ok so im very confused. in the Homestuck Vol. 1-4. (with Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead) it says, quite clearly, "Upward Movement (Dave Owns) " ok. so it clearly says that . but in Homestuck Vol. 7-8 (with Cherubim) it says "4.
Terezi Owns 01:39
" so witch is it????? ? does dave own or does terezi own? what are they owning exactly? this is why i fucking hate homestuck its so god damn bad i get a fuckign aneewuyrism every time i think abougt homecustick butecause the fucking AGGgod damn unclarity of it alll. is tereszi owning 01:39 with the line break?? how odes one own a line break and a timesstmap??what about dave? does he have express control over rhgew concept of moving upwards? can i bew suued by Dave Strider because i fucking scaled a mountain? can dave fine everyone who has an ascend flashj???? teese are very confusing things and i wish hoemstuck 2 ore epligouse would tell me but nope. just haveto have DIRK talkjng about all that dunb shit this is why i hate america
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Terezi Owns 01:39
" so witch is it????? ? does dave own or does terezi own? what are they owning exactly? this is why i fucking hate homestuck its so god damn bad i get a fuckign aneewuyrism every time i think abougt homecustick butecause the fucking AGGgod damn unclarity of it alll. is tereszi owning 01:39 with the line break?? how odes one own a line break and a timesstmap??what about dave? does he have express control over rhgew concept of moving upwards? can i bew suued by Dave Strider because i fucking scaled a mountain? can dave fine everyone who has an ascend flashj???? teese are very confusing things and i wish hoemstuck 2 ore epligouse would tell me but nope. just haveto have DIRK talkjng about all that dunb shit this is why i hate america