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Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
9 hours ago
Watching 11/12 · Scored -
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
9 hours ago
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Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
Jan 25, 2024 8:05 AM
Reading 46/? · Scored -
Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan
Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan
Jan 25, 2024 4:55 AM
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Maoujou de Oyasumi
Maoujou de Oyasumi
Jan 25, 2024 4:51 AM
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Fechas Aug 25, 2018 12:41 PM deixo aqui um link para um servidor de animes de portugal no discord
HienFan May 12, 2015 10:13 PM
It's technically over a month ago but I think you mentioned to Regulus about anime conventions? Funny since in a few days time I'm visiting Japan itself for a few days
HienFan Apr 10, 2015 1:27 AM
How was I unable to log in for days(it automatically booted me out) and yet I'm logged in now?

But actually I don't see everything on my watch list at the same time(just one or two) but the log in issue makes it frustrating to keep editing what are on hold, so I just keep it unless I ditch the show or finish it, I watch sometimes watch one ep of each show so I don't have to log in everyday everytime I get booted out
Regulus777 Apr 1, 2015 9:47 AM
Oh hey, I also forgot to mention this. Railgun is technically just a spinoff of Index that focuses on Misaka Mikoto, while Index focuses on Index and the main male character. From what I noticed watching Railgun, there were no real spoilers to Index, granted it was quite awhile ago that I watched either of them.. I think you can watch it in any order you wanted. If it were me I'd probly go do Index first then go back and finish Railgun but I don't think Railgun will have spoiled anything for you if you choose to go the opposite, it's probably your call really. I never did finish Railgun tho, I'm just going by the first half of season 1 that i watched.

From what I remember the series is a light novel adaptation and apparently the light novel series is friggin HUGE and they have not even adapted all of it yet, even amongst those 90-100 episodes produced between the TV series, movies and OVAs.
Regulus777 Mar 31, 2015 9:16 PM
I've been in a bit of an anime slump the past couple weeks and am only now starting to pick back up. Looks like I've got a lot to reply to, lol.

So a quick season overview. For me it was a pretty weak season...

I just finished Military! and Shirobako.

Military was pretty awful. I only got a bit of a laugh out of a few episodes. I only finished it cause of the short episode length.

Shirobako on the other hand really turned out pretty good, especially the 2nd half. The last episode was a bit over the top and ridiculous for me but overall it's probly gonna be my favorite show this season.

I did not like The Rolling Girls or Yurikuma Arashi and dropped both of them around episode 4.

I'm at episode 8 of Gourmet Girl Graffiti. It's fairly enjoyable but sometimes pushes the envelope a bit too much. lol

Maria the Virgin Witch I'm at episode 7 and its probably my other favorite show this season. Great art and character designs and I'm interested in seeing where the story will go.

I also picked up another shorts show called Comical Psycosomatic Medicine which is pretty funny so far.

And that's pretty much it for me this season, meh...

I think I will eventually watch Death Parade farther down the road. Since I've been in a slump I don't want to start any new projects for awhile till I get some of this half finished stuff done.

As for the Index/Railgun franchise

I saw the first 24 ep season of Index and it was a pretty solid show. Will probly eventually watch the other half. I'm not a huge fan but it was pretty decent.

I watched about half of Railgun season 1, (14 episodes I believe) I like Misaka and the show was alright but I can't stand Kuroko, I think she's wicked annoying and a chore for me to watch and of her scenes with Misaka. Thankfully her role in Index so far was almost non-existent. I'm not sure if/when I'll watch anymore Railgun.

I've got an Anime Convention this weekend so I'm probly not gonna be around here till early next week some point. I may get to see Yoko Shimomura and/or LiSA perform a concert, which would be awesome! They're both special guests this year.

When I finish Maria and Graffiti I may have more to say about them.

Later Ace!
HienFan Mar 31, 2015 3:36 AM
Who knows, I have not seen Index yet
HienFan Mar 30, 2015 8:02 AM
I noticed you mentioned Toaru Kagaku no Railgun on a post you sent to Regulus, I was about to mention it when I saw your score, great so you did like it after all
Regulus777 Mar 4, 2015 4:31 PM

Yeah, 5cm Per Second does move along at a pretty slow pace. For that reason I know some people that weren't too interested or didn't care for it.

