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Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu - Shugo Jutsushi Fitz
Dec 22, 2023 1:00 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries66
- Reread0
- Chapters2,620
- Volumes331
All Comments (128) Comments
I’m a huge fate fan too so no worries! But yeah it really is hard to choose in the end, but like you said, Shirou’s character growth in HF is insane. The fight with him and Kotomine and the music during that scene, chef’s kiss. Also Rin and Sakura’s relationship, so beautiful! As was the true endings too.
I'm not sure which arc it is but in that arc they change the perspective from subaru and emilia to some new characters and i heard a lot of people quit reading after that.
Re:Zero is a masterpiece. i can't explain how much love it. Subaru is probably favorite mc and it's crazy how much i can relate to him. On the other hand, Emilia is a goddess. Btw if you have read arc 6 did you like it?
When i watch SAO, the love blinds me so i don't really stop to think about the script to be honest.
Ye mushoku tensei has really good adaptations, they are something you can always look forward to.
Thx i hope i can reach it.
Re:Zero is my all-time favorite anime, i just love it. Well for now i have to read the 20-something volumes of the light novels. If i don't like the wn i'l just wait for the new ln volumes. The first volume was really good. I also want to read arc 6 bc most people keep saying that Re:Zero falls off at arc 6.
Ye the anime adaptation is great but it's going to take years to finish adapting the lns.
The first arc of SAO was love at first sight for me. Progressive brings more depth to it so that's the main reason i love it. Seriously SAO was a "first" for me in so many ways and it was the first thing i rewatched in my life. My dream is to play a good SAO VR game.
I started watching seriously in december 2022 (bc of SAO) but i had already watched really long anime on tv like One Piece, Dragonball (GT, Z, Super etc), Naruto but i used to treat them like cartoons so that's what changed ig. Now i'm super obsessed and reached 235 anime in 7-8 months. My goal is to reach 1k by the end of 2024.
Well i recommend you to try modded minecraft. It's very challenging and fun.
SAO fans are rare indeed. I'm really glad a met another SAO enjoyer too. I will start the light novels soon but i have so many thing i need to read and i just can't bring myself to start them. Like the Re:Zero light novels and the web novel will be at least 10k-15k pages and that is the first thing i plan to read. After that is mushoku tensei or SAO (probably SAO). I'm really interested in the progressive light novels since i'm loving the progressive movies.
Also for how long have you been watching anime?
Ye it's one of those modpacks. I just love rlcraft, when you get to end game and nothing can kill you after dying so many times, it's just pure satisfaction. If you have played minecraft you understand that vanilla gets boring after some time. That doesn't happen with modded minecraft.
I have been staff in some minecraft anime modded servers. Most them weren't that big but the last one had a few thousand(in the discord server not online in game). The owner of the last one wanted to make a SAO server and the other staff members told me to watch SAO that's how i started anime seriously.
Well that might be a pain to deal with, i'm reading chapter 70 rn and it has been really good so far.
Well since you have played minecraft i guessed you knew what rlcraft is. It's the most famous and the hardest minecraft modpack. I really mean "the hardest" part, everything is out there to kill you...
Well i'm glad you won. You told me it was a minecraft anime event so i thought it was some limited time event by some kind of yourtuber. I have been part of the staff team in a few anime modded servers but i never took part in any events.
Today i started playing rlcraft again the only sad thing is that most of my friends stopped playing in the rlcraft server so i'm kind of alone. For which anime was the event btw? I have played a lot of modded minecraft with anime mods and it really is a lot of fun. We need a SAO server tho. I was part of the team to make one but the owner decided to not make it but thanks to that i started SAO and got into anime.