Ghostly spirits roam in hush, yet their presence is felt. The gleaming eyes of slinking black cats, the flares of fairies discernible through the saw-toothed pumpkins, the moon's silver ray passing the smolder of the witches' brew. All those lights serve the festivities.
The groans of monsters between the chimes of the night bells. The clinking bones of shabby skeletons, the creaking of tall mansion doors, the irksome laugh of goblins along with the more soothing flutters of the bats. All those sounds serve the festivities.
Follow the call of the hiding owls while walking down the path covered in mist, as we eagerly await you in Mafia Society for the HALLOWEEN EVENT, which is held until the 26th of this month. This event is purely for fun, and so there is no competition like there was in some previous events. It consists of the following activities, which are open to all club members in need of spooky vibes:
Horror flick simulwatch
This weekend, on October 23rd, 16:00 GMT, groupwatches of various horror movies will be occuring, using the online platform Sign up here.
Pumpkin carving
We will open a thread where you will be able to post your own pumpkin carvings! A website specially designed to carve pumpkins will be provided, but you are also allowed to use real ones. We will then hold votings under various categories to determine who did the best carving job!
Skype mafia
If you are in the club's Skype group, you will be able to sign up for either (or both) of the two games planned for this weekend. The first game will be with webcams (wear a costume!), while the second game will be without webcams. Follow this link to sign up. The games will happen on October 22nd, 18:00 GMT.
Youkai thread
There will be a forum thread where various youkai and yuurei-related stories will be posted. Enjoy reading those if you are interested in Japanese folklore!
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat is a game where you will ask staff members "trick or treat" on their profiles. Your goal will be to find the staff members who will respond to you with "treat!", but you are only allowed three attempts a day. Moreover, if the staff says "treat", he will send you a challenge. Then, if you complete the challenge, you will receive candy points! If the staff says "trick", you will have to try someone else... Stick around in the club for when a thread talking about this activity will be opened!
The winner will receive a badge!
Finally, there will also be Halloween cards available! Don't miss out on them. On this note, we hope that you, as well, will serve the festivities...
Hello everyone!! How is the Summer going? ^^
We are glad to announce the opening of sign-ups for the joint Magi Summer Event of a collaboration between Mafia Society and 20+ !
And as you can guess, we want to invite you all to join us! Magi Summer Event will start on the 1st of July and will end on the 31st of the same month.
This is the 2nd Summer Event for Mafia Society and the 1st for 20+! The Magi Summer Event will take place in a seperate club for all participants and we will be invited to a Skype group and Discord's room during the duration of the Event. There you will be able both to participate in Event's games and chat with others :)
What are we going to do?
We are going to have such events: Town of Salem
Anime Watch Challenge
Pokemon Showdown
Truth or Dare
The Resistance Online
Cards Against Humanity
Magi Mafia
Vocaloid Mafia
Simultaneous Watch
Each of you will belong to one of the teams and by participating in events you will be able to collect points for yourself and your team! Enjoy games, gain points and change them to prizes in the Prize Shop!
In adition we will have a special Magi Characters Card Edition! And more! Everyone will get their team badges to keep memories of this up-coming Magi Summer Event!
We've discussed amongst ourselves that are in charge of Loyalty Cards that it's time to reset.
Yes. You read it right.
We wish to have done this in the beginning of the year but it's not too late so we want to implement this first and foremost. We're proud to know that we've been keeping up with the Loyalty System for as long as possible. We came to this conclusion because we thought it would be fair to people who are new to the club to start fresh with everyone that has been with us ever since we were open. It'll also help us organized better for those that actually use their Loyalty Cards rather than using them once in a while.
Resetting the Loyalty Cards will start on the1st of March.
New threads will be added and you'll have to request from scratch.
We know that some people that have already reached the Master stage would not be satisfied with this new fact. Unfortunately, there will be no excuses. We're going to stick with this but we do hope that you stay with us like you've always been. Each and every one of you are loyal to us and we're happy to have you request our cards daily. Please continue to do so. We are thinking of new ideas that we can do with Loyalty Cards especially that we've been having the same templates for more than a year...
so stay tune :)
Any further information, we'll let you know asap!
