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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Mar 25, 10:20 AM
· Scored
All Comments (54) Comments
Voz mais sexy desse mundo qqq
i'm buying anohana, aoharaido, oremonogatari and some marvel hq.
i've tried crunchyroll, but i prefer reading than watching, and i'm realy having no time at all to watch.
handa kun i've watched the first two epp with my boyfriend yesterday. but just because he was watching together.
Sure, I can correct your grammar. XD Interesting = that's the word you use to describe something.
You should have used *Interested = it means, you are curious about something.
I'm not that good teacher but I will correct your grammar. Feel free to ask me any questions about English!
You should see this It's pretty good.
I see a lot of opinions about Mayoiga, I want to see it for myself :v
Yeah, I started to watch some anime now.
But I have exams soon, need to study.
where re u?
I think your English is pretty good, why do you wish to learn it more fluently? XD
I can correct you if you ever make any mistakes if that makes it easier.
Yeah, I saw trailer of Ajin anime and didn't seem that good, the animation was bad I think.
By the way, you should say score instead of note. :o
Kiznaiver seems like a lot of like Durarara!! I wonder if they are same concept too.
Not really, I haven't watched any anime for about a month :>
But anything good this season if you watch any?
It's bad habit of mine to always forget reply to people :/
Ahh. Not many friends to talk to? I'm sure there's club for Brasilians, tried sending random friend requests? ~
I use still MAL a lot. Don't watch anime as often, lol.
Watching anything good?
Oohhh. It's you. Last time we talked was 3 years ago. XD
I guess I did ask before and never replied, sorry.
But how are you? ~
You aren't that active on MAL anymore?
Wish I were... And the mangas I was reading, were all bookmarked at my celphone that got stolen last week x.x