 +802 Nihil novi talk contribs (→Further reading)
- diffhist Isaac Newton 19:46 +215 Turtlens talk contribs (→Science)
- diffhist m Boolean algebra 13:09 −66 Frost talk contribs (Reverted edits by InfiniteRM (talk) (HG) (3.4.13)) Tags: Huggle Rollback
- diffhist Boolean algebra 13:07 +20 InfiniteRM talk contribs (huh) Tags: Reverted Visual edit
- diffhist Boolean algebra 13:06 +31 InfiniteRM talk contribs (made labels to make sure people know) Tags: Reverted Visual edit
- diffhist Boolean algebra 13:05 +15 InfiniteRM talk contribs Tags: Reverted nowiki added Visual edit
- diffhist William of Ockham 11:57 +500 talk (→Political theory: a forerunner of Mill's Utilitarism)
- diffhist William of Ockham 11:33 +455 talk (→Political theory: main issues of the Dialogus)
- diffhist William of Ockham 11:13 +406 talk (→Church and State: added source)
- diffhist William of Ockham 10:22 +280 talk (→Church and State)
- diffhist William of Ockham 10:15 +139 talk (→Church and State)
- diffhist William of Ockham 10:13 +848 talk (→Church and State: Marsilius of Padua, plenitudo potestatis, Sun and Moon allegory)
23 March 2025
- diffhist Epicurus 17:53 +4 Terot talk contribs (→Enlightenment and after: Analogy of Religion)
- diffhist Frequentist probability 04:13 +108 Fgnievinski talk contribs (→top)
- diffhist Frequentist probability 03:56 −6 Fgnievinski talk contribs (→Definition)
22 March 2025
- diffhist m Bayes' theorem 23:18 +181 Yordanpi talk contribs (I added precision about the marginal PDF's of X and Y, ensuring the conditional densities are well-defined.)
- diffhist Abductive reasoning 22:50 +1 Jochen Burghardt talk contribs (Undid revision 1281604174 by Belbury (talk): photo shows a nonsensical board (small pegs left)) Tag: Undo
- diffhist Decision theory 13:27 −13 2a00:23c5:6809:8e01:70f3:8ed2:6f56:db3a talk (Getting rid of bad english)
- diffhist Occam's razor 03:09 +67 Sodeen2025 talk contribs (New categories added.)
21 March 2025
- diffhist m Newton's law of universal gravitation 18:56 −1 Danny Rathjens talk contribs (→History: typo)
- diffhist Knowledge 12:56 +2,851 Brent Silby talk contribs (Rescuing 16 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.9.5) Tag: IABotManagementConsole [1.3]
- diffhist Abductive reasoning 11:02 −1 Belbury talk contribs (→top: use photo with fuller example) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m Boolean algebra 06:16 +95 Johnuniq talk contribs (Reverted edit by (talk) to last version by J121233) Tag: Rollback
- diffhist Boolean algebra 05:55 −95 talk (→{{anchor|Boolean operations|Boolean operators}}Operations) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist Newton's law of universal gravitation 02:10 −15 Sys64wiki talk contribs (Undid revision 1281003379 by YouRang? (talk) {it was made more complex and wikipedia is for every user.}) Tag: Undo
20 March 2025
- diffhist m Isaac Newton 08:04 +29 Panamitsu talk contribs (add link) Tag: Visual edit
19 March 2025
- diffhist William of Ockham 23:29 +20 Mr. Squidroot talk contribs (→Nominalism: Moved voluntarism out from under nominalism) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist William of Ockham 23:25 +818 Mr. Squidroot talk contribs (Added philosophy of time) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist Pareto efficiency 16:41 −1,797 talk (→Overview: Per talk page, remove erroneous analysis of the prisoner's dilemma game.)