Questions or inquiries, you can PM Dear_Clouds_Bot and he will answer your concerns about the change.
Hello! I hope everyone is having a great day and are
doing well in your exams if you have any. February is the month of love
as Valentine's will be falling upon us on the 14th. To celebrate
Valentine's Mafia Society is back with our 2nd Valentine's Event!
It will start on the 6th and end on the 14th. We have a ton of games
planned for you all to participate in, where you can play and earn points to
win prizes. You can find what these games are and their thread below.
The top 5 point holders will win a movie date over skype or
with any staff member! Hope to see you there :)
[center] [code]G I G A N T I C D E L I V E R Y total editions: 8 || total cards: 333
any problems? leave a comment or pm me!
sorry for the suuuuuuuuper duuuuuuuuuper late delivery. :c
school has taken all over me, im late for 4-5 months because of dem school
i think you might not remember these threads anymore. press ctrl+f then your
old/new username if still not found, try your other names. message me if there
are problems. i think this is my last ever delivery. yeah some of you might
already forgotten me so yeah, enjoy your late cards ;u; save and rehost within 2 weeks
v v Cardsv v
[spoiler][quote]Anime Paradise Club Fairy Tail WE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚ Tokyo Ghoul LE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚ 100+ SE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
[center][color=lightblue]Newsletter 🌠 September 2015[/size][/color]
[center]Hello Citadel members! This is just a newsletter of this month that you can ignore this or delete it from your comments if you don't want to read it. This is the first edition so this will be sent out to every member, but after this issue we'll have a newsletter sign-up so if you want to receive these often you may sign up for that. This is just to notify and update you on the events and editions coming up in the Citadel this month! Please continue on if you want to see the events and editions.
Events this month: The Watching Challenge General Description:
Every two days, a staff or I will put up a anime we have watched. If you have watched this anime or watch this anime within 2 days you get a stamp on a card. If you get twenty of these, you'll upgrade to another card.
For more details on "The Watching Challenge" please refer to the forum of the challenge which will be put up soon later today.
Editions this month:
Toradora! RE ~ Opens September 4th
Angel Beats! LE ~ Opens September 8th
Death Note LE (Reprints) ~ Opens September 12th
Death Parade LE~ Opens September 16th
Spice & Wolf RE ~ Opens September 20th
Pink-Haired Anime Characters RE ~ Opens September 28th
We now have a official Skype group going on! Please click Here to join us now!
We are now opening a Youtubers edition which well re-new every weekly, to request some Youtubers we should do please click Here :)
Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
Hartwell: School of Enchantment will be shut down at the end of September.
It was a nice start on reviving this club and it's sad to say that I'll have to retire
for now. Perhaps until next summer or when the creator is back,
this club could be up and running again, along with our collab partner, Colorful Shining Stars Club.
I want to thank each and every one of you for joining this club, it really means a lot to us.
The next time you see HMSE, we will be starting from scratch and hope that everyone will support us and give us strength.
It's been nice working with everyone and I hope yall have a great day. Sayonara, until next time.
- HMSE Staff
All Comments (111) Comments
Yukiyo Club = Member Cards =
If there are any problems let me know~
◈ ◇ Important Announcement ◇ ◈
★ Sylph's CardShop
★ 50.000 SE - A-D ★ Cards ★ 163
★ 50.000 SE - E-I ★ Cards ★ 227
★ 50.000 SE - K-M ★ Cards ★ 189
★ 50.000 SE - N-P ★ Cards ★ 177
★ 50.000 SE - R-S ★ Cards ★ 136
★ 50.000 SE - T ★ Cards ★ 199
★ 50.000 SE - V-Z ★ Cards ★ 97
★ Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
★ Happiness Limited Edition ★ Cards ★ 115
★ Sadness Limited Edition ★ Cards ★ 105
★ Loneliness Limited Edition ★ Cards ★ 95
★ Fury Limited Edition ★ Cards ★ 89
★ Energized Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 87
★ Embarrassment Limited Edition ★ Cards ★ 41
★ Envy Rare Edition ★ Cards ★ 15
[code]G I G A N T I C D E L I V E R Y
total editions: 8 || total cards: 333
any problems? leave a comment or pm me!
