I mainly use this platform to have some order in my life (lol), and might occasionally write a review.
I think stories are meant to be enjoyed, so I'm not one of those high-expectations snobs who think they can 'fix' everything and confuse their opinion with facts; but we all know that there's also a lot of anime trash out there (though I do my best to avoid it). I love ghibli and wholesome stuff but also watching gangs in Akihabara (durarara!!) and short people killing big people who eat short (but taller than the short guy) people. I'm an AOT and Levi fan since the anime came out, so he's mine, sorry. But also, Miyamura is kind of boyfriend goals? I am torn. By the way, Mob is my son, that's a fact, and I am very proud of my son. I also enjoy videogames and like nintendo.
Anyway, (why am I still writing?)
if you find this profile, welcome. enjoy your stay. have a great day. tell me a joke. idk.
if you want to know more about me, I've got a twitter account just for anime and stuff.
All Comments (13) Comments
hey there and I hope you had a nice sunday too ^_^
Ich dachte mir ich schreib' jetzt einfach mal einen Kommentar. Das ist sowieso viel cooler und auf diese Weise kann jeder MAL-User Zeuge meiner unglaublichen Wortgewandtheit werden! Haha! :D (Meine inbox ist voll *hust*.)
Mir geht's gut soweit, danke :D Und dir? :)
Bin gerade am Zeichnen. Ich habe nämlich vor, Game Design zu studieren (Schwerpunkt Character Design, Concept Art, Environment Design, etc.) und muss bzw. darf daher Zeug für meine Hausaufgabe (also Eignungsprüfung) zeichnen und so ^w^
Seems you've been here a while longer than I have.
yep u can ask .Xd I am from sweden.
Yours looks like it'll be rising too! Don't lose hope
anyway if you liked SAO 2nd season make sure to check log horizon It's got fluid animation, a solid game-like soundtrack, a reasonably intelligent story and an awesome setting.
I looked through your anime list a bit and thought you might enjoy:
for me I am trying to catch up watching detective conan episode.I am on episode 747 btw who do u think is boss of black organization since u are fan of detective conan
Detective Conan have now 757 Episodes and still airing.(too much) xd.
Anime compatibility with you is:Amazingly High
92.7%.The highest I've found on Mal for now .it seems you have Good taste in anime.xd
So Which anime of the Fall Season are you enjoying the most so far.?