I really liked the movie as a whole but the first part is definitely my favorite of the 3. Even though it was bittersweet there's something really amazing about the characters' youthful passion and energy despite what they have to deal with.

I agree the last part is not quite as good and watching the MC can be a bit frustrating, but for me it's more-so something I can kind of sympathize with... When people become adults life gets more difficult and some have a hard time coping with that. I think the movie represents that really well. I know I personally ran into some trouble not romantically but financially about 5 years or so ago when I stopped working full time and I've had a hard time getting on with my life since. I've just been biding my time with a low paying job. So sometimes with shows about life not going the way you want it to I feel I can kind of sympathize. Regardless of whether things work out or not. But anyway, that's part of why I didn't mind that.

And for sure on the music and animation. Top tier. Should you also watch The Garden of Words soon, I'd say its slightly less depressing. That completely put to the side though, the animation in that movie is completely mind blowing at times! There are times you'll think you're watching a live action. It's amazing...

As for vote changes over time...

Sometimes I'll adjust things that I re-watch or take a look back and say, "Was that show really that good?" and I may slightly lower a vote here and there but I often do not. Especially on shows I really remember liking. I'll just leave the vote for nostalgic reasons. When you've watched less stuff its easier to grow attached to things. And even when I re-watch a lot of shows. I'll know in my head they aren't as good as I may have thought they were before, but I will still enjoy them a 2nd or 3rd time for the memories they provide.

I have no problems with long messages. lol. I know some of mine can get lengthy too. Its nice to know that people are interested in what you're talking about and come up with nice responses.

See ya later!
Regulus777 Mar 1, 2015 5:07 PM
Hiya! Thanks for the reply! I'm not judging anyone for liking Dog Days. I thought it had its moments, tho i wasn't a big fan.

Yeah! Wow, A lot of people seem to be bothered by watching mixed languages all being spoken in the same language. To me, I just kind of accept that from the start, even in general, across the board. Not just anime.

With anime, I think that the setting and character designs try to explain all that on their own, don't they? Maybe there's something I missed or just don't care about enough? Maybe its cause I never learned another language so I'm just used to the subtitles all the way, but even with English speaking characters, my native language I'm kinda like eh whatever...

While I agree with your opinion on Another, the sudden reveals and what not. I think we may just have a different traits of thoughts going on with those matters. To me the show just felt too over the top, it had this "trying too hard feeling" on top of that I also am not a huge fan of the horror genre to begin with...

It's probly cause it was 2-3 years ago now but I honestly cant remember why I picked up a show like that back then.(not by my current habbits) I probly wouldn't do so nowadays, buuuut at the same time.... I do still really like the character designs and art/backgrounds. Must be P.A. Works' fault? lol

If you don't end up liking 5cm per second, I would personally say you probly would not like Garden of Words all that much either so its something you should decide at your own discretion when you get there.

You may notice, that the longer you follow anime the more refined your tastes may get and the less you may still have in common with your friends. That's kinda what I've been thinking after doing this quite awhile and I really went down the slice o life/romance comedy route but that logic doesn't necessarily apply to everyone.

Anyway happy watching!

I hope to hear from you again soon. Say what you want to say and like what you like. That's how this hobby stays enjoyable IMO (I don't want to give in to an elitist attitude..), and I'll still be interested in hearing what you have to stay even if a couple years from now we're on wildly different paths. I've had plenty of people I talked to that have very different opinions from always and over time. I'll never have a problem. (and playful teasing/jokes are fine BTW)

See ya later!
Regulus777 Feb 12, 2015 8:10 PM

Dog Days. I only watched the first season. I thought it was alright. It took awhile to start growing on me. I wasn't too interested in watching the other seasons personally.

With the KissxSis TV series I remember thinking similarly to you. It was kinda stupid but funny. Had its moments. As for the OVA its been so long since I've started it now that I'm sure your thoughts on it are much clearer then mine. Especially since I've watched it 1 episode every 6 months for the past 4 years or so. I find each episode less interesting as time goes on and I think I've just become disenchanted with it now.