sorry for the suuuuuuuuper duuuuuuuuuper late delivery. :c
school has taken all over me, im late for 4-5 months because of dem school
i think you might not remember these threads anymore. press ctrl+f then your
old/new username if still not found, try your other names. message me if there
are problems. i think this is my last ever delivery. yeah some of you might
already forgotten me so yeah, enjoy your late cards ;u;
save and rehost within 2 weeks
v v Cardsv v
[spoiler][quote]Anime Paradise Club
Fairy Tail WE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
Tokyo Ghoul LE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
100+ SE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
BL Addicts!
April OTM LE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
BL Categories
Member Cards v2
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
[url=]Ponytail/Pigtail Fan Club[/url]
1000+ Members LE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
The Laboratory of Crazy Scientists
Mawaru Penguindrum LE
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
Yaoi Cards & Cafe
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi ME
✚ Thread ✚ Cards ✚
Any problems, let me know.
[spoiler] [size=100]
☆ dear clouds;
Sailor Moon Edition || Cards
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Edition || Cards
Apples Edition || Cards
Military edition || Cards
Black and White Edition || Cards
Trains Edition || Cards
Summer Edition || Cards
Tsuritama Edition || Cards
Paper Planes || Cards
Namine's Café
Instrument Edition || Cards
Chibi Edition || Cards
HMSE 🎭 Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
Summer Dress Edition || Cards
Pudding Edition || Cards
Movie/Anime Member Cards (MAMC)
Claim an Anime in July || Cards
Claim an Anime in August || Cards
Official Member Cards || Cards
Free! Edition || Cards
Yuru yuri Edition || Cards
Kamisama Hajimemashita Edition || Cards
Random Edition || Cards
★ Sylph's CardShop
★ Swim Ring RE ★ Cards ★ 108
★ Patamon LE ★ Cards ★ 106
★ Hestia SE ★ Cards ★ 100
★ Happy Birthday chaosflame5 SE ★ Cards ★ 139
★ Cho Cho Empire
★ Picnic LE ★ Cards ★ 34
★ Favorite Anime SE ★ Cards ★ 32
[center]Hello Citadel members! This is just a newsletter of this month that you can ignore this or delete it from your comments if you don't want to read it. This is the first edition so this will be sent out to every member, but after this issue we'll have a newsletter sign-up so if you want to receive these often you may sign up for that. This is just to notify and update you on the events and editions coming up in the Citadel this month! Please continue on if you want to see the events and editions.
Events this month:
The Watching Challenge
General Description:
Every two days, a staff or I will put up a anime we have watched. If you have watched this anime or watch this anime within 2 days you get a stamp on a card. If you get twenty of these, you'll upgrade to another card.
For more details on "The Watching Challenge" please refer to the forum of the challenge which will be put up soon later today.
Editions this month:
Toradora! RE ~ Opens September 4th
Angel Beats! LE ~ Opens September 8th
Death Note LE (Reprints) ~ Opens September 12th
Death Parade LE~ Opens September 16th
Spice & Wolf RE ~ Opens September 20th
Pink-Haired Anime Characters RE ~ Opens September 28th
We now have a official Skype group going on! Please click Here to join us now!
We are now opening a Youtubers edition which well re-new every weekly, to request some Youtubers we should do please click Here :)
Open Games/Forums:
What You Failed to Mention
Seiyuu Alphabet
Card Suggestions
Open Card Editions:
Official Member Cards!
For the Staff:
Card Makers - Card Drop Off
If you wish to become a staff member, please click here!
If you wish to become a card maker, please click here!
Staff Badges
Staff Cards
Card Makers - Edition Schedule
Thank you for reading this months newsletter! Stay tuned for the next one!
Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
◆◇◆◇ S E P T E M B E R N E W S L E T T E R ◆◇◆◇