"Shall I tell you the difference between you and I? It's level. It's like the story of the monkey trying to capture the moon. No matter how he struggles, it's just the moon's reflection on the water he sees. So he only sinks into the water. Time after time, he sinks."
You dropped one piece o_0. Are you out of your freaken mind? xD One piece is awesome man, the best shonen series ive ever seen. Right now one of the largest shonen battles in the history of anime is going on right now and ive never seen anything that is even comparable to it, in any anime series ever. Its just amazing!
Well im watching one piece again :P currently 156. I just love this show so much. You can't pull your self away from it, its just so addicting. I am chatting about it to in the discussion forums. People are just missing out if they don't know realize the epic quality of this anime.
I am sorry, i got a little carried away there but i just have something so amazing to say. An interview stated with ODA said that he is following up a MID conclusion to the series one piece. It won't be the final conclusion but according to him, there going to wrap up alot of the story and close up alot of plot points that were left unanswers. He is giving this the title "Mid conclusion" meaning that the show is deffinitly not over. But the mid conclusion is going to be at episode 450. So now we know there is some what a conclusion coming up. So i just had to look at the current arc and i was like 0_0.. OMG!!! I shouldn't of looked but oh well i couldn't resist. I had to see what ODA was referring to. So that means the series is at 431 right now. at 450 is the concluding arc. That is so awesome, that means you definitely took the perfect time to watch the anime cause by the time you catch up you will see the killer ending "mid conclusion" arc. That is some good news for any one such as my self still currently watching the anime. Who knows what the last stages of one peice will be like but at least we know he is bringing a mid conclusion to the show.
Hey I have a question regarding printing a document with a background image using Micrsoft word. For some really wierd reason i can't seem to get the background image to display. I'm trying to create a christmas newsletter. I typed out the entire document and then added the back ground image.
I went to Format at the top on the Menu bar, Click on background, clicked on Fill effects. Then clicked on the "Picture's" Tab at the top. I then added the background image i wanted to the document. Pretty easy right? Well when i went to Print Preview it does not display the BG image, only the document it self.
I want to be able to print the document and the BG image. How do i do this? If you know how to do it with Microsoft word let me know or if there is another program you suggest i try and use, let me know. It has to be something free that i can dl i have to finish this today and im having trouble completing it. It would be helpful if you can link to me a program to download either that or tell me how to do it with microsoft word if you know what im doing wrong, thanks!!
Yeah its a shame alot of people focus on the animation and immediately judge the series as being downright strange, weird with silly characters. Thats not how you have to look at this series. I've watched quite a few anime so i come from experience at least, im not just some shonen fanboy. I can detect the good story development, character's and forshadowing that are in this show, that most shonen's just fail to deliver. There are only a few shonen's that i would recommend besides one piece. Naruto and bleach just never made it there. Excluding fillers, the story is still full of holes and character development. Try to explain Orihime's development. There is hardly none. She is just there to be there and a nuisance. It's almost as if the writer Kubo got writers block after the soul society arc and just had no idea his story was heading. ODA planned everything ahead so thats why its such a success.
Another One piece fan, Welcome!! :) I am currently also watching this series to. I finally decided to give it a chance after being a fan of naruto and bleach and i can tell you this series actually surpasses both in so many ways, You will just have to see the amazing character development and story that ODA creates and foreshadows throughout the anime. Its wonderful
I've stopped watching but haven't dropped it because I want to pick it up again. I think it's pretty good. It involves just the right amount of Shakespeare and just the right amount of originality. The art is good and the storyline progresses outside of just love, which is very realistic and enjoyable.
BUT I haven't seen another episode in a while so it definitely wouldn't get a 10 from me. I only give 10s to the series I watch nonstop from start til finish.
Okay. Thanks a lot for the advice. :) I wish I didn't watch the first episode of FMA already because I really loved it. But I'll skip over to Brotherhood today.
How different are the versions? Will I be missing out on anything important if I watch the Brotherhood? Your Batman comparison makes a lot of sense to me. "Batman and Robin" was my least favorite, but I did also dislike "Batman Begins." ;)
All Comments (21) Comments
Its freaken awesome. The series is great to all but the third season which was filler.
I am sorry, i got a little carried away there but i just have something so amazing to say. An interview stated with ODA said that he is following up a MID conclusion to the series one piece. It won't be the final conclusion but according to him, there going to wrap up alot of the story and close up alot of plot points that were left unanswers. He is giving this the title "Mid conclusion" meaning that the show is deffinitly not over. But the mid conclusion is going to be at episode 450. So now we know there is some what a conclusion coming up. So i just had to look at the current arc and i was like 0_0.. OMG!!! I shouldn't of looked but oh well i couldn't resist. I had to see what ODA was referring to. So that means the series is at 431 right now. at 450 is the concluding arc. That is so awesome, that means you definitely took the perfect time to watch the anime cause by the time you catch up you will see the killer ending "mid conclusion" arc. That is some good news for any one such as my self still currently watching the anime. Who knows what the last stages of one peice will be like but at least we know he is bringing a mid conclusion to the show.
I went to Format at the top on the Menu bar, Click on background, clicked on Fill effects. Then clicked on the "Picture's" Tab at the top. I then added the background image i wanted to the document. Pretty easy right? Well when i went to Print Preview it does not display the BG image, only the document it self.
I want to be able to print the document and the BG image. How do i do this? If you know how to do it with Microsoft word let me know or if there is another program you suggest i try and use, let me know. It has to be something free that i can dl i have to finish this today and im having trouble completing it. It would be helpful if you can link to me a program to download either that or tell me how to do it with microsoft word if you know what im doing wrong, thanks!!
Btw you can add me if you want!
BUT I haven't seen another episode in a while so it definitely wouldn't get a 10 from me. I only give 10s to the series I watch nonstop from start til finish.