I see you've added 5cm per Second to your planned list. It's a great movie and the animation is fantastic. It is kind of a rough watch and depressing tho.

If you end up liking it you should check out the Garden of Words as well. That's my personal favorite of Makoto Shinkai's movies so far although I haven't gotten to his earlier stuff yet.
HienFan Feb 3, 2015 10:11 PM I don't think the site has a direct link to it so you have to google the site and the graph but I'm giving the link anyway. Just type in your user name, the site generates what you like on the favourite section from what you added to your account, that's how I found out about what you might like and dislike

I'm a bit surprised so few harem are considered ecchi in fact

Funfact: On your list even harem is quite low(only seven places higher than ecchi) considering who I am it makes sense for mine to be low but you too?
Regulus777 Feb 2, 2015 6:14 PM
lol, that's great! Sounds like you've been having a good time on the anime front.

Aw man... Kiss x Sis eh? heh heh

I've also seen all the anime material so far... I actually picked up the OVA shortly before the TV series had even started airing way back in 2010. So I've been following that shit for 5 years now. ugh.

The TV series was actually kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I love some of the characters and its very mischievous and playful. Some of the episodes were great. I'm a sucker for Miharu, but Riko is a close 2nd.

The OVA on the other hand, eh.... It started out pretty fun much like the TV series (tho upping the ante on the average level of lewdness big time) but with each episode that comes out every 6 months it gets progressively worse and I'm not really enjoying it anymore. It sounds like the next episode this year will be the last one. So I'm kind of glad it will be coming to an end. The TV series was better. Though it was also pretty lewd it used that moreso to make it fun IMO.

By the way I saw your exchange with Hien. She's talking about malgraph. It's a separate site from Mal that keeps track of user data and compiles it into fun charts, graphs and other stuff you may find useful or interesting to check out. Also has some fun achievement markers and stuff.

This is yours.

It can do this for anyone I believe. You can check out whoever by changing out their name in the web's address bar. You can also get to your friend's pages from the bottom of your own.

Should be fun for you to check out since it sounds like you haven't before.

Keep in mind you have to update it manually to see the most recent data. It may take 15-20 minutes to update. There's a button to do it above your avatar image on the page once you get there.

See ya later!
HienFan Jan 31, 2015 7:21 AM
Huh I'm surprised ecchi is on the bottom of favourite genres on the graph this site has considering that most harem has a lot of those and I know you don't mind it as much as I do

And drama is top, it meant both of us have the same highest and lowest genre
Regulus777 Jan 26, 2015 8:35 AM
Hey Dood! How goes? Been a little while.

Any final thoughts on last season? And what are you checking out so far this time?

Sword Art 2 turned out a lot better then the first season did! Gun gale arc had some good action the short Calibur arc was fun, and I found the Mother's Rosario arc to be rather touching. Good stuff.

While I mostly enjoyed Sora no Method (it was the front runner for my favorite last season) its ending was rather disappointing for me. The last 2 episodes felt unnecessary. I loved the music though. Best ED song of the season IMO.

So this season, it looks like we don't have many common shows, at least not yet.

I really liked the first episode of Junketsu Maria. I think I'm really gonna like the heroine and the character designs are good too. It's rather fanservicey but not forcefully/painfully so. There's also the ongoing Shirobako that I'm still kind of struggling with.

Other then that nothing. Though I may pick up Saenai Heroine and/or Death Parade since Billiards was pretty good.

I've also tried Rolling Girls and Yuri Kuma Arashi, neither of which I care for so far and am considering dropping them soon.

The last two shows are Military! which is a goofy shorts series that I'll stick with and Gourmet Girl Graffiti which I love so far but its Shinbou/SHAFT so that's almost a given at this point.

On the side I'm also half way through Bamboo Blade. Nice slice of life comedy about a Girl's Kendo Club. Pretty good show.

I also recently finished off the Black Lagoon material sadly... Badass action series. Really liked it.

See ya later!
HienFan Jan 24, 2015 8:14 PM
Dunno Red Data girl looks kinda questionable, minus the gorgeous scenery

But I normally rate on my own feelings of the show rather than how people thinks of it
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