Ugh now its my turn to apologize <3 Damn but this year has been hectic so far.
Uni is going well, I'm basically halfway to finishing this year and being a doctor! Thank goodness. These clinical exams are enough to give me gray hairs.
Hows uni for you? Do you end in the middle of the year like most of the world? :P Or do you run to december like us?
I also took like an anime hiatus in like March...Shit got so hectic...Exams every 6 weeks is enough to make me hurl.
Hi! It's so nice to hear from you again! No worries, no worries. I'm glad you're back. What have you been up to?
Congratulations! In just a few more weeks, I'll be calling you a doctor already. That's nice ~
Also, I still don't get the end thing, holy hell sorry OTL OTL.
Too many exams D: Are they written or practical ones? Nice to see you back though! I'm not as active on watching like I used to since I'm also somehow back in my superhero obsession so... yeah. orz
High fees. It got insane bro! Universities across the country completely shut down. I didn't get involved. But ya people started burning property and libraries at my university etc....
Ahhh. Do you guys run through christmas in second semester? And that's interesting :) Where do you stay?
What else is happening with yoouuuu
Oh my god, hi!!! I've been finally checking my comments from the beginning and HOLY SHIT I REALLY DIDN'T GET TO REPLY THIS ONE?? REALLY?? I felt like I've replied to this! Oh my god, so that was why.. ;A; I'm really sorry! How are you though? I miss you! <33 <33
How's everything there btw? How's university? uwu Well, the fares got lower here because of the continuous rollbacks in diesel... It's pretty cool to only pay 5 pesos as the minimum jeepney fare nowadays ouo
Wait, sorry, I can't understand.... run through Christmas...? But um, well, we usually have classes until around December 19th, then come back on January 4th... We just finished this immersion! It's on a 3 hour travel from our school. It was fun, living the simple life and all. No internet for three days, and like, there aren't any faucets there. They get their water from.... holy shit IDK the english word of "igib" and "poso" XDD. But underground water, thing? ;u;
How about you? What else is happening with youuuuu ~
I was mildly disappointed that the second episode and I'm assuming a fair bit of the subsequent episodes are probably gonna focus on the master and the dead guy, but that story also seem interesting so it's not a total downer. I was just more interested in the characters they spent more time fleshing out in the first ep. The show as a whole really damn interesting though, and it's really nice to see how much range the seiyuu they chose for these specific roles truly have and the use of the camera to tell the story at points instead of putting exposition over the acting and the story is really well done. I'm really glad you seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.
I hope you enjoy that series as well. It doesn't lavish in the same symbolic setting but I think I actually prefer it to Annarasumanara in many other respects.
I really appreciate your comment. It makes me very glad that my reviews are serving the purpose they're supposed to: inform and guide someone into making the decision of whether to commit time and effort to reading/watching an anime or manga. Orange really is a shining paragon of drama and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much albeit despite the visceral tragedy. Also, great to see an Annarasumanara and Uzumaki fan - they're such excellent works and my next review will probably be based on the former.
University strikes? Why? But ohh, that sucks. DX Good luck!
Things have been also quite lively here because of the APEC thing. But anyway, 2nd semester! It just started this week. ~
That's true, although I'm getting the hang of it by now. uwu
Congratulations on your A!! :D :D And oh, yeah! My prof didn't leave! We really looked for a class wherein he's the one teaching, lmao. A lot of students avoid him because he's really strict and all, but idk, we all really learn a lot from him so yeah. It's kinda required? Since my school is a Dominican school kind of thing. Every program/course/major/whateverisitcalled have it. It's just for four consecutive semesters. This sem is my last one, and we have this immersion for it wherein we stay somewhere for 3 days ~
Oh my god, Hi Ashley!! Terribly late reply, but finally first semester is over! How are you? Damn, the new MAL layout surprised me... What do you think of it? OuO
Yep, I do! Anime isn't really much well accepted here (stereotypes and al), but most of my male college friends watched KnB as well ouo.
How was your tests? And thank you! I actually became closer to that Phil His prof by now, which sucks because I heard this sem is his last semester in our school. WHYY. He's such an amazing teacher. DX. My subjects were uh, Phil History, Intro to Comm Media, Development Comm, Comm Arts II, Theo (religious school-ish), Fil, Physical Science, and World Literature. OuO
Have you seen a SHINee lightstick? I swear they're so pretty. ;__;
oh dang. yeah the female streaming community is pretty toxic with males and sexual harassment >.> and there are some females who just make things worse by playing the stereotype even if they are far from it.
i played final fantasy as a child, i loved it!! i haven't played any since 10 or 11 though, omg.
I don't know if it would be effective though? I think I'll just laugh at it if I ever do it now. Augh speaking of which, summer anime are finished now and I'M STILL NOT DONE WITH THEM. Dammit, school. The only thing giving me comfort now is how we're gonna have our semester break soon!! Probably around first week of November? ;A; But I have to survive tons of papers and reports before that
Oh, so it's really that well known, eh? Basketball here is like, the "in" sports as well. There's people playing basketball everywhere. Small courts eveeeeerywhere. But you're not really going to be ~disowned~ but yeah, it's mostly the guys anyway. No no, no worries about it at all~! ^^ I wish we were Singapore because their 60Mbps internet is da bomb. Hajime no Ippo, was it? It used to air here so I'm familiar, but not really ~
Oh! Good luck!! I wish you all them good lucks!! GOOD LUCK!!
I saw my grades yesterday by the way. I'm not sure if I said it, but like, I have a grade to maintain, yeah? And my History was low in the prelims. But now it's 90!! I'm happy ;__; I've finished the term paper, but now I have another paper... All my papers are lame.
I just can't really find the color that I really love the most. I mean, the specific shade of blue. But I really REALLY love the color of SHINee's lightstick. I have one and I just really love it T^T. A bit dark for others?? But it's like "a very pale blue" ouo but ahh yes it loooks nice! ;A;
Wow, remember that I just bought a book? Well I ended up buying another. There was this sale on a mall near my grandma's when I visited them last Sunday, and I saw another (1) hardbound (2) Jeffery Deaver, and it's included in the same series as the first one I've bought! I feel like I'm becoming a hardbound-jeffery-deaver hoarder. ;_; DMC.... is what again? ||OTL. Congratulations!! Oh, reminds me, Philippines apparently beat Iran in the FIBA world cup or something, which is like, the undefeatable champions or stuff. Idk. ;u;
Oooh, well they're cute!! But I really like Tsuki and whatshisnameagain's combination. But like, IDK, I just really loved these hq babies as family so I can see them either non-romantic or romantic. <3 <3
All Comments (241) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
Cool ça, t'aimes Madoka, très bon choix ^^
Sinon je viens d'un club francophone, ça te dirait de nous rejoindre ?
On a des petits jeux sur le forum, des tournois anime et manga, des simulwatchs, un serveur Minecraft et plein d'autres activités :)
Hésite pas à faire un tour !
Sur ce, j'arrête de t'embêter ^^
I was sure this is far from original, though a quick Google search only turned up one image with the same concept.
And umm... hi. It's been a while. :3
Hi! It's so nice to hear from you again! No worries, no worries. I'm glad you're back. What have you been up to?
Congratulations! In just a few more weeks, I'll be calling you a doctor already. That's nice ~
Also, I still don't get the end thing, holy hell sorry OTL OTL.
Too many exams D: Are they written or practical ones? Nice to see you back though! I'm not as active on watching like I used to since I'm also somehow back in my superhero obsession so... yeah. orz
Oh my god, hi!!! I've been finally checking my comments from the beginning and HOLY SHIT I REALLY DIDN'T GET TO REPLY THIS ONE?? REALLY?? I felt like I've replied to this! Oh my god, so that was why.. ;A; I'm really sorry! How are you though? I miss you! <33 <33
How's everything there btw? How's university? uwu Well, the fares got lower here because of the continuous rollbacks in diesel... It's pretty cool to only pay 5 pesos as the minimum jeepney fare nowadays ouo
Wait, sorry, I can't understand.... run through Christmas...? But um, well, we usually have classes until around December 19th, then come back on January 4th... We just finished this immersion! It's on a 3 hour travel from our school. It was fun, living the simple life and all. No internet for three days, and like, there aren't any faucets there. They get their water from.... holy shit IDK the english word of "igib" and "poso" XDD. But underground water, thing? ;u;
How about you? What else is happening with youuuuu ~
Things have been also quite lively here because of the APEC thing. But anyway, 2nd semester! It just started this week. ~
That's true, although I'm getting the hang of it by now. uwu
Congratulations on your A!! :D :D And oh, yeah! My prof didn't leave! We really looked for a class wherein he's the one teaching, lmao. A lot of students avoid him because he's really strict and all, but idk, we all really learn a lot from him so yeah. It's kinda required? Since my school is a Dominican school kind of thing. Every program/course/major/whateverisitcalled have it. It's just for four consecutive semesters. This sem is my last one, and we have this immersion for it wherein we stay somewhere for 3 days ~
Yep, I do! Anime isn't really much well accepted here (stereotypes and al), but most of my male college friends watched KnB as well ouo.
How was your tests? And thank you! I actually became closer to that Phil His prof by now, which sucks because I heard this sem is his last semester in our school. WHYY. He's such an amazing teacher. DX. My subjects were uh, Phil History, Intro to Comm Media, Development Comm, Comm Arts II, Theo (religious school-ish), Fil, Physical Science, and World Literature. OuO
Have you seen a SHINee lightstick? I swear they're so pretty. ;__;
i played final fantasy as a child, i loved it!! i haven't played any since 10 or 11 though, omg.
Oh, so it's really that well known, eh? Basketball here is like, the "in" sports as well. There's people playing basketball everywhere. Small courts eveeeeerywhere. But you're not really going to be ~disowned~ but yeah, it's mostly the guys anyway. No no, no worries about it at all~! ^^ I wish we were Singapore because their 60Mbps internet is da bomb. Hajime no Ippo, was it? It used to air here so I'm familiar, but not really ~
Oh! Good luck!! I wish you all them good lucks!! GOOD LUCK!!
I saw my grades yesterday by the way. I'm not sure if I said it, but like, I have a grade to maintain, yeah? And my History was low in the prelims. But now it's 90!! I'm happy ;__; I've finished the term paper, but now I have another paper... All my papers are lame.
I just can't really find the color that I really love the most. I mean, the specific shade of blue. But I really REALLY love the color of SHINee's lightstick. I have one and I just really love it T^T. A bit dark for others?? But it's like "a very pale blue" ouo but ahh yes it loooks nice! ;A;
Wow, remember that I just bought a book? Well I ended up buying another. There was this sale on a mall near my grandma's when I visited them last Sunday, and I saw another (1) hardbound (2) Jeffery Deaver, and it's included in the same series as the first one I've bought! I feel like I'm becoming a hardbound-jeffery-deaver hoarder. ;_; DMC.... is what again? ||OTL. Congratulations!! Oh, reminds me, Philippines apparently beat Iran in the FIBA world cup or something, which is like, the undefeatable champions or stuff. Idk. ;u;
Oooh, well they're cute!! But I really like Tsuki and whatshisnameagain's combination. But like, IDK, I just really loved these hq babies as family so I can see them either non-romantic or romantic. <3 <3